GroceryAid launches school essentials grant


Industry charity GroceryAid has launched a new school essentials grant that aims to reduce the financial impact on parents working in the grocery sector when children go back to school in September.


The grant is designed to help families buy school essentials for the start of the new term.

Applicants who can show they are receiving child benefit and meet the eligibility criteria will get a grant of £150 per school-aged child, up to a maximum of three children.

The grant will close on 30 September 2020, or when the fund has been used, whichever comes first.

A recent survey by the Children’s Society found increased school uniform costs were leaving many low-income families struggling to cope and forced to cut back on food and other essential items.

GroceryAid welfare director Mandi Leonard said: “GroceryAid’s school essentials grant will help alleviate some of the financial strain on low-income families at the start of the new school year, particularly in these unprecedented times.

“On average, families spend about £337 on secondary school uniform each year, with primary school parents paying as much as £315 a year per child.”