
The focus of the iGaming world has shifted gradually to online casinos. First companies arrived in the first days of the Internet, but they grew bigger as technology advanced. As a result, the market value of online gambling sites reached $72.3 billion in the last year, and it continues streamlined growth.

Nowadays, online casinos have really taken off with a smartphone in every pocket and widespread broadband internet. The apparent difference between brick-and-mortar and online casinos is in the venue. To visit the traditional retail casino, you must enter the building. For an online casino, you need the Internet and almost any kind of device.

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Online casinos attract new customers with a progressive jackpot and promotional offers like welcoming bonuses, free spins, and games. In addition, they can create numerous bonus offers because they don’t have to worry about real estate, employees, and inventory expenses.

Land-based casinos must pay for the location, staff, and equipment, while online counterparts don’t have significant overhead expenses. Simultaneously, iGaming has access to more users gambling online. 

Number of games

You can find substantial retail casinos with a broad selection of games. And while you can get lost in the most prominent land-based houses, they can’t compare with a regular online casino. Gamers can find thousands of slot games online with attractive graphics, varied game mechanics and easily add a game. Online casinos also have blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, and other popular casino games. 

Erasing the boundaries

The main appeal of the retail casino is playing with live players, going out, and enjoying the experience. And while online casinos still don’t offer part of the going out experience, playing with live dealers and players is available. In addition, live casinos are booming now that broadband technology is widely accessible. 

You can play against other live players and communicate with them and the dealer in real-time. In addition, some online casinos develop modern options like VR gaming that will increase the immersion of the game experience.


One of the critical advantages of online casinos is convenience. You can play games at any time and regardless of where you are if you go on a coffee break at work, commuting, or lying in your bed in pyjamas. In addition, an online casino is one click away with thousands of games and promotional offers.

Security and payment methods

Retail casinos have security services and cameras on-premise that ensure everything is going according to rules. So your money is safe, and you can enjoy the experience. Online casinos offer a high level of safety with websites using SSL encryption for communication with users and advanced payment methods.

Most modern online casinos have more than 20 accepted payment methods, including bank transfers, credit cards, e-wallets, and even cryptocurrencies on some websites. As a result, you have a visual overview of your credit status and can monitor expenses closely in an online casino. 

Retail casinos had the advantage of instant payouts in cash, but lately, with so many payment options, you can find many online casinos with instant payouts. 

Overall gambling experience

Experience is a subjective category, and you can’t find one answer that suits all players. When you get into the game, the core gaming experience is similar, and so are the outcomes. However, we come to the first noticeable difference. Playing in a retail casino gives you extended social interaction with other players and the staff. 

Online casinos give you an excellent user experience, convenience, and a large selection of games. However, it is probably better if you don’t want the social part. With the rise of live casino games, you can argue that iGaming is slowly erasing the social advantage of retail casinos.


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