Our customers say it best

Learn how our unified platform puts these brands in control of their growth.

ButcherBox drives 5.5x YoY growth in SMS revenue with Klaviyo

"It's exciting to have our customer data, email, and SMS all in Klaviyo under one roof."
Mike Kumlin, senior marketing technology manager, ButcherBox

Ruffwear uses Klaviyo CDP to drive incremental revenue and improve margins

"Getting the right discounts to the right people at the right time gives us better margins."
Ernie Kucera, digital marketing manager, Ruffwear

Marine Layer grows Klaviyo revenue 40.4% YoY using email, SMS + POS integration

"We have stores across the country, and we have a fast-growing DTC business. Thank goodness we’ve been able to put all our data in Klaviyo."
Renee Halvorsen, CMO, Marine Layer
Image shows the Marine Layer storefront.

"If I could do it again, I definitely would’ve started with Klaviyo earlier."

Ellen Bennett, founder of Hedley + Bennett


“Klaviyo makes it easy for our marketing teams to understand our customers.”


“One great thing about Klaviyo is you always know you can rely on it.”

Estelle Colored Glass

“Compared to Mailchimp, Klaviyo is way more user-friendly.”

esmi Skin Minerals

“With such a big product portfolio serving a diverse range of unique skin concerns, personalisation at scale is super important for us. That’s why Klaviyo has been so central to our success.”

Jones Road Beauty

“If you want to grow any DTC business, you’re on Shopify and you’re on Klaviyo. You shouldn’t even waste time considering anything else.”