Co-op aims to be Europe’s top retail recycler of plastic


Co-op today (9 July) announced the launch of what it is calling “Europe’s most extensive in-store re-cycling scheme for plastic bags and food wrapping”.


By the end of July it plans to have recycling units for ‘soft’ plastics in 1500 stores, with 2,300 by November.

The initiative should ensure that all Co-op’s own food packaging is easily re-cyclable by establishing a straightforward route for materials which local councils often do not collect.

This includes crisp packets, bread bags, single use carrier bags and bags-for-life, lids from ready meals, biscuit wrappers and even pet food pouches.

The in-store units – which also accept packaging from other retailers – aims to recycle 300 tonnes of plastic bags and food wrapping a year once the bins are fully in place.

The national roll out of the scheme follows a successful trial in 50 stores last year, which found that 86% of shoppers were likely to use the scheme.

Jo Whitfield, Co-op Food chief executive, said: “As we face an environmental crisis, we know from our feedback that there is a universal appetite for change.

“Which is why we are making it easier for thousands of households to recycle all their plastic food packaging.

“This will not only prevent unnecessary waste but also reduce plastic pollution.”