January, 2020

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Is SEO Dead? (A Data-Driven Answer)


SEO has been changing drastically over the years. In 2010, Google made 516 algorithm changes. That number increased to 1,653 in 2016 and to 3,234 in 2018. We don’t have data for the last couple of years, but still, you can bet that the number is continually going up. With over 9 algorithm changes a day, it’s safe to say that it is no longer easy to manipulate or game Google.

SEO 363
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Product IQ: The Missing Ingredient In Most PPC Campaigns

Store Growers

Being good at Google Ads doesn’t mean that you can run and scale profitable campaigns. That might sound weird. But it is true. And the reason I know this is because I’ve failed at it plenty of times. Sometimes it was because the business wasn’t ready to run ads , sometimes it was because I was lacking in some other area. This article is about the last part.

PPC 113

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What I See Coming For The Channel In 2020

Forrester eCommerce

Preparing for this years list of future channel trends has been an immersive experience to say the least. In 2019, I was able to talk to 497 companies one-on-one about their channel strategy and programs, including 130 of those face-to-face. I received 78 briefings from the technology companies who are inventing new ways to […].

Channel 524
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Driving Traffic to Your Online Store


I hate to be the one to break it to you, but driving traffic to your online store is not…

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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5 ways B2B automation will transform your ecommerce business


What do you think of when someone says the word “automation?” For me, it’s robots in factories building cars faster than humans ever could. For you, perhaps automation brings to mind artificially intelligent algorithms spotting patterns in data and making decisions in fractions of a second. As a B2B supplier, maybe you associate automation with marketing automation.

B2B 155
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eCommerce SEO Tips


Ranking on a search engine results page (SERP) is crucial if you want searchers to find your eCommerce site. Websites with great SEO strategies appear on the first page of search results and acquire more traffic, resulting in more conversions. Without an SEO strategy, people are not directed to your website because it does not show up in organic search results.

SEO 362

More Trending

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Amazon FBA – A 2020 Guide To Selling Private Label Products

My Wife Quit Her Job

This detailed guide will teach you how to start an Amazon FBA business selling private label products step by step. Here’s what you will learn. How to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon. How to setup your first Amazon listing the correct way. How to optimize your listings for maximum conversions. How to get early exposure for your products.

eCommerce 257
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Guess what? GDPR enforcement is on fire!

Forrester eCommerce

Yes, you read the title of this blog well: GDPR enforcement is on fire! Fines might not always be particularly high, but our analysis shows that – at least in terms of volume – Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) are rapidly increasing their GDPR enforcement activities. And, some interesting trends are also emerging, such as: As […].

Blog 536
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Competing With Amazon: How Amazon’s Top Ecommerce Competitors Survive and Thrive


Amazon, launched by president and CEO Jeff Bezos in 1994 just outside of Seattle, Washington, is a global ecommerce giant.

eCommerce 512
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Shipping Carriers Compared: DHL Vs. FedEx Vs. UPS in 2020


As a retailer who ships to your customers, have you struggled to decode which carrier is the best for your business? When it comes to choosing between carriers, there are a number of critical factors to keep in mind, such as shipping rates, services, and overall value. Having a better understanding of what the carriers have to offer can help you choose which works best for your eCommerce business.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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HubSpot & BigCommerce Integration: BigCommerce Abandoned Cart


We love BigCommerce for many reasons – its flexible APIs, low cost of ownership, and overall product investment in making a user-friendly cloud-based eCommerce platform. Additionally, we love the platform’s flexibility to seamlessly integrate with abandoned cart apps. What is Cart Abandonment? An abandoned cart occurs when a customer adds one item or more to their shopping cart but exits out of a website before purchasing the item(s). 69.57% is the average online shopping cart abandonment rate a

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Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?


If you have ever left a comment on NeilPatel.com, you’ll notice that there is no URL field. Why? Well, a few years ago, blog commenting exploded. I was literally getting thousands of spam comments a day from people just leaving a comment for the purpose of link building instead of providing value to the community. Sure, there are spam plugins like Akismet , but it doesn’t catch everything.

