Scottish government orders retailers to reimpose social distancing as new virus clampdown is launched


Retailers across Scotland have been told by the government to return to a two-metre physical distancing policy this weekend as the government tries to limit the spread of Covid-19.

They are also being urged to re-introduce measures that were used earlier in the pandemic, such as operating one-way systems in their outlets, to ensure shoppers are kept well apart. The new regulations will apply from midnight tonight (9 October) and are currently set to remain in place nationwide for 16 days with tighter restrictions across central belt areas where the infection rate is highest.

First minister Nicola Sturgeon said in a statement to the Scottish parliament: “From this weekend and across Scotland, we are asking shops to return to two-metre physical distancing and reintroduce the mitigations they put in place earlier in the pandemic, for example, one-way systems.”

Sturgeon, who was speaking after Scotland recorded 1,000-plus new positive test results in a single day, added: “The need for action is highlighted by today’s figures. To try to interrupt this trajectory, we must act now. While the measures will feel like a backward step, they are in the interests of protecting our progress overall. It is by taking the tough but necessary action now that we hope to avoid even tougher action in future.

“While there are significant restrictions still in place – and they are hard and painful – we are living much more freely now than in the spring and early summer. We are determined – if at all possible – that this will continue to be the case. We are not going back into lockdown today.” The new restrictions are backed by a new £40m support fund for businesses. Further guidance for retailers on the new rules can be found online at the website of the Scottish government.