SERP results are overflowing with the same search query asked millions of times. What are the top marketing trends 2020?

Like everyone is talking of chatbots, personalization and social commerce, augmented reality and bla bla bla. But, no one is reaching the depth of future possibilities.

Getting a good number of hits, clicks, a good bounce rate, and brand awareness were once you needed. But, now, customer interaction, connecting with buyers has become premium. Trends keep on changing!

For many businesses in 2019, marketing they are following as a marketer isn’t working well. If it isn’t generating money; it isn’t converting to sales. So, what’s the point?

However, the future is what, held unsettled at present. To keep yourself up-to-date with all the latest industry trends here is a compiled a list of marketing trends that could arise in 2020 and guide your marketing strategies.




1. Consumer behavior and Search patterns Analysis through AI

As per the tech gurus, the eCommerce Industry is ready to gross to $700 billion by 2022. And in 2020, AI will offer greater benefits to the eCommerce Industry.

On turning back, to recent years, I found Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce has changed the working pattern by identifying patterns, data sets, and create a personalized experience to the audience.

Right from the chatbots to virtual assistants, AI is empowering brands with creating unique customer experiences for its audience. And businesses are adopting Artificial Intelligence, to cut the headcounts and speed up the overall business growth.

I was shopping jacket for me, I just loved the way, The North Face gets me what I wanted for myself. Everyone knows this a large eCommerce retailer that has set a great example by using AI to better understand their consumers. By using IBM’s AI solution called Watson, they are helping their customers discovering their perfect jacket.

When I entered the site, I get totally stunned, the moment someone asked me, “where and when will you be utilizing your jacket?” through voice input AI technology. IBM’s software then scans examines several items to discover impeccable matches based on real-time input.

Till now, Artificial Intelligence is doing great and in the upcoming months, artificial intelligence is going to give the wow effect for all the ecommerce owners.

  • Basic communication
  • Product recommendations
  • Content creation
  • Email personalization
  • E-commerce transactions

2. Appealing Personalization

Personalization was highly impactful 2019 after all 80% say they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences, but in 2020, it will slightly change its meaning. Personalized content, emails, and now what?

Well, if you look at the past year, you found eCommerce brands have implemented personalization in a way –

  • Personalize Product Pages Based on Location
  • Display Recently Viewed Items
  • Create Personalized Homepages
  • Send Emails Based on User Behavior
  • Make More Personal Recommendations

According to Gartner, it is estimated that by 2020, e-commerce businesses that make use of smart personalization software will see at least a 15% rise in their profits. 2020 is ready to achieve next-level personalization with customizable products. Not only this, you will experience –

  • Weather-sensitive personalization for weather-based marketing
  • The personalized customer reward system
  • Adjusting Navigation to visitor’s interests
  • Personalized Customer Service

“The future of search will be about pictures rather than keywords,” stated Pinterest CEO, Ben Silbermann. This is also a very interesting way to conduct searches on google, people are enjoying visual search by uploading their images to get more specific search results.

Even though it’s been 2 years, Pinterest launched lens, and it is today when a Pinterest lens identifies 2.5 billion home and fashion objects, has inspired over 600 million searches on browser extensions and Pinterest’s mobile apps.

Not only Pinterest but there are also a lot of platforms available, which are attracting user’s attention Google Lens, Bing Visual Search, CamFind, etc.


4. SERP Position Zero and VSEO

If you see the last two years, voice search is on a boom, everyone is searching for ways to optimize their site content according to voice search results. And According to Econsultancy, by 2020, 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen. Or, By 2020, 50% of all searches will be conducted via voice.

Brian Dean has also stated in his recent post, where he shared stats that say featured snippet may help you rank in voice search. 40.7% of all voice search answers came from a Featured Snippet.

In short, “position zero” or “rank zero” is the most embellishing way to be on the Top of VSEO (Voice Search Engine Optimization).

