Pinterest Continues International Expansion in Latin America


Q1 2021 was a period of serious growth for Pinterest, with the platform reporting 478 million monthly active users.

There has been an increased focus on international expansion for Promoted Pins in recent months, evidenced by a 37% international increase compared to just a 9% lift in US Pinterest users year over year.

A large portion of this growth stems from Latin America. Pinterest began with providing advertising offerings in Brazil last month and plans to move forward with the initiative in Mexico, as well.

The platform mentioned that Mexico has over 23 million active users each month, but will have its work cut out in solidifying its position in the digital space as Pinterest ranks seventh in overall social media use in Mexico.

That being said, the platform saw a staggering 93% increase in native searches throughout 2020. With the continued efforts to expand Pinterest advertising, Argentina, Chile, and Columbia are all in the pipeline for the platform’s growth.

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TikTok Expands Ad Offering to Include Lead Gen

In an effort to provide advertisers with additional insight into potential customers, TikTok is rolling out lead gen ads.

This new ad type makes it easy for TikTok users to give their information via a form that will populate directly in their in-stream ads. These ads can auto-populate, giving users a more seamless experience and lowering the barriers for advertisers to gain valuable extra context on individual customers.

Much like other platforms, these lead gen ads will be highly customizable, feature CRM integration capabilities, and provide downloadable results directly from the TikTok platform. Garnering this user data directly from the individual users means the info will be largely unaffected by Apple’s most recent iOS updates.

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Twitter Touts New “Super Follow” for Influencers

Twitter is rolling out another exciting social commerce tool with its “Super Follow” feature. This tool should pave the way for influencers on the platform to generate revenue with exclusive content reserved for their Super Followers.

For just $4.99 a month, these followers will have access to said content and exclusive deals and discounts that are tailored to their favorite influencers. This is a unique maneuver from Twitter to get creators Tweeting more often and their followers refreshing their feeds more frequently.

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  • Twitter tests new “Super Follow” and tipping options in the app

Facebook Offering New Social Commerce Tools

The rise of influencer marketing is well-documented, with studies showing that 70% of consumers trust user-generated content (UGC) more than branded content.

With 4 out of 5 customers crediting influencer content in their purchase decisions, social media platforms are scrambling to develop products that will allow creators and businesses to cash in.

Similarly, we are seeing shoppable content become more widely adopted as it gives users a frictionless path to purchase from organic posts to checkout pages.

This technology, which has been exclusively available for brands, is now being opened up to creators.

With UGC being a main motivator for purchases, users will now start seeing product tags appear on their favorite influencers’ Instagram and Facebook accounts. We only expect other social media channels to follow suit as this Social Commerce trend builds momentum.

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What Is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is an audio-only social media app that describes itself as “a new type of social product based on voice [that] allows people everywhere to talk, tell stories, develop ideas, deepen friendships, and meet interesting new people around the world.”

Audio is not recorded and is not saved. While the app is currently invite-only, expansion plans are in development. The app is positioned and weighted heavily towards celebrities and professionals hosting conversations and driving thought leadership among niche communities and topics.

While Clubhouse does not currently offer in-app advertising functionality, marketers have several avenues to leverage Clubhouse to build engaged communities and increase brand awareness, including hosting branded events and clubs, host sponsor reads, paid guest spots, and even product placement.

As Clubhouse is still new, now would be an ideal time for brands and advertisers to experiment with the platform functionality and test ways to engage with its growing audience.

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