The festive season is about to arrive and fill our lives with colors. Well, as a social marketer, your aim is to increase your business results. For this, you must be implementing various methods and techniques in your social media marketing strategy.

But, all your social media marketing efforts will go in vain, if you implement your strategy before knowing the objective of your social activities. So, are you performing your strategy keeping your social media objectives?

If you’re then it’s great! But, if not then let me inform you, without setting goals in your social media marketing, you can’t achieve what you’ve desired of! Therefore I’m crafting this post to let you know what should be your social media objectives. And how you can make the most of it. So, let’s start the journey of social media objectives!

Social Media Objectives For Festive Season

1. Create Buzz About Your Brand

What Should Be Your Objective?

The festive season is for acquiring more and more fans! But, for this, you need audience recognition.  Work on activities that can create brand awareness on social channels. Therefore, your primary purpose this festive should be making your audience aware of your brand name & logo. If you succeed in creating brand awareness, you would be acquiring huge profits with a strong customer base.

Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Brand Awareness

  • Easy to maintain engagement & relationships
  • Builds trust towards products & services
  • Audience acknowledgment
  • Takes you ahead of your competitors
  • Boost brand awareness

How You Can Achieve It?

  • Create quality and unique content around festive
  • Follow festive hashtags
  • Participate in on-going conversations
  • Re-engage with them who likes, comments, and shares your posts
  • Use every social media channel for marketing and promotion
  • Post more frequently on those channels that are bringing more optimistic results
  • Take advantage of short videos and gifs
  • Monitor what others are doing and how you can stand out from the crowded environment.

Inspiration You Should Take From!


2. Build Your Realm

What Should Be Your Objective?

Your audience has started recognizing your brand. Now you should concentrate on methods that can convert your fans into customers. For creating your kingdom through social media, you first need to know the listed things- Answer them to build your audience base through social networking sites.

  • Who Is Your Target Audience?
  • What Are Their Likes & Dislikes?
  • On Which Social Channel They’re Active?
  • To Which Content They Relate The Most?

Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Client Base

  • Increases customer base without much investment in terms of money
  • Builds long-lasting impression
  • Converts the audience into customers and customers into delighted customers

How You Can Achieve It?

  • Identify potential leads from the list of social fans
  • Use Facebook Messenger for communication
  • Use Messenger chatbot to automate conversational flow and reduce manual work
  • Run contests
  • Promote & Market product/service on social media through creative videos
  • Use CTA links
  • Show your customers’ review to increase trust in your business
  • Invest more in platforms that are working for lead generation
  • Create a sense of urgency by displaying innovative posts including details about coupons, discounts, free shipping and much more

Inspiration You Should Take From!

Kate Spade:  #MissAdventure

Viewers could purchase any of the Kate Spade products featured in the video simply by clicking on them.

3. Strengthen Customer Relationship

What Should Be Your Objective?

Without customers, not a single business can survive. A business should never disrespect its customers and always remember it takes months to acquire a new customer! Well this festive season, you should try to maintain engagement level with your customers to convert them into loyal customers. The more you engage with your customers, the more is the probability that they’ll purchase again. Keeping this objective in your social media plan, you can easily increase customer retention rate that’ll eventually improve your conversion rate.

If you don’t engage yourself with your target audience, you won’t be able to create a long-lasting relationship. So, your next main marketing objective is to maintain engagement with your customers as well as other brands.

Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Customer Engagement

  • Acquires loyal customers
  • Improves overall business revenue
  • Increases customer retention rate

How You Can Achieve It?

  • Never forget to reply to your customers
  • Resolve queries as soon as possible
  • Post their reviews to show how valuable they’re for your business
  • Maintain interaction with influencers to promote festive offers
  • Use Instagram stories
  • In your social media holiday calendar include different types of content
  • Create enticing Facebook ads that illustrate how your products can help your customers
  • Upload eye-catchy images on Pinterest
  • Post informative articles on Medium, LinkedIn, Quora, and other platforms

Inspiration You Should Take From!


4. Increase conversions

What Should Be Your Objective?

Now comes the most important objective of your social marketing. CONVERSIONS! To make the business survive in the competition we need conversion or say it more conversions. The holiday season is for making profits. Use social networking sites to make your audience aware of your business products/services and increase its conversion rate.

Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Conversions

  • Improves conversion rates
  • Spreads awareness about your products/services
  • Enhances Customer Base

How You Can Achieve It?

  • Use clear CTAs
  • Pay special attention to your content
  • Use tools to automate
  • Display your current and planned offers on social covers

Inspiration You Should Take From!


5. Improve Your Performance

What Should Be Your Objective?

You’re working hard because you want to improve your social presence. Day and night you’re also practicing new trends and technologies. Only to make your social media campaign influence enough you’ve done almost everything.  Therefore your last, but the important goal should be tracking your social performance. Here you’ve to determine the areas where you shine and fall.

Impact Of Social Media Marketing Of Performance Check

  • Can acquire better results for your efforts
  • You can eliminate the use of platforms that aren’t bringing any result
  • Using social media KPIs you can work on areas that need improvement

How You Can Achieve It?

  • Monitor your impressions
  • Prepare a report to measure your campaign performance
  • Check how many likes, shares, comments, and retweet you’ve obtained on your posts
  • Check the number of times your brand has been mentioned
  • Track how many conversions you have gained through the clicks on your social media posts
  • Measure how many new followers you have gained and how many people have liked your posts on social channels
  • Measure how many people have shared your brand products or services on social media
  • The number of new leads generated through social media
  • From where the visitors are coming to the social media account. Whether they are coming from your website or blog post.
  • Measure the potential users who have received a message
  • Track how many site visitors are coming from social media

Some Extra Social Tips & Tricks For Festive Season

Social Objectives!

Social media marketing requires a natural feel and touch. For this, social marketers should keep on bringing variations in their current beliefs & practices. The implementation of different methods and methodologies at regular intervals can maintain audience engagement.

But, the implementation of these variations is useless until you haven’t set your social media objectives. Well, if you aren’t and even not planning to define your social media objectives then you should because without defining goals you can’t achieve what you desired!

I have discussed social media objective that will help eCommerce marketers to boost their average order value. Go through the above social media objectives to grow in a better way!

Schedule a meeting to get social media services!

Published On: September 27, 2019 / Categories: Social Media /

She’s a writer by profession and heart. She crafts technical and non-technical content into artistic and innovative form for all lines of business. Been in the field of content marketing for more than a year now. Extracting deep insights about social media marketing and connecting with new people is what she loves. A content writer by day, she is a baker by night.

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