Wishpond Review: Everything You Need to Know

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Do you have any idea what users are thinking when they leave your shopping cart?

Are you interested in sending out emails to those leads in order to bring them back to your website?

An online business needs a little something more than just a hard working team who supports customers. It also requires more than quality products.

That's where Wishpond comes in. It's a lead management tool with a wide variety of other integrated tools for looking at your leads and bringing them back to buy more from your store.

Our goal is to figure out whether or not Wishpond is right for your business, so keep reading to learn more about this suite that combines things like lead management, landing pages, email marketing and forms.

What Features Can You Expect From Wishpond?

Landing Pages and A/B Testing


One of the primary ways to use the Wishpond system is to generate your own landing pages that are proven to increase how many leads you bring into your business. As with all new products and services you plan to sell, it's a good idea to feature details on a single landing page, and Wishpond has some pretty nice settings on the backend for A/B testing these landing pages to see what's working and what's not. I like that you can run multiple tests to analyze whether or not a button is better as one color, or to figure out what copy is most effective.


Marketing Automation


An interesting part of any online business is how to handle your leads. Some companies just hope leads buy something, but Wishpond actually has a cool area that allows you to send out automated messages to people who have shown interest in your product. The best part is that you can setup these emails in a few hours and have them run far into the future.

Email Marketing

Although you get an integration option with MailChimp, Wishpond has a handy tool for personalized emails based on certain user traits and actions. For example, if a certain group of people left your website during the checkout process, you may want to send them something different than those who have bought something in the past.


The top lead management tools have integrations, and Wishpond offers a few that come into play. You can choose from over 40 integrations, but my favorite are MailChimp and Salesforce, since you can handle your customer interactions and send out email newsletters without any problems.

Custom CSS and Javascript

Although Wishpond is pretty easy to use for beginners, some developers will want to design forms, emails and other elements with the help of custom code. That's why Wishpond provides an area for you to punch in your own CSS and Javascript, basically making it the ultimate customization tool.

Contests and Promotions


This is one of the parts of the software that you won't find in other lead management tools. If you'd like to run a promotion or contest, it only takes a few minutes to do so. For example, let's say you'd like to create a Facebook sweepstakes for a new pair of shoes you're selling on your website. Design your campaign in the Wishpond dashboard, and seamlessly integrate it without any mess.

Website Popups

The website popup form used to be considered annoying, but now there are tons of apps out there that make them clean and effective. Lots of companies offer this type of functionality, but the good thing about Wishpond is that website popups are included with the whole suite. Gather emails through these popups and even try out A/B testing to see what works best.

Lead Management


The whole point of Wishpond is to manage your leads, so this is pretty much the main reason people buy Wishpond. It's a rather simple system, in that you can create lists based on users who complete different actions when visiting your site. I wouldn't expect anything extreme in terms of features here, but this works to your advantage, especially since it integrates with tools for email marketing, forms and landing pages.

Wishpond Pricing

The Wishpond system has three plans for you to choose from (and a free plan as well!), and although it can get a little pricey, we recommend checking out the Basic Plan since most small to midsize companies can find all the features they need. Not to mention, $44 per month is a steal for the amount of features you receive. Keep in mind that a 14 day trial is provided, and you can save 36% if you opt for a yearly plan.

  • Basic Plan – For $44 per month you receive support for 1,000 leads, one user, but no access to phone support or the API.
  • Pro Plan – For $77 per month you receive support for 2,500 leads, five users and all outlined features in this article. No access to phone support.
  • Growth Plan – For $129 you receive support for 10,000+ leads, unlimited users and all outlined features in this article.

Some of the cool features that come along with all plans include integrations with MailChimp and Salesforce, landing pages, marketing automation, forms, website popups, A/B testing and custom Javascript.

Wishpond Support


With the Basic and Pro plan you get chat and email support, and the phone support comes along when you opt for the Growth plan. The team is highly responsive, and the company also has tons of webinars and tutorials to guide you through the lead management process. I particularly enjoy the knowledge base, because it's been populated with loads of content, and it allows you to complete your own research. The chat box is by far the easiest support tool to use, since someone is always available and you can ask quick questions while working.

The Overall Consensus

Is the Wishpond system right for your company? Well, do you want to convert more leads? Is it important for you to understand what people are doing on your site? Would you like to send messages to people who are not sure about buying? In terms of a lead management software, Wishpond does the job. But where it really stands out is with the additional tools for email marketing, landing pages, forms and popups. If you have any questions about Wishpond, feel free to drop a line in the comments below.

Joe Warnimont

Joe Warnimont is a Chicago-based writer who focuses on eCommerce tools, WordPress, and social media. When not fishing or practicing yoga, he's collecting stamps at national parks (even though that's mainly for children). Check out Joe's portfolio to contact him and view past work.

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