Sat.May 02, 2020 - Fri.May 08, 2020

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Customer Analytics: Where the Answers to All of Your Ecommerce Marketing Questions Live


There’s a lot that goes into becoming a great ecommerce marketer.

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Putting The LOL Back In LOLbins

Forrester eCommerce

As I’ve continued to analyze the round 2 results from the MITRE ATT&CK evaluation, I’ve had the opportunity to speak to more and more vendors that have indicated that one of the areas they struggled with was detecting the specific methods of PowerShell invocation used in the evaluation. Spoiler, it’s bad. Consider the evolution of […].

Customer 369

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What is Phrase match?

Store Growers

Phrase match is one of the four keyword match types available in Google Ads. It is a way to indicate to Google how closely they should match your keyword with a user’s search query. The quotation marks of phrase match (kind of) limits your search to the words and the word order that you specify. The reason I say kind of is that there have been a lot of changes that have made this match type a little less straightforward.

Article 113
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Welcome to SEO Unlocked: Your Free SEO Training Course


I learned SEO by starting my own website and just testing a lot of different tactics out. Some of these tactics worked well and others didn’t. But the way I’ve learned SEO isn’t right for everyone. Some people prefer learning by practicing like me. Others prefer learning by reading dozens of different strategies and tactics. And if you don’t have the time, you can learn SEO by creating a project on Ubersuggest.

SEO 363
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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Case Study: How We Helped A Client Exceed Goals


Case Study: Exceeding A Client's Goals. ModelTrainStuff , formerly known as M.B. Klein, is an established company that sells train models and complementary accessories for hobbyists to build. In the 90s, they created a website to sell their products worldwide. They used Facebook Ads, Google Ads and Bing Ads to spread the word, but it wasn't going as well as they had hoped.

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How The COVID-19 Crisis Will Impact Marketing Spend Between Now And 2022

Forrester eCommerce

The current COVID-19 has crisis upended CMO priorities and budgets, leaving many scrambling for alternate revenue sources, and all asking: what in the world to I plan for now? To develop guidance in response to this question, Forrester forecast how CMOs would spend over the next two years on media and advertising, marketing technology, marketing […].

Marketing 505

More Trending

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Filling the Top of the Funnel With Zaius


When we announced our new App Directory a couple of weeks ago, we also released a few powerful, new integrations. Among these was Criteo , a personalized retargeting solution. Criteo joined existing integrations Google and Facebook/Instagram , providing a broader range of opportunities for brands to find new prospects and drive repeat purchase across advertising platforms.

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Lead with Experience: How Headless Can Provide the Experience-Driven Commerce Customers Crave


Ecommerce has had an interesting and profound transformation over the last two decades.

Customer 252
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COVID-19 Accelerates Digital Adoption For European Consumers And Businesses

Forrester eCommerce

The COVID-19 crisis means European B2C firms are broadly in one of three response modes right now: Survivors (travel, hospitality, and some nonessential retailers) have been massively disrupted by the current lockdown. Adapters (many financial services firms or utilities) have seen severe disruption, but parts of their business may only see minor disruption or even an […].

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How to Sell on Facebook with Product Syncs and Customer Chat 2020 – The Ultimate Guide to Selling on Facebook

Ecommerce Platforms

An urban hat store owner decides that he wants to reach more customers. He's embraced email marketing , social media, abandoned cart emails, a rewards program , and many other options that bring back loyal customers. But what about finding new channels to sell through? How about social media selling? It's common for any business to have a Facebook Business Page, but not everyone learns how to sell on Facebook, with product galleries and checkouts, just like your online store.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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303: How To Sell Oversized Goods And Manage Your Supply Chain With Liz Mercer

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today, I’m thrilled to have Elizabeth Mercer on the show. Elizabeth helped start Jungle Scout with her husband Greg but she’s since stepped down to start a 7 figure ecommerce business selling ergonomic furniture over at Now in order to sell products that are large and heavy, you must manage your supply chain efficiently which happens to be Elizabeth’s specialty and in this episode, she teaches us the tricks of the trade.

Supplies 156
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Retail’s Looming Question: If You Open It, Will They Come?

Steve Dennis

Across the United States—and in many hard hit international markets—so called non-essential retail is beginning to reopen. While the precise timing and specific methods of operation vary by geography , the theoretical ability of consumers to traffic physical stores will be materially greater in the next six weeks than it was during the months of March and April.

eCommerce 161
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Accelerating Your Move To Cloud? Our Assessments Aid Your Choices

Forrester eCommerce

As the Covid-19 crisis erupted in early March 2020, anecdotal evidence suggested public cloud services would play a big role in enterprise responses. The financial evidence arrived in late April (reflecting results in the first calendar quarter of 2020): Amazon Web Services (AWS) up 33%, Microsoft Azure up 59%, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) up 52%. […].

Customer 435
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How To Calculate Shipping Costs

Ecommerce Platforms

Shipping doesn't have to be free. However, studies have shown that 91% of ecommerce customers rethink their purchases from online stores when they realize that the shipping wasn't priced well or it wasn't fast enough. What's more, about 43% of those consumers go right to marketplaces as alternatives. The reason for this is because consumers have been trained to know that places like Amazon and Walmart have reliable, and inexpensive, shipping practices.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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What should eCommerce Managers do right now? 25 amazing tips from World-Renowned Marketing Experts


In today’s eCommerce world, a world shattered and remodeled by the undeniable impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, eCommerce managers have. The post What should eCommerce Managers do right now? 25 amazing tips from World-Renowned Marketing Experts appeared first on ECOMMERCE GROWTH Blog.

