When a Hurricane Hits Your Business

This year Hurricane Florence hit Dana Jaunzemis’ business headquartered in North Carolina. She lost power for more than a week and wasn’t able to ship for close to two weeks. Business came to a screeching halt. In this episode, I chat with her about the experience, what they learned and how to minimize the impact of a natural disaster if/when something similar happens to your business.

You’ll learn:

  • Dana’s disaster preparedness checklist
  • Which major shipping carrier really came through for her business—and which one really screwed up
  • The silver lining that comes from natural disasters

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(With your host Andrew Youderian of eCommerceFuel.com and Dana Jaunzemis of HomeHealthTesting.com)


What Was Mentioned

Flickr: Kazi Mahammad Asadulla

Andrew Youderian
Post by Andrew Youderian
Andrew is the founder of eCommerceFuel and has been building eCommerce businesses ever since gleefully leaving the corporate world in 2008.  Join him and 1,000+ vetted 7- and 8-figure store owners inside the eCommerceFuel Community.

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