This state of voice search will create a lot of opportunities for marketers this 2020. If Smart Speaker Ownership increments over the coming years, voice search volume will likewise likely increment; or that mobile voice search may drop endlessly as smart speaker voice search gets on.

5. Micro-Moments

Harsh but true, people are spending less time with their families, loved ones, more on their handsets. Over 77% of the U.S. population owns a smartphone, and 52.2% of all internet traffic is mobile-based.

You can ask me why I am telling you all this? Modern consumers are more connected to the digital world. And Micro-moments is one way to “to help users turn to a device to act on a need – to go, know, do or buy”

These micro-moments allow your consumers to take instant decisions in 4 ways. To get the most out of micro-moments, what you need to mark in your to-listed 2020 –

  • Identify “I want to buy” moments
  • Measure every moment that matter
  • Be Available at the time of the need
  • Easy Purchase Options

6. Real-Time Connection With Conversational Marketing

Despite Chatbots are wonderful, still, modern marketing seeks to be more human, less robotic. And, you need to understand, 2020 is the start of a new decade. There will be a huge demand for marketing automation software like HubSpot, Marketo, MailChimp, etc. Automating tasks will be in trend, but the human intent shouldn’t be unconsidered.

Studies say, 82% of consumers want an immediate response from you otherwise they leave.

Conversational Marketing is a way of establishing a real-time connection with your audience and flourish one-to-one communication. This marketing majorly aims to give the best customer experience, every time the user interacts with you.

This Marketing trend has huge potential to outshine on the landscape of 2020. It will make sure you are communicating with your customers they want you to communicate with them.

7. Growth of Geo-Fencing

Geo-fencing as the name says, targeting your contacts based on their location. And the most recent example of geo-fencing is Burger King Trolls McDonald’s.

Burger King built 600 Feet fenced around McDonald’s, which lets him. Burger King urged its clients to go to McDonald’s, however, with a wind. When they entered the “fence,” they could open an arrangement for a one-penny Whopper burger on the Burger King app.

It’s like everyone is using Geo-fencing, whether it’s Dunkin’, Sephora, Waze Pins 76 Gas Stations, etc. Not only this, this market is set to grow to $2.4 billion by 2023–along with the rise of mobile use.


Google explains Smart Bidding is a subset of automated bid strategies that use machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction—a feature known as “Auction-time bidding”. Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize Conversions, and Enhanced CPC (ECPC) are all Smart Bidding strategies.

Time will tell, how far it is true, but paid advertising is ready to capture more attention this 2020, when social media is on the same plate. This Marketing trend will benefit the advertisers in space, with more ROI (Return On Investment) on less Ad spend.

Utilize your Google Smart Bidding Feature in Google Ads. and achieve your Pay Per Click Goals, that includes –

  • Target CPA – Bag New leads and customers for a maximum cost per acquisition that you set.
  • Target ROAS – Lock your target to get the best return on your advertising spend.
  • Maximize Conversions – Attain Advertising conversion rates, whether your aim is to get more subscribers, sales, downloads.

9. Privacy Marketing

Privacy is a major concern. You all must know the implication of EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that went into effect in 2018.

After so many concerns and laws, it becomes challenging for marketers to retain access to consumer’s data. If you want to take the control back in your hands, rack up your data ethics privacy strategy.

Let me take you into the Forbes shell on Privacy Marketing, that will help you earn your customer’s trust this 2020.

  • Know your audience, research them well.
  • Finding the right channel to target a specific audience.
  • Engage your audience with relevant content development and sharing.
  • Try to build the “emotional connect” with your intended audience.

10. Social Media Fantasies 

After the miraculous success of Tiktok, marketers are more focused on investing in Tiktok Ads. We will see more ads on Instagram Stories and it will center this social media channel on investing more money since organic reach will continue to decrement in upcoming months.

Not only this, Twitter will promote customer engagement with public content, as per Gregory Maxson, Senior Manager, Data Sales and Developer Partnerships at Twitter.

