Sat.Nov 10, 2018 - Fri.Nov 16, 2018

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Top Marketing Pet-Peeves To Avoid This Holiday Season

RTP blog

By John Nash, RedPoint Global The holiday season is upon us, and marketers are gearing up to capitalize on the busiest time of year. To ensure that they are embarking on a successful season, it is important to understand how an irrelevant or mistimed message can impact and even jeopardize a customer’s loyalty. Below are the top marketing pet-peeves that can upset a customer, prevent a sale and hinder the opportunity for a long-term relationship.

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Your Holiday Ad Campaigns Are Ready. But Is Your Ecommerce Website Optimized?


As every online marketer knows, the cost of paid customer acquisition has been on an upward trajectory for years. With less inventory available on social media and more demand for eyeballs comes higher prices — and therefore less of a guaranteed return on investment. And as every B2C marketer knows, ad expenses skyrocket during the holidays, making the stakes higher than ever.

eCommerce 186

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The Unboxing Experience Goes from Differentiator to Must-Have: What Ecommerce Brands Need to Know


All of us remember the experience of opening presents on Christmas day.

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eCommerce Will Account for 36% of Global Fashion Retail Sales by 2022

Forrester eCommerce

Fashion is the second largest retail category after grocery. The eCommerce shift is a significant, palpable movement in most economies. A quarter of clothing, accessories, and footwear (fashion) spending already occurs online and is still rapidly growing. Brick-and-mortar and eCommerce retailers are vying for shoppers’ attention and dollars. In our recently published Online Fashion Retail […].

Fashion 397
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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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BigCommerce SEO – Make Your Products Show in Search


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can make or break your BigCommerce store. These optimizations are some of the most important ongoing marketing efforts that require effort and attention. Having a well optimized store can assist growing your organic channel. That's why we'r e outline a few basic and advanced techniques for optimizing your BigCommerce presence for the search engines.

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The Empowered Marketer: Branding the Cannabis Industry


Branding can be tough to define. It’s the sum of everything that helps you stand out in a crowded market. It creates a personality and helps your buyers connect on a more personal level with your company. Branding is tough for any B2C business, but is even more challenging in the fast-growing cannabis industry. Newly legal in Canada and a few states in the US, this new space is facing a unique branding challenge.

Marketing 323

More Trending

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Examine The Cybersecurity Risk Ratings Market With The Forrester New Wave™ Evaluation

Forrester eCommerce

The Forrester New Wave™: Cybersecurity Risk Ratings, Q4 2018 Earlier today, we published “The Forrester New Wave™: Cybersecurity Risk Ratings, Q4 2018” evaluation. We take a close look at the nine most important vendors in this rising market, reviewing their current capabilities, customer references, and strategic road maps. This includes vendor profiles, with our analysis and buyer […].

Marketing 397
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Company Blogging Tips for 2019


Companies of all sizes understand that one of the purposes of a company blog is to engage your customers in a conversation. It is much easier to start that conversation by providing topical information that is practical for current and future customers. Utilizing your blog effectively will help your business grow. Your writing shouldn’t be forced but it also needs to be active to show you are engaged.

Blog 247
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The Marketing Behind the Most Exciting Ecommerce Fashion Brands


Loyalty isn’t easy to earn in the ever-changing world of ecommerce fashion. It’s harder than ever to win the hearts (and wallets) of fashion-conscious shoppers. According to Shopify , the death of brand loyalty in fashion ecommerce is due to increasing market fragmentation. Brands like Amazon are eager to win a piece of market share with a constant stream of innovations like the virtual closet organizer and personal stylist Echo Look and the Prime Wardrobe try-before-you-buy offering.

