person holding white gift card

Photo by Rob Laughter on Unsplash

Police Warn Holiday Shoppers About New Gift Card Scams

December 11, 2023

As we roll into the holiday season, shoppers are flooding stores and e-commerce sites in search of the perfect gift. Among these sought-after items are retailer gift cards, seen by many as a universal solution for those hard-to-shop-for loved ones. However, before you reach for that shiny display of convenience, police warn that sophisticated scams are on the rise, specifically targeting gift cards. Manipulative techniques used by scammers are becoming increasingly difficult to detect until the damage is done.

A consumer named Noel Hart experienced this scam firsthand, not once but twice. Hart bought the gift cards from two different stores in Thornton and recounts his ordeal. The gift cards appeared perfectly normal at first glance, leading him to a false sense of security. However, the shocking discovery came only after the cards had been activated at checkout and opened. He discovered that the first gift card he purchased had been switched out. The second card was tampered with to the extent that the access code was rendered useless. 

“This time of year, you’re more giving and caring during the holidays and you don’t want to see people, especially kids unhappy. I didn’t want anyone else going through this. I’m sure a lot more have gone through this and will go through this unless people open their eyes and check.”

Noel Hart via KDVR News

According to police sources, the techniques used by these fraudsters are intricate. They carefully open the card envelopes using heat, remove the gift card, and then proceed to cut the top part of the card off. What they’re after is the part of the gift card containing the access code. They then place the bottom half of the card back into the envelope, making it appear untouched, and return it to the store shelf to be sold to an unwitting victim.

To prevent these types of gift card scams, the Pinole Police Department offers some helpful advice. When purchasing a gift card, consumers should feel the card to make sure it’s the same size as a typical credit card. The department also suggests that, with the permission of the store, buyers should remove the cards from their envelopes prior to purchase to verify their integrity.

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