
From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

From Data to Decisions: Maximizing Retail Potential With AI

Discover how retailers are transforming data into actionable insights for growth. By leveraging data and analytics to their potential, retailers can enhance decision-making, improve customer experiences, and streamline operations to stay ahead of the competition. From Data to Decisions: Maximizing Retail Potential With AI, authored by Orium, commercetools, and Google Cloud, demonstrates how businesses can unify and activate data across the tech stack to achieve retail excellence and create growt

Get MACH Ready: Preparing Your Business for Digital Transformation

Adopting MACH technology means more than implementing new platforms. This type of digital change affects your organization at every level and requires a thoughtful approach to navigate challenges that crop up. The Get MACH Ready report, co-authored by MACH Alliance member Scott Canney in collaboration with Orium, commercetools, and Contentstack, will provide you with strategies to prepare your organization for a digital transformation.

Forrester Report: Demystifying The Technical Functions of POS Solutions

Understanding the intricate world of Point-of-Sale (POS) technology is a common challenge for tech buyers. When it comes to defining the functions of Point-of-Sale systems, the communications have yet to be standardized–—until now. Forrester’s new report, Demystifying The Technical Functions of POS Solutions, breaks through the noise and provides business leaders with the information and tools they need to evaluate the features of POS systems.

The Personalization Playbook: 2024 Strategies

Did you know—74% of IT leaders are looking to improve their tech stack to offer better personalization? It’s impossible to ignore the importance of personalization, but it comes with challenges. How do you do it with a tight budget? What about customer privacy and the use of data? The Personalization Playbook is packed with research and insights from Orium, Talon.One, and Bloomreach and gives IT leaders answers to these tough questions, helping them shape 2024 strategies for personalization.

Planning the Architecture of Your Modular DXP

Are you considering moving away from a monolith platform and over to composable architecture? Join experts from Google Cloud, GroupBy, and Orium as they discuss the benefits of moving to a modular digital experience platform. In this masterclass, uncover key indicators that show your brand is ready for a modular DXP, and learn how to lay the foundation for composable commerce.

Retail's Next Frontier: Exploring and Proving the Value of AI

AI is everywhere. It’s in customer service interactions, product recommendations, marketing outreach, and yes, even commerce experiences. But not every use of AI provides the same value to your brand. In this masterclass, experts from Constructor, commercetools, Contentstack, and Orium discuss how AI can complement your composable tech stack and help bring in immediate ROI.

The MVP Mindset: Speed Time to Value and ROI

Composable commerce is built for complexity, but you don’t have to tackle everything at once to start seeing the benefit of a modular build. This masterclass will look at how to get solutions launched and performant in less time and with less disruption than you may expect. In this session, BigCommerce, Bold, Contentful, and Orium dig into the complexity of composable commerce and extract the straightforward solutions you can implement today to deliver value quickly and start building your path

Product Discovery: Enabling Search Outside the Box

Go beyond the basics with Algolia and Orium to explore the elements of search-and-discover you can leverage to create an optimized brand experience that delivers the right products at the right time, engaging customers throughout their shopping journeys. Surfacing the right product at the right time sounds simple, but the complexity of a modern retail environment means it’s anything but.

Modernizing Frontend Experiences: A Step-function Toward Greater Composability

Frontend experience can make or break the customer journey. For many brands the idea of modernizing frontend experience is a dream too large, as they imagine the years-long project of extracting their digital operations from legacy all-in-one platforms where experience and commerce functionality are tightly combined. But moving to a composable commerce platform doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing endeavor, and it doesn’t have to be a years-long undertaking.

Omnichannel Personalization: From In-Store to Online and Everything in Between

What does a truly successful omnichannel personalization strategy look like? To actually work as they’re supposed to, omnichannel experiences require tightly integrated customer and operations experiences. Explore the building blocks of personalization across channels and touchpoints in this masterclass, featuring real-world examples of how to apply a customer-centric lens to drive business outcomes for your brand.

Deploying High-Performance Headless Commerce Frontends

Want to lift conversion rates and reduce bounce rates? Focus on frontend performance. Frontend performance is a critical factor in customer experience. In composable systems, data comes from a variety of sources, so how you assemble your architecture directly impacts the performance of the frontend experience. Modern approaches like streaming from the edge can enable you to deliver faster responses, giving customers an experience that moves at the speed they want.

ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies


In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech


Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

How Intent Data Helps Marketers Convert A-List Accounts


One of the biggest challenges for any B2B marketer is understanding your prospects’ next move — who is most likely to buy and when. Without these insights, marketing campaigns can feel more like guesswork, with high investment and little return. We’re here to tell you there’s a better way. By tracking buyers’ digital footprints and online activity, such as website visits, product reviews, and spikes in content consumption, you can engage prospects with a message that really resonates.

Drive GTM Efficiency with Tech Stack Consolidation


Consolidating your tech stack is an effective cost-saving measure that drives GTM efficiency and adds value to your enterprise. With a cohesive, integrated tech stack, your revenue teams can deliver an excellent customer experience that sets you up to win faster than your competitors.

Solving the Biggest Tech Challenges in RevOps


In this eBook, we’ll run through real-world examples that show how RevOps teams can benefit from modern solutions for the access, management, and activation of their GTM data. Whether you need to improve lead response times, boost adoption of core tools, improve lead qualification, or target and automate your GTM motions, you’ll find examples of how revenue teams are solving some of the toughest problems in modern business.

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