Fashion 236
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3 Life Lessons On Perseverance, Business Success And Asian Parenting

My Wife Quit Her Job

I always get crazy looks whenever I tell people that I started studying for the SATs in 4th grade. Or when I attended nerd camp in the 7th grade and completed Geometry, Algebra and Trigonometry in the span of 3 weeks. “Man, you must have had the worst childhood ever. Did you have any fun as a kid?” Looking back, I’m proud to say that my parents did an awesome job raising my brother and I despite the perceptions from the outside.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Data Protection Vendors Are Emerging From The Stone Age

Forrester eCommerce

A little over a year and a half ago, I completed an evaluation of data resiliency vendors, published as “The Forrester Wave™: Data Resiliency Solutions, Q3 2017.” I gleaned many insights from the assessment process as I spoke with vendors about their offerings and road map and with end users about their successes and challenges.

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HubSpot CRM Review - Pros, Cons & Testimonials


HubSpot CRM is free, intuitive and includes almost everything a sales team needs to organize leads, keep track of their movements and nurture them. It's quick to learn and contains all basic CRM necessities without being overly complex. As a Diamond HubSpot Partner Agency and team of avid HubSpot CRM users, we assembled our honest review of the tool and how it can help businesses organized their sales processes.

Books 218
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Marketing Unboxed: Exploring Ecommerce with Rebecca Minkoff


If you know women’s fashion at all, chances are you know Rebecca Minkoff. The hugely popular women’s clothing and accessories brand can be found in hundreds of stores worldwide, and their online following is even more widespread. But even if you do recognize their name and some of their luxury products, how familiar are you with their marketing? We put their strategy to the test in this latest episode of Marketing Unboxed.

Marketing 231
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234: How To Grow A 7 Figure Pet Supply Store By Giving Back With Kenric Hwang

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m really excited to have Kenric Hwang on the show. Kenric is someone who I’ve known for a very long time we both got started in ecommerce at around the same time. Many years ago, he started a successful outdoor products company, sold it and then started another company called Max & Neo which sells dog collars and accessories online. Now Max & Neo is no ordinary dog collar company and Kenric has managed to get tons of attention on social media and the press because of one key va

Supplies 227
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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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The Fight For Cybersecurity Brand Dominance Intensifies

Forrester eCommerce

Everything Is An Endpoint Brings Blackberry Back From The Dead For many, the fact that Blackberry still exists – and the fact that it spent $1.4 Billion of the $2.4 Billion in capital it had – is the most surprising part of the Cylance acquisition. Blackberry hasn’t shirked its mythological status as the case study […].

Mobile 378
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10 Must Read Shopify Tips & Resources. (Mainly) For Beginners.

Ecommerce Platforms

There are tons of resources and tips out there to help you make the most of one of the most popular ecommerce platforms on the market in Shopify. This blog has touched on tips and resources for ecommerce users before. Maybe you remember this list of 293 general tips for ecommerce websites that we put together a while back. In this article, we are going to list the top 10 resources and tips specifically for Shopify users.

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Augmented Reality Is Changing The Way We Enjoy Sports, And Sports Marketers Should Pay Attention

RTP blog

By Jeff Ridgeway, Zappar Football season is kicking off and, as with each new season, retailers are thinking about how to make the game day experience bigger and better for fans. Queue Augmented Reality (AR). This emerging technology is becoming increasingly tied to how sports fans get the most out of the games they go and see, and the products they purchase there.

Games 150
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234: Max And Neo – How To Grow A 7 Figure Pet Supply Store By Giving Back With Kenric Hwang

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m really excited to have Kenric Hwang on the show. Kenric is someone who I’ve known for a very long time we both got started in ecommerce at around the same time. Many years ago, he started a successful outdoor products company, sold it and then started another company called Max & Neo which sells dog collars and accessories online. Now Max & Neo is no ordinary dog collar company and Kenric has managed to get tons of attention on social media and the press because of one key va

Supplies 156
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Ghost In The Machine? No, It’s A Robot, And It Is Here To Help

Forrester eCommerce

Just a few years ago, conversations about robotic process automation (RPA) were scattered and far between. Those familiar with RPA had a limited understanding of its potential and at best had carried out?only?a few isolated “proof of concept” experiments. Today, the RPA market is estimated to?reach $2.9 billion by 2021, and conversations are becoming more frequent.

