Men's suit jackets hanging on a clothing rack.

Let’s face it: Gaining trust from users isn’t easy. One way to increase trust in your product is through genuine product reviews. And product reviews don’t only increase trust – they can also lead to increases in conversions. In this article, learn how a brand in the apparel industry’s A/B test led to a more than 300% increase in users clicking to write a review with a 2% increase in transactions.

The Situation: Products Without Reviews Are Not Appealing

Product reviews are a great motivator for shoppers to make a purchase.

However, sometimes, a product may have no reviews. This can lead to the shopper feeling uncertain that purchasing the product is the right decision.

A brand in the luxury apparel industry with a primarily male target audience was looking for ways to increase transactions without increasing ad spend.

The Hypothesis: Add a CTA to Write the First Review, Get More Transactions

The conversion rate optimization experts at ROI Revolution ran user tests and noticed that users were distracted by the lack of reviews and did not behave ideally when there were no customer reviews on a product.

After considering previous experience with apparel industry A/B tests and analyzing competitor comparisons, the opportunity became clear: by reducing user uncertainty and hesitation from the lack of product reviews, the $140MM+ luxury apparel brand could grow transactions without having to spend more on advertising.

Screenshot of a mobile product detail page that shows zero star ratings (control in the split test).
Control in the A/B test, indicating zero star ratings.
Screenshot of a mobile product detail page that says Write the First Review (variant in the split test).
Variant in the A/B test, with a CTA to write the first review.

The Results: More Transactions!

A “write the first review” CTA was placed on products without any reviews. In order to reduce user distraction and hesitance, the CTA replaced the icons on the page that indicated a product had zero stars.

As a result, the brand experienced exciting increases across both mobile and desktop, including:

  • 1.96% increase in transactions
  • 330.18% increase in clicks to write a review
Woman using smartphone with dollar signs coming out of the screen.

Tying It All Together: Apparel Industry A/B Test Success Story

During times of economic uncertainty, it’s especially crucial for your business to focus on saving money and reducing risk while still growing profitably. A strategically planned and executed A/B test can grow your revenue without any increases in ad spend.

The hardest part about A/B testing is getting a winning result. In fact, the industry average win rate of an A/B test is just 12-15% – but at ROI Revolution, our conversion rate optimization experts are able to provide businesses with a 3x higher win rate!

To explore the profitable wins that your brand can discover through A/B testing, send a message to our team today.

Read more apparel industry success stories below: