Nisa unveils new deals


Nisa has launched its latest promotion.


The ‘Half Price or Better’ promotion will enable consumers to pick up a selection of branded products at less than half their usual price.

Among the deals are Uncle Ben’s Express microwaveable rice pouches 250g for £1, Kraft Philadelphia 170g/180g at £1, Cathedral City Mature Cheddar 350g for £3, Lenor fabric softener 1.75l for £3, and various Flash 500ml cleaning sprays at £1 for 500ml.

The deals are supported with clear POS for use in-store, in advertising space outside the shop, and in window displays.

Chris Walker, marketing operations manager said: “Our focus continues to be on offering good value to shoppers across all categories and on some key branded products.

“More than half of consumers will shop special offers when looking to save money and so it’s key that partners keep hammering home the message about prices and promotions and are loud about value in their stores.”

The Half Price or Better promotion will be in partner stores now until 6 October.