A Handy Dropship.Me Review: Everything You Need to Know

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Running a successful e-commerce store is a heck of a lot easier when you have the right plugins installed.

This is where Dropship.me comes into its own.

In light of this, we've put together a comprehensive Dropship.me review- so you can decide whether this resource is right for your business.

Let's dive in!

Dropship.me Review: What's Dropship.me?

You can easily spend hours researching potential products to dropship from your e-commerce store, to then realize further down the line the product's a dud and no one wants to buy it.

However, with Dropship.me most of the guesswork's irradiated. This plugin helps you find top quality goods from across virtually every AliExpress product category.

The central premise of Dropship.me is that they've already spent the time curating a selection of products that have proven to sell. This is fabulous if you want to start selling in a niche you don't know much about.

Plus, it's super simple to import these products onto your store. All you have to do is find a product you want to sell and hit the ‘import button.'

dropship me

As I began researching for this Dropship.me review, I soon realized one of the best things about this plugin is that you don't have to spend ages rewriting the product descriptions- all the legwork's been done for you when you import the product details.

They've already SEO-optimized the product descriptions, and when you import one of their chosen products you can create product categories and remove item descriptors (should you wish).

Plus, Dropship.me provide filters that'll help your peruse through their products, to find goods that complement your store.ย You can edit the filters to source stock with the best ratings, profit margins, price, etc.

However, Dropship.me's powered by AliDropship which means the plugin only works with stores powered by WordPress and/orย WooCommerce. So, those using Shopify can't access it- which is arguably the most significant drawback of the plugin.

How Do They Know These Are ‘Winning Products'?

This is a pretty big sticking point- so let's look at this in more detail. Here are a few of the things Dropship.me consider before recommending an AliExpress product:

  • Market trends
  • The level of demand buyers have (it needs to be high enough)
  • Consistently high ratings and excellent feedback from consumers
  • The quality of the product
  • There scope to make a profit
  • The reliability of vendors- Dropship.meย has 23 criteria they use to analyze whether a supplier is trustworthy enough to make it onto their database.

How Much Will Dropship.me Set Me Back?

Here are the current packages available:

  • Free (and no payment details required): 50 products to import
  • $29: 100 products to import
  • $119: 500 products to import
  • $199: 1000 products to import

If you go for any of the paid options, it's a one-off fee. You'll receive aย  ‘package code' that'll enable you to activate your purchase. This ensures your product imports are added to your balance.

dropship me prices

We highly recommend using the free option first. This allows you to see whether the plugin suits your needs before committing your hard-earned cash on anything.

You won't be restricted by the products you can access with the free version- it works the same.

With any of the packages you'll get access to:

  • Over 50,000 top-notch products. These are hand-picked-daily (so, no need to worry if you're running a niche store- there's plenty of goods for you to choose from).
  • You can import reviews published on AliExpress that complement your product. Did you know as many as Dropship.me said they're more likely to make a purchase online after they've seen a positive review? This makes this feature incredibly impressiveย because there's a good chance it'll help you boost your conversion rates.
  • Lifelong access to customer support.
  • Recommended pricing markup:ย If you're not 100% sure how much you should be selling a product you can use Dropship.me's recommended pricing markup. If you want, you can apply this automatically as you import your products.

Is the Dropship.me Plugin All I Need to Download?

In short, yes.

Put simply; It's an independent and isolated plugin that works with Woocommerce stores. Please note, that to successfully install Dropship.me you'll also need (in addition to WordPress): a domain name and hosting.

However, Dropship.me does complement another plugin, AliDropship:

ali dropship dropship.me

How Much Is the AliDropship Plugin?

Yes, we know this is a Dropship.me review but this info on AliDropship is relevant.

Circling back to costs for a second. Yes, there's a free option for Dropship.me however, you'll have to pay $89 to access the AliDropship plugin- so if you're on a seriously tight budget, then this might not be the best solution for you- at the moment.

Here's a quick rundown of the main features AliDropship has to offer:

  • A plethora of expertly designed themes for your store. These are easy to install and simple to customize to reflect your branding.
  • Support withย WooCommerce- AliDropship has plenty of themes and extensions on offer to facilitate this platform
  • Access to their pricing markup formula.
  • System updates that ensure the info displayed on your store are consistent with AliExpress.

alidropship dropship.me review

Dropship.me and AliDropship are similar in nature. They're both designed to help e-commerce store owners tackle tediousย tasks that are essential for the smooth and successful running of a drop shipping business.

However, they function very differently.

Dropship.me focuses on inventory, i.e., finding high-converting products. Whereas, AliDropship is far more diverse. It offers all manner of solutions including store creation and automating marketing and management tasks.

Check out our full Alidropship Review to learn more.

How Do I Activate the App?

If you've already downloaded the plugin, you might be wondering how to activate it:

  1. Locate ‘Plugins' on your WordPress dashboard and click it, then select ‘Add New'
  2. Now click ‘Upload Plugin.'
  3. Select ‘choose file'. Then, find the Dropship.meย file on your laptop (dropship-me.zip file)
  4. Click on the file and select ‘install now.'
  5. Once it's finished installing select ‘Activate Plugin.'

Once you've followed all the above steps, the Dropship.me button should appear to the left your WordPress dashboard. Click on it and enter your license key (this should have been emailed to you). Now select ‘activate'.

Then, voila- just like that, you're up and running!

Who Does Dropship.me Mainly Benefit?

If you're brand new to e-commerce, Dropship.Me is amazing. It'll certainly help steer you in the right direction and get the ball rolling. If you're not sure what products to sell, it'll provide you with some much-needed inspiration.

Or, if you're already up and running and want to expand your online store, you can use Dropship.meย to save both time and money on conducting product research.

This will free up a lot of time for you to focus your energy on other tasks like marketing, customer support, split testing, etc.

Did You Enjoy This DropShip.me Review?

This begs the question, should you download Dropship.me?

In short yes. You have nothing to lose if you're already hosting your e-commerce store on WordPress and haveย the AliDropship plugin. Get the free version and see how it suits you!

If you found this Dropship.me review interesting, then we're confident you'll love the other reviews posted on our blog. Be sure to check them out!

If you have any questions or comments about the Dropship.me review- please feel free to leave a comment below. We'd love to hear from you!


Rosie Greaves

Rosie Greaves is a professional content strategist who specializes in all things digital marketing, B2B, and lifestyle. She has over three years of experience crafting high-quality content. Check out her website Blog with Rosie for more information.

Comments 3 Responses

  1. Rosie,
    This article was very helpful to me. I am considering a dropship.me project and I’m looking for any information that can help me decide the direction to go.

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