Häagen-dazs and Jack Daniel’s collaborate for final Secret Sofa


Häagen-Dazs is to conclude its Secret Sofa partnership with Secret Cinema with a screening of the 80’s cult classic Ghostbusters on Friday 5 June.


For the past eight weeks, Secret Sofa presented by Häagen-Dazs, has facilitated a virtual film club. With in-home screenings of Secret Cinema’s most celebrated and critically acclaimed films, starting with The Grand Budapest Hotel along with the classics like Moulin Rouge and William Shakespeare’s Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann, and finishing with Ghostbusters.

Arjoon Bose, Europe & Australasia head of brand experience and culture at General Mills, said: “We’re delighted with the awareness and engagement our Secret Sofa partnership has delivered for the brand creating a genuinely new moment in culture for the UK every Friday evening over the last eight weeks. It has enabled Häagen-Dazs to bring a sense of community to our fans and be at the forefront of conversations and content while bring little moments of happiness and indulgence in lockdown through our message of #HaagIndoors by aligning with some of the most loved films, characters, and themes with true Secret Cinema style.

“And for our Secret Sofa finale, what better way to finish than for Häagen-Dazs to collaborate with a fellow American cultural icon like Jack Daniel’s to bring back an NYC 80’s style ice-cream cola float to pay homage to an iconic American franchise that is Ghostbusters.”