Sat.Sep 14, 2019 - Fri.Sep 20, 2019

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9 Customer Retention Strategies That Actually Work


Creating a great customer retention strategy is an uneasy yet crucial task for online businesses. One-time buyers and dormant customers have become a headache for most marketers: You have already spent a lot of money on customer acquisition, and now what? For months and months, those customers are stuck in the funnel and go nowhere. Read more The post 9 Customer Retention Strategies That Actually Work appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

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Automation And The Future Of Retail

RTP blog

By Stefan Midford, Capango Artificial Intelligence (AI) is completely disrupting every major industry, including retail. From robotic inventory analysis to cashierless checkout lines, major retailers across the country are deploying artificial intelligence technology and automation to create better customer experiences, improve efficiency and drive sales.

Retail 150

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Creating a Fair Return Policy Without Sacrificing Profits: A Guide for DTC Brands


Business is a balancing act. For DTC eCommerce brands, few things are harder than trying to counterbalance a return policy that appeals to customers with a healthy bottom line. On the one hand, a liberal return policy can act as a USP and significantly increase the number of transactions made on your store. Returns are expensive, however. For some brands, they cut a huge chunk out of profit margins.

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Google research finds rising customer expectations of online retail

Retail Technology Review

Google and Kantar have unveiled research into customer experience across online retailers, analysing 33,500 online shoppers across 17 countries (2,000 UK consumers). The research demonstrates the need for retailers to innovate and improve experience at an ever-increasing rate, as it shows overall experience improving while satisfaction plateaus.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Does ABM Help Produce Better Revenue Results?

Forrester eCommerce

Join me on a stroll down ABM memory lane? In September 2016, Forrester’s B2B Marketing and Sales research team published our first series of reports about account-based marketing. In November, we predicted that ABM would help boost B2B marketers’ customer obsession. We continue to survey the market to keep our finger on the ABM pulse. […].

B2B 352
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Pricing psychology: 6 ways to influence perceived value


Value is emotional, largely unconscious and we as consumers can be influenced by surprising things. Today we look at several case studies on value perception that you may consider testing on your own site and promotional campaigns. Try charm pricing — with caution. You’re undoubtedly aware of charm pricing — the oldest pricing tactic in the book — where marking a $2 item $19.99 or $20 at $19.99 feels like a lower price.

More Trending

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Does Your eCommerce Store Need A Redesign?


The first thing that attracts and engages your visitors is your website design. So, is your eCommerce store design alluring and engaging enough? Or your visitors are creating an abandonment situation within a few seconds? You’re acquiring organic traffic on your website. But, the average session time of your visitors is less than 60 seconds. […]. The post Does Your eCommerce Store Need A Redesign?

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How to Negotiate with Suppliers: 7 Expert Tips for Online Retailers


As an online retailer, your chance for profits starts even before your first sale. Here's the 7 tips from the experts on negotiating with suppliers. The post How to Negotiate with Suppliers: 7 Expert Tips for Online Retailers appeared first on Ecomdash.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Online Store Domain Name

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

Don't settle for a domain name that doesn't fit your brand or is hard to remember. Find the perfect online store domain name with these tips! The post The Beginner’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Online Store Domain Name appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

eCommerce 122
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McDonald’s creative shift is a blow to the future of creativity

Forrester eCommerce

Yes, W+K produces the industry’s most iconic work. Yes, McDonald’s appointing W+KNY lead creative agency is a major accolade. And, yes, its a blow to the future of creativity. The prevailing point of view is McDonalds USA’s selection of W+KNY as its lead creative agency is an affirmation of creativity and a referendum […].

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Google’s New Link Building Guidelines


In case you missed it, Google has just changed up the rules for link building. It used to be that when people link to you, the link would either be a dofollow link or a nofollow link. Well, that’s now changed. They are now introducing 2 more link types that will affect SEOs. Now before we get into the 2 new link types, make sure you read the whole post.

SEO 278
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Spotify’s 2017 “#2018Goals” Campaign Speaks Loudly


Spotify’s #2018Goals campaign was the largest global campaign at the time, running in 18 markets worldwide — finely blending customer…

Marketing 253
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Are In-Store Restaurants Smart Investments For Experience-Driven Retailers?

RTP blog

Only two months after opening its first Table at Crate restaurant in a Chicago store , Crate & Barrel could open as many as 15 full-service restaurants within other stores, according to CEO Neela Montgomery. This expansion is yet another example of retailers leveraging restaurants as a part of their overall brand experience. While Montgomery hasn’t offered a timeline for the restaurant openings, she revealed that the first concept turned a profit in only its second month of operation.

Retail 199
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Countdown To Showdown: Domino’s Supreme Error And Why Businesses Should Do The Opposite

Forrester eCommerce

When you hear “Domino’s” and “supreme” in the same sentence, you could be forgiven for thinking we’re talking about the “Supreme” on its menu — a pizza loaded with pepperoni, bacon, beef, sausage, mushroom, pineapple, and onion. But no, I’m talking about a bad business decision — which any company with a website or app […].

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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BigCommerce Pricing – How Much It Costs Vs Shopify And The Competition

My Wife Quit Her Job

If you are looking to sign up for BigCommerce, you need to be aware of how BigCommerce pricing compares to other shopping carts on the market. Even though their pricing plans seem straightforward at first glance, there are a few pricing gotchas that you need to be aware of that we’ll cover in this post. You’ll learn… How much BigCommerce costs for your specific ecommerce store based on revenue.