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Designing An eCommerce Checkout Flow: A Must For Your Online Store (& How To Do It)


With rising technology and automation, eCommerce is skyrocketing. E-commerce business acquired 16.1% ($25 trillion) of the total retail sale in just two decades(2000-2020) replacing the conventional buying/selling method that started since time immemorial. If you are engaged in the eCommerce business, you may have observed that, even if analytics reveal high traffic and visitors have […].

eCommerce 142
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Quantifying COVID-19 For The Tech Channel — May 8 Update

Forrester eCommerce

With COVID-19 still spreading and broad quarantines, shutdowns, and other measures to contain it continuing, it is still impossible to make definitive predictions of its impact on the tech channel. Instead, we are using three scenarios that take into account different recovery start times and shapes of recovery graphs. More detail around these scenarios, tech […].

Channel 404
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How to Create an Online Course: A Step by Step Guide

Ecommerce Platforms

eLearning is a booming industry, and when you consider that teaching and selling online courses is easier than ever before, is it any wonder? Digital courses offer a convenient learning experience that students of all walks of life desire. Similarly, instructors can create content from the comfort of their own homes, sell it, and enjoy a passive stream of income – freeing up their time to do more.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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How Coronavirus Is Impacting Ecommerce

ROI Revolution

Published March 12, 2020. Last updated May 5, 2020. On top of health concerns, brands across the globe are worrying about how coronavirus (COVID-19) will impact ecommerce as a whole. According to consulting and research firm Technomic , 52% of consumers are avoiding crowds and 32% are leaving their house less often because of coronavirus. And the stock market has become increasingly volatile.

eCommerce 131
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What is Product Cannibalization?


Launching a new product or version of an existing product is one of the most exciting parts of competing in retail. Creating something that excites consumers and takes market share away from competitors? That’s hard to beat. Of course, there’s a lot that goes into bringing a product to market. Understanding the competitive landscape, determining how the new product fits into your portfolio, developing a pricing strategy—these are just a few of the key steps in a launch.

Reference 131
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Why We All, Especially Leaders Need Sports Return.

Forrester eCommerce

There are so many things that make the current pandemic situation challenging. Fear of getting sick. The devastating numbers of people suddenly unemployed, High school seniors who are missing their graduations and proms, and senior citizens who are isolated from their families and friends. Yet one of the things that hurts the most is something […].

Customer 381
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How To Migrate Magento to PrestaShop With Cart2Cart

Ecommerce Platforms

In case you’re wondering, the answer is yes. An automatic Magento to PrestaShop migration is actually possible. And no, I don’t think there’s a reliable one-click tool that can automatically import Magento to PrestaShop. We’re yet to come across one. So, what exactly am I talking about here? Well, the truth is, I’ll be introducing you to a different type of tool.

Magento 145
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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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How to calculate retail price


Calculating retail prices is not easy. There are multiple variables to factor in and several calculation methods. However, who does not want to reduce uncertainty when choosing the right price for their products? TradeGecko is here to help.

Retail 127
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Broad Match: The Real Cost of Using The Default Match Type

Store Growers

For years, I’ve been talking s**t about broad match keywords. My advice has been simple: stay away from this keyword match type , especially if you are new to Google Ads. That’s because in all the accounts I’ve audited, broad match keywords are one of the key reasons for a poor ROI. So in this article, I want to show you the details of what happens in you (accidentally) use a broad match keyword in one of your campaigns.

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Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Negotiate Cost Reductions With Software Vendors

Forrester eCommerce

For companies looking for short-term cost reductions during the economic slowdown, negotiating lower prices on software contracts with vendors can provide much-needed relief.

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A Quick Offset Shopify App Review

Ecommerce Platforms

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it's that we humans have a massive impact on our planet…and not for the better. Since lockdown ensued, Venice's canals are crystal clear, we've seen an enormous decrease in air pollution ( 25% across China during the outbreak), and there's been an influx of wild animal sitings across towns and cities around the globe.

Shopify 118
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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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How to Measure Free Google Shopping Performance and Its Impact on Paid Shopping Campaigns

Inflow Insights

We were very excited to hear that Google would be expanding its shopping offering to more organic search results and making it free for merchants to sell on Google Shopping. One of the first questions to come to mind was: How is this going to impact merchant Shopping Ads, the bread and butter for any eCommerce PPC strategy? It is essential to measure the success of any advertising initiatives (paid, organic, or otherwise) to understand its effect on eCommerce sales.

PPC 117
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25+ Famous Celebrities with eCommerce Stores

eCommerce Training Academy

Many celebrities are now jumping on eCommerce. Some of them have been doing it for a while and achieving great success. Others have failed. Here’s a list of famous celebrities that have an online store: 1. Honest by Jessica Alba. Website URL: [link]. 2. Kylie Cosmetics by Kylie Jenner. Website URL: [link]. 3. Kim Kardashian West Beauty. Website URL: [link]. 4.

eCommerce 122
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Modern B2B Buyers Expect To Be Treated As Partners, Not Targets

Forrester eCommerce

Too many companies — especially those that enjoy initial success — ultimately fail because they cannot (or will not) meet their buyers’ evolving needs. That risk has never been higher than it is today. To navigate successfully through the cataclysmic changes in B2B buying behaviors accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic, your organization will need to […].

B2B 357
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3 Valuable Ways to Brand Your Shipping Process


Customer loyalty and rentention can evolve from good branding. Learn how to add value to your brand with these tips about shipping. The post 3 Valuable Ways to Brand Your Shipping Process appeared first on Ecomdash.

Shipping 104
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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.