More stores add critical bleed kits


A Nisa Local in Northampton has become one of the latest stores to install a critical bleed control kit designed to save the lives of stabbing victims.

The shop, on Goldings Road, received the kit thanks to a student from the University of Nottingham who has been on placement with local anti-knife campaign group Off The Streets.

She chose the location and, together with a second placement student, raised the funds to buy and install it.

The kit is one of the latest in the area to be installed by Off The Streets.

They have recently gone into stores including a Gulf Petrol Station, a Mace newsagents and Wootton Fields Co-op, all in Northampton.

Off the Streets has also been promoting training sessions for local residents on how to use the equipment.

Critical bleed kits are being rolled out across the country in locations such as pubs, clubs, youth centres and grocery stores as part of a campaign by Lynne Baird, who lost her son Daniel to knife crime in 2017.

They are designed to buy crucial minutes for victims before an ambulance can get to the scene. and Independent Retail News have been supporting the campaign since February 2022.

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