29 Ecommerce SEO Tips for Traffic Growth

Have you heard the saying that content is king? Well, when it comes to ecommerce SEO it’s more like content is a God. When executed properly, quality and relevant content can lead to immense growth for your business. This is why I wanted to write another post that dives into the nitty gritty of how you can implement content into your ecommerce SEO strategy.

Your Ecommerce SEO Tips Await

So let’s get to it!

1. Get started with keyword research

To start things off, we have to have a good understanding of our target market and what they’re looking for. This will allow us to create content around those topics, which will in turn help us immensely with our ecommerce SEO efforts. Coming up with a good product is only half the battle – you also need to make sure people are searching for it.

The first step in driving relevant traffic to your site is understanding which keywords potential customers are using to search for products like yours. Once you know what keywords to target, incorporating them into your blog and product page content, titles, and meta descriptions will help your site rank higher in search results and ultimately drive more traffic (and sales) to your business.

2. Write RELEVANT and HIGH-QUALITY content

It is important that the content you are writing is relevant to your target market/customers and is of high quality. If not, this can actually hurt your ecommerce SEO efforts as Google may deem your site as not being an authority on the topic.

A not about AI generated content. I recommend that you never publish word for word AI generated content. In other words, it should always be reviewed and edited by a human before publishing. For content to be meaningful and really convert, it often needs a human touch; human insight; some personality. AI struggles mightily with these things. In addition to that, AI content detectors will be able to detect pure AI content. That could have harmful effects on your SEO efforts.

3. Understand your target market/customers

This is crucial in order to create content that is relevant and interesting to them. Do some research and try to get into their head space so that you can better understand what kinds of things they would be interested in reading/watching/etc.

4. Make a plan

Once you have a good understanding of your target market, it’s time to start planning out the types of content you want to create. It’s important to have a mix of different types of content (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.) as this will help keep people engaged and coming back for more.

5. Execute!

This is where the rubber meets the road—it’s time to actually start creating the content! If possible, try to batch produce similar types of content so that you can work more efficiently (e.g., write 3-4 blog posts at once rather than one at a time).

6. Keep your content updated:

One of the worst things you can do for your ecommerce SEO is to have outdated content on your site. Not only will this make people less likely to buy from you, but it will also hurt your ranking in Google as they may deem your site as not being relevant. So make sure to keep your content fresh and up-to-date!

7. Don’t forget about alt tags

Another important thing to remember when it comes to ecommerce SEO tips is to include alt tags for all of your product images. This allows Google to index them properly and also provides a better user experience for people who are browsing through your site.

8. Make sure to track your progress

It’s important to track your ecommerce SEO progress so that you can see what’s working and what isn’t. This will help you fine-tune your strategy and ensure that you’re on the right track. There are a number of different tools out there that can help with this such as Google Analytics.

9. Collaborate with other businesses in your industry

Collaborating with other businesses in your industry can be a great way to reach new customers and promote your business. By working together, you can jointly promote each other’s products or services, and reap the benefits of increased exposure for both businesses involved

10. Ensure that your site is well-structured and easy to navigate

Use clear and descriptive titles for your pages, and make sure that all of your products are properly categorized. Good site structure will help search engines understand what your site is about, and it will also make it easier for visitors to find the information they’re looking for.

11. Create content that your audience wants

In addition to having a well-structured site, you also need to create quality content that’s relevant to your audience. Write product descriptions that are informative and keyword-rich, and create blog posts or articles that provide valuable information about the products you sell. The more relevant and useful content you can provide, the better your chances of ranking well in search results.

12. Promote your content

Be sure to promote your ecommerce site through social media and other online channels. When it comes to ecommerce SEO tips, content promotion is often overlooked. But, it will help increase awareness of your brand and drive traffic back to your website.

When promoting your site online, be sure to include links back to specific product pages so that potential customers can easily find what they’re looking for once they land on your site

13. On-page optimization

One of the most important ecommerce SEO tips is to focus on-page optimization. This means making sure each page on your site is properly optimized for both users and search engines.

14. Link building

One of the most important ranking factors for any website is the number and quality of backlinks pointing back to their site. So if you want better ecommerce SEO for your startup, focus on building links from high-quality websites in your industry. This can be done by writing guest blog posts or creating helpful resources like infographics that other websites will want to link to.

