Shoppers more likely to support local retailers with virus fears overshadowing high street trips


Two thirds of consumers are concerned about high street Christmas shopping because of virus fears and want retailers to take more safety measures, new research shows.


The result of heightened concerns about the high street environment is that 16% of shoppers are placing increased emphasis on supporting local retailers this time around because of the pandemic.

One in three of the 2,000 people questioned say that safety is now their most important consideration when choosing where to spend their money, followed by pricing (22%) and the availability of late-night shopping (16%).

The research suggests that retail staff wearing personal protective equipment, such as masks and visors, makes 42% of shoppers feel safer but 21% do not which compares with 14% in November when the survey was last undertaken.

However, 36% of those surveyed this month “feel indifferent” towards store workers wearing protective equipment.

The research was commissioned by Maybe*, an audience engagement platform.

Chief executive Polly Barnfield said: “Our research suggests that to make the most of this Christmas, retailers have to place shopper and staff safety at the very top of their list of priorities.

“Shoppers placing importance on safety ahead of pricing represents a genuine shift for the sector at large.

“If shoppers don’t feel safe in a store, it’s likely they’ll go elsewhere.

“It’s clear that the majority of retailers are putting Covid-safe measures in place.

“However, the amount of consumers who don’t feel safe when shopping appears to be increasing: this suggests that more needs to be done in terms of the steps that stores are taking.

“It’s hugely encouraging that 16% of shoppers are placing emphasis on supporting local retailers during a challenging time for all high street business.”

Maybe* helps organisations listen and engage with customers through social media and benchmarks their results and is a member of the government’s high streets task force.