So, what you need to do in 2020 is –

  • Use public feeds to increase reach
  • Automate the easy stuff
  • Add links to your social media Stories
  • Use polls within Instagram Stories
  • Add mentions for other brands and your fan
  • Give the live video a try when creating Stories
  • Don’t Miss Snapchat Geofilters
  • Exceed time limit with your audience interaction with IGTV

Wrapping up!

I have sparkled top 10 Marketing trends, that will enlighten the courtyard of your business this 2020. You can back up yourself and get yourself ready according to these upcoming trends.

So, rack up yourself with fresh business strategies, that will help you make lots of money this 2020, and get the edge of your competitors.

If you find this blog interesting, share it to spread the karma and don’t forget to share your opinions, what you think should be in trend 2020, drop a comment.

Get A Chance To Feature Yourself In This Blog

Which Trend Did I, Miss? Drop Comment. I Will Add That To My Post With Your Name.

Published On: January 16, 2020 / Categories: eCommerce, Google Analytics, PPC, SEO, Social Media /

She is a Copywriter & Business Blogger at MakeWebBetter. She loves producing helpful content in HubSpot, Ecommerce, Marketing Automation, PPC Advertising, Digital Marketing, Inbound Sales. On her desk, she wears multiple hats, from Technical Writer, Blogger, Content Marketer, Strategist. She writes content that sells and is on the mission to kick out boring business content out of the web, with her enchanting writing style. Meanwhile, she is addicted to coding, coffee, and cool jazz.


  1. Priya Sharma December 30, 2020 at 6:12 am - Reply

    I am doing some self learning about popular marketing trends, your article is really very helpful thanks for sharing.

  2. Harsh Patel October 14, 2020 at 1:05 pm - Reply

    Hello, I read your post and your post is very inspiring to me. and your information is very amazing and so much useful for me. Keep it up and Thank you very much.:)

  3. debora October 5, 2020 at 8:06 am - Reply

    Very informative article with knowledgeable insights. Thanks for sharing such a great blog!

  4. Shubham September 25, 2020 at 5:24 am - Reply

    Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing blog with us. The entire information is really good. Please keep sharing more blogs like this.

    • Vidushi Dwivedi September 28, 2020 at 1:03 pm - Reply

      Thank you Shubham for your comments. I will surely be sharing more interesting content with you.
      Stay safe!

  5. etdigital marketing August 14, 2020 at 4:58 am - Reply

    Thanks for sharing Top 10 Marketing Trends 2020. You have shared almost all the things which is trending in the market. I like the points That you have shared . The points Social Media Fantasies and Privacy Marketing are the points which we like very much. this article is very importent for every digital marketer.

    • Vidushi Dwivedi August 17, 2020 at 8:28 am - Reply

      Thanks a lot etdigital marketing for sharing your views on my blog. It feels great, you found my words interesting and I really appreciate your recommendation.

  6. Riya Mathur April 28, 2020 at 1:17 pm - Reply

    Hello, thanks for sharing amazing information on Marketing Trends 2020 Can Kill Your Business.Your post helped me a lot to clear my confusion regarding digital marketing and eCommerce. Keep posting!

  7. Third Law April 25, 2020 at 4:29 am - Reply

    Hi, Thanks for this useful article.

    • Vidushi Dwivedi April 29, 2020 at 6:53 am - Reply

      Thank you for your appreciating words. Keep reading, stay safe.

  8. Murtaza Bharmal April 13, 2020 at 6:34 am - Reply

    Hi. Your information is valuable.
    I’m glad I found your website, I really like it, the article is very useful and I shared it!

  9. Mike Volkin January 30, 2020 at 5:53 am - Reply

    I agree that digital marketing will change massively in 2020.
    Many trends will make their place actively, and others will lag. But we need to come up with ideas that will take us to success.

    Thanks to the writer for writing for such thoughtful and informative writing!

    • Vidushi Dwivedi January 30, 2020 at 7:49 am - Reply

      Thank you, Mike, for appreciating words. You can check more interesting posts with same zest, here.

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