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Achieving 2019 Holiday Success: Shipping, Packaging, and Fulfillment Guidelines for Ecommerce Brands


Every year, one resounding piece of advice echoes through the ears of every retail brand across the world: At the…

Shipping 266
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Why Retailers Should Dust Off The Old Gift Card Strategy

RTP blog

By Michael Smallwood, Bitmo We’re all familiar with the classic gift card — those plastic little cards of joy that tend to bulge our wallets, and we often forget are even there. They first came on to the scene back in 1994, when Blockbuster (remember them?) displayed the gift card in stores. Other retailers quickly followed suit, adopting them as a promotional marketing tool.

Gifts 150
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Virtual banks in Hong Kong set to rekindle the retail banking experience

Forrester eCommerce

(Co-authored with Nancy Lin, Senior Associate) The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) recently announced 8 new virtual banking licenses in the market and their operators will all launch new digital-only banks there before or in early 2020. Here is what we think is happening: The regulator’s objective is clear: disrupting traditional banking and improving digital […].

Banking 235
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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An In-depth Guide on Creating an Ecommerce Business Plan in 2020

Ecommerce Platforms

Do you need to launch an ultra practical online business? It all starts with a pre-meditated ecommerce business plan. At first glance, this feels like a superficial blueprint for most starters. But here's the deal. You need an executive summary of everything you're about to do in order to convert your objectives into actual results. From the onset, you must put your thoughts on paper.

eCommerce 172
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John Lewis Focuses on Storytelling Over Brand


Over the last two decades, fierce competition has erupted between companies and retailers attempting to dominate the public’s attention with…

Retail 191
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273: How Nuun Life Grew To An 8 Figure Business With CEO Kevin Rutherford

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m thrilled to have Kevin Rutherford on the show. Kevin is the CEO of Nuun life, a company that sells hydration tablets that turn water into a Gatorade like drink with very few carbs. Nuun is a product that I personally use every single day to stay hydrated and feel productive. And today, we’ll learn how Kevin has grown Nuun into a behemoth of a company.

Books 120
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Have You Been Asked To Help Use Dark Patterns?

Forrester eCommerce

“I tried to stop it from happening, but they just ignored me.” That’s what one person told me recently — and many others responded similarly — when I blogged about my upcoming keynote at CX SF and invited people to share their stories with me in confidence about how they respond when asked to help […].

Blog 235
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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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The Top 5 WooCommerce Dropshipping Plugins

Ecommerce Platforms

If you're one of the 3,317,200+ entrepreneurs using WooCommerce to fuel your online business, ramp things up a notch by using a dropshipping plugin. This kind of tool works wonders for extending the overall functionality of your digital store. There are tons on the market, so choosing one can be a tad overwhelming. If you're unsure which dropshipping apps to try, never fear because we're going to explore six of our favorites right here in this article.

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Google Home’s 2018 Alone Again with Google Assistant Campaign is the Ultimate Nostalgia


“Home Alone Again with the Google Assistant” paid homage to Home Alone, the classic 1990s holiday movie that has become…

eCommerce 209
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Five ways eprocurement can revolutionize supply chain management


As businesses seek to optimize their supply chains and find cost savings in the procurement process, eProcurement platforms have been widely adopted. With eProcurement, businesses benefit from greater insight and accountability in the procurement process, both of which contribute to cost control and better relationships with suppliers. 1. Increased Supply Chain Visibility.

Supplies 143
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The Weather’s Heating Up Down Under, And So Is My Upcoming Research!

Forrester eCommerce

It’s been a couple of months since my last blog post! A huge vacation in the UK, backed up by RSA Singapore, our Financial Services Forum back in Sydney, and then off again to the north for our S&R Forum in DC have left me no chance to reflect. Between those events, I’ve run strategy […].

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Long Tail Keywords for eCommerce: Our Advanced Strategies to Rank for and Profit from Them

Inflow Insights

We have seen that eCommerce marketers tend to chase keywords with a high search volume. As a result, everyone in a given space is hunting for the same keywords that get search traffic. Does that sound familiar? These higher volume keywords can get good, sometimes great results…if you can beat the competition. Often, however, you end up running out of high volume keywords to target that you can actually rank for.

eCommerce 120
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Automate and Optimize: How to Improve Your Fulfillment for the Holidays


The holidays are the busiest time of the year for direct-to-consumer brands, as gift givers continue to do more shopping…

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4 ways to be optimizing for voice search


Once dismissed as just a fad, voice search has shown real staying power. In fact, research shows that voice search is on the rise. According to statistics by Dialogtech, we can expect half of all online searches to be voice searches within a year. So, if you’re not optimizing for voice search, you’re missing out on nearly half of all search queries.

Mobile 136
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It’s Time To Reinvent Mapping For The Physical Future

Forrester eCommerce

We have 50 years of experience with digital maps, so you might think the mapping industry would have it all figured out. After all, after 50 years of AI, the software industry figured out how to put the algorithms and data lakes on a specialized PaaS that any developer could tap. But in mapping, the […].

Customer 225
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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.