ACS welcomes planning reform consultation


The ACS has pledged to work with the government and local authorities to make sure the planning system works for communities and the retailers who serve them.


The comments follow the launch of a major consultation on proposals to reform the planning system in England to streamline and modernise the planning process. The ‘Planning for the Future’ white paper focuses on transitioning from a case by case discretion-based planning system towards a rules-based system.

The consultation includes proposals to simplify local plans by identifying land under three categories: growth areas suitable for substantial development, renewal areas suitable for some development, and protected areas where development is restricted. Councils will have 30 months to divide up areas into growth/renewal/protected designations following the passing of legislation.

ACS chief executive, James Lowman, said: “This is a significant change to planning policy, and this matters to our members because this sets the framework for which stores get built where, and how the communities we serve will change into the future.

“The planning system needs to strike a balance, supporting new development where it is needed, enhancing communities, and promoting investment and economic growth. We know that the Town Centre First policy has played an important role in pushing investment into centres and communities rather than out of town, and we’ve seen the benefits of this during the pandemic as most people have been able to access food and essential services close to their homes. This must continue to be a feature of the new system.”

The full white paper is available here.