Mars and Galaxy milk drink now available in cans


Mars Chocolate Drinks and Treats (MCD&T) has launched its milk drinks Mars and Galaxy in a new 250 ml can format.


The move is part of the company’s drive for more sustainable packaging that can be more easily recycled and if successful is likely to rolled-out to other variants within the range, alongside the existing 350 ml sports cap bottles.

Michelle Frost, general manager at Mars Chocolate Drinks and Treats says: “The launch of this new packaging format enables us to explore more sustainable options giving consumers more choice.

“Cans are a popular on-the-go format but are equally used in the home.  With the product being ambient shoppers can take them home and chill at their leisure before drinking.”

Mars and Galaxy Milk Drink cans are available in cases of 12 x 250 ml.   RSP: £1.20.