Getting links from authority sites not only helps improve your search engine rankings but can also result in an increase of targeted traffic coming directly from these referring sites.

15. Optimize your images.

Search engines can’t read images very well (yet), so it’s important to optimize them with descriptive alt text. This will help your product images show up in search results, and could result in more sales. An ecommerce SEO tip that will never go away… use your keywords in image alt text!

16. Use nesting categories (wisely)

ecommerce seo tips - nesting
‘Nesting’ Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Nesting categories can be a great way to organize your store, but too many nested levels can make it hard for visitors (and search engines) to find what they’re looking for. Keep it simple where possible, and consider using breadcrumbs on product pages to help users (and search engines) navigate your site more easily. 

17. Optimize your product pages

In addition to targeting relevant keywords on your website, it’s also important to optimize your individual product pages for SEO. This includes ensuring that each page has a unique and keyword-rich title tag and meta description as well as optimizing your images with descriptive alt tags.

By optimizing each page on your site, you’ll not only help improve your search engine rankings but you’ll also encourage visitors who land on these pages to actually convert and buy something from you. 

18. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly

With the majority of online traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s essential that your ecommerce site is optimized for smaller screens. This means having a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes, as well as making sure your content is easy to read and navigate on a mobile device. Try this free mobile friendliness checker from WebEX

19. Include customer reviews and ratings

Adding customer reviews and ratings to your product pages can not only help improve click-through rates in the search result pages, but also help boost your ecom SEO rankings by increasing the amount of unique content on your pages. Good reviews can also encourage other potential customers to purchase from you!

20. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions

Make sure your site’s title tags and meta descriptions are rich with relevant keywords. This will not only help your site rank higher in search results, but it will also ensure that potential customers are able to quickly and easily find your products when they search for them online.

21. Take advantage of social media

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to reach a wide audience at little to no cost. Create profiles on major platforms (especially the ones where your customers hang out) like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok and Instagram, and post engaging content that links back to your website or product pages. This will help increase brand awareness and drive traffic back to your site

22. Get active on social media

Make sure you maintain an active presence on the social media platforms that your target audience uses, and make sure you are regularly sharing high-quality content that will interest them.

23. Invest in paid advertising

Paid advertising is a great way to get your products and brand in front of potential customers who might not be aware of your business otherwise. When done correctly, paid advertising can be a very effective way to drive traffic to your site and boost sales. Even though this is a post about ecommerce SEO tips, it’s important not to forget about the power of paid traffic.

24. Use data to inform your decisions

One of the best ways to improve your ecommerce SEO is to use data to inform your decisions. Use analytics tools to track which keywords and strategies are working well for you, and then adjust your approach accordingly. By using data to guide your actions, you can ensure that you are always making the most effective choices for your business

25. Don’t forget about voice search

Most tips for ecommerce SEO don’t get into voice search. But it is gaining prominence and should at least be considered. In addition to traditional text-based search queries, more and more people are now using voice search to find the products and information they need. Make sure your site is optimized for voice search by including relevant keywords and phrases, and by ensuring that your content is easy to read aloud.

26. Use structured data

Using structured data can help improve your website’s click-through rate and ranking in Google Search results by making it easier for Google to understand the contents of your pages. Be sure to add structured data markup to all of the important pages on your site, such as your product pages, category pages, and blog posts.

27. Improve site speed

Site speed is a major factor in both SEO and conversion rates. Visitors are less likely to stay on a website if it takes too long to load, and Google also considers site speed when determining where to rank websites in search results. To improve your site’s speed, consider optimizing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and using a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

28. Promote your website through email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to reach potential customers and promote your website. Be sure to include a link to your website in your emails, and make sure you are sending high-quality content that will interest your readers.

29. Get help from an expert

If you want to go beyond these ecommerce SEO tips and really take things to the next level, consider working with an expert. They will be able to provide guidance and support so that you can reach your goals.


Driving organic traffic to your ecommerce store can be tough.

But it’s definitely doable, and is a must if you want to maximize your online sales.

These 29 ecommerce SEO tips can serve as a checklist of sorts.

Work your way through each tip and watch Google start sending more and more traffic your way.

Remember that SEO is just as critical for ecommerce sites as it is for other businesses. If you want to rank in search engines, you have to create content, and you have to do it strategically.

These ecommerce SEO tips will get you on the right track!

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