fabric Product Update Q1 2023

fabric Product Update Q1 2023

Shopify & BigCommerce Integrations, Inventory Networks and more

Commerce Platform | Dropship | Order Management (OMS)

fabric Dropship

Shopify integration enhancements

fabric Dropship has a pre-built out-of-the-box integration with Shopify, nearly eliminating your integration time and costs. This means you can get immediate ROI on your fabric Dropship investment. This edition further improves the connection between fabric Dropship and the retailer/ vendor Shopify platform.

Inventory by location

Suppliers can now specify the warehouse locations from which they want to sync inventory instead of aggregating inventory from their entire shop.

Benefits: Suppliers get better control over the merchandise they want to share with retailers for dropshipping.

Vendor Product Management

Interoperability features

In today’s world, efficiency is more important than ever. That’s why we built interoperability across Shopify and fabric Dropship so you can work where you prefer. Here are a few highlights:

  • If an order is pushed to or pulled from Shopify, users can now inspect the Shopify order details directly from the fabric Dropship Copilot. Therefore, vendors can now view order details directly in their Shopify store.
  • Orders that fail to push to a vendor’s Shopify (likely because of an SKU issue) will now show a warning in fabric Dropship Copilot allowing for quicker resolution of order sync-related issues for the customer.
  • Shipping carriers can now be mapped from Shopify to fabric Dropship during vendor onboarding (and via the Shopify configuration page).
  • fabric Dropship can now listen to order updates from Shopify and process changes in quantities as cancellations.

Benefits: fabric Dropship integrates seamlessly with your current workflow. Work from either your Shopify account or your fabric account. No need to juggle between systems.

Retailer release notes
Vendor release notes

Product export templates

Template Details

You can now customize and control precisely how fabric Dropship exports product data to Shopify. You can map primary attributes, tags, and even meta fields saving you a ton of time. Mapping attributes to meta fields give Shopify frontends access to a full product attribute set to build great product detail pages (PDPs).

Benefits: More control. Higher productivity. Great customer experience.

Import Products and Attributes

Tracking number corrections

Vendors can now submit corrections to existing tracking numbers. A history of all tracking numbers and their corrections is also kept in a dashboard. A merchant’s Shopify store receives the update on the tracking number once it is updated in fabric Dropship.

Benefits: Improved accuracy of customer tracking information and lower number of customer support inquiries related to incorrect tracking numbers.

Retailer Shipment and Tracking
Vendor Shipment and Tracking

fabric Dropship

BigCommerce Integration

BigCommerce Integration

Vendors using BigCommerce can directly integrate with Dropship for inventory, orders, and fulfillment details, which will be synced between the two systems automatically. This means:

  • All inventory updates on eligible items flow from BigCommerce to Dropship
  • All purchase orders created in fabric Dropship are automatically visible in the vendor’s BigCommerce account
  • Order fulfillment and tracking updates flow from the vendor’s BigCommerce account to fabric Dropship and the connected merchant account

Benefits: Faster ROI on your fabric Dropship investment. Smooth information exchange between fabric and BigCommerce. Seamless integration with your current workflow. No need to juggle between systems.

3 Remarkably Successful Dropshipping Stores Powered by fabric

fabric Dropship

WooCommerce Integration

WooCommerce Integration

Vendors using WooCommerce are now able to integrate with fabric Dropship during their onboarding workflow directly. This means:

  • Inventory can be synced from WooCommerce to fabric Dropship based on webhooks
  • Order Fulfillment can be synced from WooCommerce to fabric Dropship based on webhooks
  • Orders can be pushed from fabric Dropship to WooCommerce

Benefits: Faster ROI on your fabric Dropship investment. Smooth information exchange between fabric and WooCommerce. Seamless integration with your current workflow. No need to juggle between systems.

Learn more about fabric Dropship

fabric OMS

Inventory Networks

Inventory Networks

Inventory networks offer a way to segment inventory and set aggregation rules by location, network, or channel. With this new functionality in Copilot, fabric’s merchant UI, the business users are in control of what inventory to sell and where—without writing any code.

  • Compose inventory aggregation rules
  • Create subgroups and supergroups
  • Exclude products or categories by brand or region
  • Configure logic by fulfillment methods (e.g. Direct shipping v/s BOPIS)

Learn about Chico’s and fabric partnership

fabric OMS

Improved inventory list and details

Inventory list and details

The new inventory list and detail pages provide fabric Copilot users the ability to view and search inventory in a list view, and the ability to view and update the JSON data for a detailed inventory view.


  • Inventory planners can upload information about inbound inventory, such as backorder availability by SKU, for production inventory updates used in upstream systems.
  • Users can make quick updates, such as ad hoc updates or inventory management, as an alternative to the bulk upload.
  • Developers can manage test data faster in Copilot than in a multiple-endpoint workflow for lower environment testing.

Inventory Management in 2023: Tackling Supply Chain Issues

fabric OMS

Inventory import history

Inventory Import History

fabric OMS offers bulk inventory import through Copilot, our merchant UI. With the new inventory import history page in fabric OMS, users can view the history of successful and failed inventory import details.


  • Inventory Planners upload and edit inventory data efficiently.
  • Developers can create test data in bulk, faster in Copilot than in a multiple-endpoint workflow for lower environment testing.

Get fabric OMS Developer Guide

Updated Developer Portal

fabric Developer Portal

As part of our dedicated focus on continuously improving the experience of building with fabric, we are excited to present a new developer portal. Take a deeper dive into the fabric platform, test out our APIs, check out the new community forum, and more.

Visit the portal



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Topics: Product
Mili Dutta

Product marketing @ fabric. Previously @ Accenture and Infosys.