Adobe Summit Session Recap | Multi-Channel Content Syndication at Scale

Adobe Summit Session Recap | Multi-Channel Content Syndication at Scale

Did you miss our recent Adobe Summit session, Multi-Channel Content Syndication at Scale?

No problem! You can listen to the recording from the link above or read the recap below to learn how healthcare companies can become more digitally mature and manage content syndication at scale.

Session Speakers:

The Digital Maturity of the Healthcare Industry

All of the speakers agreed that the pandemic was a huge driver for change as healthcare patients, plan members, and professionals now see themselves as consumers. These healthcare consumers expect to be able to make value-based decisions based on access, value, and convenience.

Tom Swanson elaborated, “The pandemic forced our industry into digital-first thinking. That’s what empowered the idea of consumerization. Finally, healthcare consumers are thinking, why is managing my health insurance different from buying a plane ticket? We finally have the opportunity to drive experiences based on what good and bad experiences are in other industries.”

Dave Grimm added, “Many businesses are complicated, but there’s no reason why healthcare can’t move forward.”

How Healthcare Brands Can Meet Customer Expectations

Tom Swanson explained that one of the simplest things you can do to start the personalization process is to use your current customer data. Even if it’s as simple as making the content based around specific geographic locations, this will immediately impact content viewers.

Panelists discussed content syndication and how healthcare brands can create content once and syndicate through multiple channels. Through content syndication, brands can provide personalization for all channels where customers want to be engaged instead of having to develop content for each specific channel.

“The idea of being able to create once, use multiple times, and use very basic data to determine what gets served up and in what channel is the key to starting this whole personalization process,” Swanson stated.

Adobe Solutions for Healthcare Companies

Not only should a website have a good experience, but it should be personalized as the customer is looking for content.

Swanson explained the most significant change within the healthcare industry, “A key component for capturing the imagination of consumers is being where they are already as opposed to asking them to come to you.”

Adobe Experience Manager enables personalization through Adobe Target. Adobe Target gives Blue Shield of California the ability to provide personalized content by Line of Business, starting with IFP and Medicare on the unauthenticated homepage.

“You have the ability, through a single application property, to use the data that you have to understand who that customer is and make sure you’re serving up the appropriate messaging or content that will get them to engage or authenticate,” stated Swanson.

Are you interested in learning more about multi-channel content syndication? Contact the Blue Acorn iCi team to see how we can help.

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