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How To Generate Leads On Facebook

November 01, 2018
2 Min Read
How To Generate Leads On Facebook

By the end of 2018’s first quarter, Facebook amassed 2.19 billion active users. That’s 2.19 billion potential customers for any number of products and/or services – if marketed to properly.

That being said, it can be easy to get overwhelmed but it doesn’t have to be if you ask yourself the right questions to target your audience. Thats why we're breaking down simple ways to attract and nurture leads on Facebook.

Ways to Generate Leads on Facebook

Know Your Audience

Who is your ideal buyer? Facebook’s entire interface is dedicated to user personalization. The average user will give you all you need to know about them to determine whether or not they fit your ideal buyer profile.

Facebook Business will allow you to customize your audience via:

  • Location
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behavior
  • Connections

Utilizing these custom fields will help you determine the best way to reach your target audience and generate leads from your ideal buyer. You can even use Custom and Lookalike audiences to build highly targeted lists that directly match you ideal buyers. This requires an extra step to set up, but can have a significant impact in the long run.

Entice Them With Ads

Once you’ve determined your target audience, you have to pique their interest. With billions of active users and trillions of posts hitting their feeds, you have to find a way to stand out in the crowd. Luckily, Facebook eCommerce Ads offers a few different ways to showcase your ads to your audience whether that’s video, photos, or links to landing pages. These include:

  • Photo
  • Video
  • Carousel
  • Slideshow
  • Collection
  • Messenger

Facebook continually improves its ad formats based on user success. Furthermore, different audiences will prefer different methods. Find out the preferred methods for your audience and captivate them!

Pin it!

When you have a post that performs well and receives a lot of interaction, Facebook has a feature that will allow you to pin that particular post to the top of your page. This highlighted post will remain at the top of your page for up to a week before returning to its original publish date.

We recommend experimenting with different posts that tie back to company initiatives or timely promotions with this feature. Overall, you should continue experimenting to see what works for your target audience.


Because Facebook understands the value of a well-placed CTA, they have added the option to include one on their business pages. You can now include a simple and to-the-point CTA button at the top of your Facebook business page to further generate leads. Your options include; “Sign Up,” “Book Now,” “Contact Us,” “Show Now,” “Watch Video,” “Play Game” and “Use App”.

You can change these CTAs over time, so consider aligning your CTA with your current marketing campaign or sales blitz to increase consumer awareness around your product or service.

Data Tracking

Measure the performance of your ads through Facebook Ads Manager to test and analyze your ads for optimal performance and lead generation. If something is not working the way you hoped it would, use the ad manager to determine what needs to change in order to fix it. This could be anything from your audience to the way you showcase your ads. Study the analytics – the answer to your problems lies somewhere in the metrics.


We live in the age of information technology and your customers are constantly being bombarded with marketing messages. The trick to avoiding an endless user scroll is to stand-out. Know your audience, target them appropriately, measure what works and what doesn’t. Optimize. Repeat. 

Need help with your Facebook ad campaigns? Request a Free Marketing Assessment from our team below to get insights on your current performance and ways to optimize in the future.

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Internal Marketing Manager

Spencer Flaherty is an eCommerce blogger who loves exploring the latest trends and technologies in the industry. From chatbots to virtual reality, they cover it all.

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