Derbyshire store asks consumers to remove masks amid security concerns


The Nisa Local store in Danesmoor, Derbyshire, is asking customers not to wear face coverings for security reasons.

Face coverings have been mandatory in shops and supermarkets since 24 July after the government brought in new regulations to stop the spread of coronavirus. However, a sign at the Chesterfield Nisa, says: “For security reasons, please do not cover your face or head in this shop.”

The store manager, who wished to remain anonymous, told Derbyshire Live: “I am allowing people to wear masks – maybe I’ve worded the sign badly – but we get a lot of shoplifting and if they’ve got a mask on, I can’t prosecute them. What if someone comes in with a knife and threatens my staff, but they’re wearing a mask? What am I meant to do? If someone’s wearing a hood, I ask them to take it down.

“No-one seems to have thought of the security of people working in shops in all this. We do get shoplifting here and, on the last occasion, the guy was wearing a mask. Am I meant to just keep losing money? I’ve now been made to feel like the criminal.”

The shopkeeper added that if people want to wear a mask or face covering for health or religious reasons, then “that’s not a problem”, and he’ll be “changing the wording of the sign” to reflect that.

“When I’ve told people wearing a mask they don’t need to, they generally say ‘good’ and take it off. I think a lot of people are more worried about getting fined than catching the virus,” he said.

A spokesperson for Nisa said: “Nisa is focused on the safety of partners, colleagues and customers. We regularly communicate with Nisa’s partners and advise on adherence with government guidelines and best practice. However, Nisa partners are independent and therefore ultimately they make their own decisions within their businesses.”

Last week the owners of RNP News in Hatfield spoke about a terrifying knife attack that took place at the store on the first morning that face masks became compulsory.