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How to Create an Affiliate Ecommerce Business Like Canopy

Ecommerce Platforms

There are tons of ways to start a new online business and one business model that is attractive to many people is selling physical products through an e-commerce site. E-commerce businesses can be run from anywhere and have the potential to scale to 7-figure businesses or more. However, running an e-commerce store can have many drawbacks, including providing customer service, building trust with potential buyers, keeping track of orders and managing inventory.

eCommerce 152
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Did Nike just unlock the code for the future of retail?


Originally reported at Fast Company. Nike’s six-story, NYC-based flagship store just opened (November 15, 2018) and with it a plethora of digital features have been rolled out in-store. According to Nike’s Chief Design Officer, John Hoke, the future of retail is a mix between digital and physical. And it looks like they’ve accomplished just that – aiming to make shopping in-store as convenient as shopping online.

Retail 152
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11 Ways to Increase Sales with Content Marketing

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

By creating great content and using content marketing tactics, you’ll earn organic leads, win loyal customers, and sell more product. The post 11 Ways to Increase Sales with Content Marketing appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

Marketing 147
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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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Transform Your Organization From Data-Driven To Insights-Driven

Forrester eCommerce

Over the last five years, most large enterprises have slowly but surely matured from being data-aware to data-driven. They all collect data from operational and transactional applications; process the data into data lakes, data hubs, data warehouses, and data marts; and build business intelligence (BI) and analytics applications to understand what the data is telling […].

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What’s the ROI of SEO for eCommerce Websites?

Inflow Insights

It is easier than you think to estimate the ROI of SEO improvements for eCommerce websites. In this article, we’re going to show you how we do it. We Recently Improved Our Method. We recently improved the way we calculate the expected ROI of new SEO improvements for our eCommerce clients. In the past, when talking to a new client, we used our years of experience working with hundreds of eCommerce clients to give our best guess about the ROI they could expect in three to six months.

SEO 138
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Mastering inventory management: The 3 pillars


As we’ve previously discussed, nailing inventory management is critical to keeping up with the explosive growth of the eCommerce market and providing an exceptional customer experience – yet it remains one of the biggest blind spots for businesses.

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Is Your Commerce System Vulnerable to Meltdown on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? (UPDATED)


Last year’s holiday shopping season was another record-breaker. Adobe reported that the 2017 holiday ecommerce revenue climbed to $108.2 billion, beating what was previously forecasted by $1 billion. On Black Friday alone, a record $5 billion was reported in sales. Unfortunately, like the year prior, not all brands and retailers were ready for the surge in traffic.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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The Shifting Map Of US Tech Talent Offers New Opportunities For Talent-Hungry CIOs

Forrester eCommerce

The US tech economy is starting to spread from major cities on the East and West Coasts to inland metro areas. This is great news for American cities, employers, and tech workers. Inland urban centers that were once considered flyover cities are now bustling with tech startups and incubators, as well as the tech workforces […].

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An In-Depth Guide to Volusion Pricing Plans

Ecommerce Platforms

Volusion is known as one of the more “out-of-the-box” ecommerce solutions since it provides options for small businesses to get set up and selling in a quick and easy manner. The cheaper templates are fairly simple, but they do the job. You also have the option to spend a little more money to get something truly unique. Volusion is an extremely affordable option, and I recommend trying out the 14-day free trial if you want to test the system out first.

Volusion 117
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Video marketing


You *clap* need *clap* to *clap* start *clap* recording *clap* *clap* *clap* Listen, 48% of millennial watch videos only on their mobile device. […]. The post Video marketing appeared first on Zmags.

Marketing 100
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50 Successful Shopify Stores & What You Can Learn from Them

A Better Lemonade Stand

Check out this roundup of the top Shopify stores in the industry to learn what makes them successful & how they're driving traffic to their Shopify store. The post 50 Successful Shopify Stores & What You Can Learn from Them appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

Shopify 123
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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.