Consumers are looking for convenience through rightsized, right-timed, and contextual experiences from the brands with which they interact. The most sophisticated brands will deliver the ultimate convenience to their customers by anticipating their needs and proactively engaging them with suggestions. Eventually, the most trusted brands will even act on behalf of their customers.

Are You Curious To Find Out How Mature Your Company’s Digital Experience (DX) Strategy Is?

Take Forrester’s newly redesigned executive survey on the use of mobile messaging and other emerging tech (e.g., chat, voice) in consumer DX. We’re measuring enterprise progress toward anticipatory experience capabilities. As a thank you to each qualified participant who completes the survey, we’ll send personalized feedback. We’ll also share the top-line results.

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete, and all survey responses are confidential. Forrester will only use aggregate, top-line results in future research.

What Do We Know From Prior Research About DX Strategy?

In the last round of this survey that ran from 2018 to 2020, 365 digital business executives gave us insight into the state of anticipatory experiences. We asked them questions like:

  • Do you trigger mobile messages or notifications from real-time context?
  • How do you recommend content using digital experiences?
  • Do you use text-based conversational interfaces or asynchronous chat, and if so, how?

Through those 365 survey responses, we learned that:

  • The smartphone overshadows all other devices. The smartphone remains the top device for building experiences, with 99% of survey respondents building dedicated or optimized experiences on the device. Other devices that firms have built or are building experiences for include a tablet (71%) and a voice assistant speaker (39%).
  • Few firms deliver notifications that are so well done that they eliminate app usage. The benchmark for successful anticipatory notifications is a decrease in consumer use of your platforms (website and app). Some firms aren’t collecting the right data to make this a reality; other firms don’t know how to apply the data they’ve collected. Either way, mastering anticipatory experiences remains far off, which means there’s lots of room for improvement along the journey.
  • Most firms are only beginning to identify customer moments. A moment is defined as the point when a person interacts with a brand to get what they want immediately and in context. Only a few firms make limited use of advanced techniques, like ethnography and cognitive walk-throughs. However, common beginner techniques include customer journey mapping, surveys, and personal evaluations.

To find out more, you can read the 2018–2020 findings from Forrester’s Global Emerging Technology Survey.


Senior Research Associate Alessia Stewart contributed to this blog post.