Blog 338
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Can High Achievers Live A Balanced Life? My Take On The 4 Burners Theory

My Wife Quit Her Job

Elon Musk is one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet but he works 100 hours per week. Sheryl Sandberg states that women routinely settle for non-leadership roles because they put their families first. But can you have it both ways? Can a high achiever live a balanced life without making huge sacrifices? A while ago, my buddy James Clear introduced to me to the 4 burners theory.

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Shatter The Seven Myths Of Machine Learning

Forrester eCommerce

The best New Year’s resolution? Become machine-learning-literate! It’s good for your organization, your career, and the sanity of your data scientists. See the new “Shatter The Seven Myths Of Machine Learning” report below for a mini course on machine-learning fundamentals and terminology.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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17 Tips For Online Small Business Owners


Chapter by chapter we’ve unlocked the keys to online small business success. You’ve created a great product.

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How to Come Up with a Business Name and URL for your Online Shop

Ecommerce Platforms

How to Come Up with a Business Name and URL for your Online Shop. Ready to transform your business idea into an incredible money-making opportunity? You're going to need one all-important thing first: a business name. Many business leaders assume that choosing the right title is simple. They think that the ideal name will come to them in a flash of inspiration after they've finished designing their website or creating their products.

Clothing 233
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3 eCommerce Product Videos To Drive Product Page Conversion


It's crucial for eCommerce brands to showcase their products in the best way possible. Although great product photography is an essential component to increasing conversions, eCommerce product videos also help to convert shoppers into customers. According to Wyzowl , 80% of video marketers say video has directly helped increase sales. Let that sink in for a second.

eCommerce 355
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You Can Have My Old Business That Makes $381,722 a Month


I was talking with my friend who works at Keap (formally known as Infusionsoft) and he was breaking down how people still make millions of dollars selling info products and ebooks. Now, I don’t sell info products as heavily as I used to, but when I focused on it 100% of the time, my numbers were great. Just look at the screenshot above. It’s my revenue on a bad month of selling info products.

Webinar 329
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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298: Nate Lipton On How To Sell Cannabis CBD Products Online

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m thrilled to have Nate Lipton on the show because he runs numerous ecommerce businesses in the cannabis space. For example, GrowersHouse.com is an 8 figure ecommerce store selling growing supplies and he recently launched a line of CBD products over at TruPotency.com. In any case, I have many students and readers who have been asking me questions on how to break into this space so we’re going to have Nate answer these questions directly.

Supplies 191
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With Good Foundations, Augmented Reality Offers A Great Way To Engage With IoT Data

Forrester eCommerce

Augmented reality (AR) and the internet of things (IoT). In principle these two hot technologies are a great match, with data streaming from IoT-connected machines to be used by AR-wielding engineers on the factory floor. My latest report, “Combine Augmented And Mixed Reality With IoT To Deliver Insight At The Point Of Need,” began with […].

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Competing With Amazon: How Amazon’s Top Ecommerce Competitors Survive and Thrive


Amazon, launched by president and CEO Jeff Bezos in 1994 just outside of Seattle, Washington, is a global ecommerce giant.

eCommerce 375
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Printful vs Printify: The Ultimate Print-on-Demand Services Comparison in 2020

Ecommerce Platforms

Printful vs Printify… which ranks better? It’s never an easy task to be the judge. We’ve been asked every so often to give an in-depth summary and recommend the best platform to launch a T-shirt business. . The print-on-demand business model seems to take a blooming knock in the ecommerce industry. Data-backed numbers show that the custom T-shirt printing niche alone is expected to hit $10 billion by 2025. .

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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eCommerce Merchandising Strategy: Cross-Selling


A great website design can get your eCommerce store far, but you must proactively guide customers to the products they're searching for to increasingly generate online sales. Online merchandising is one aspect that must not be overlooked in your eCommerce marketing strategy. There are several well-known eCommerce merchandising tactics like cross-selling, up-selling, advanced site search, faceted navigation and customer segmentation.

eCommerce 354
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SMS Campaigns 101: Things To Know Before Starting (With Examples)


SMS text messages are living their renaissance. In Omnisend, over Thanksgiving week alone, ecommerce merchants sent more than one million SMS campaigns, and that was more than ever before. DTC brands and ecommerce retailers invest in SMS heavily for a reason. According to VoiceSage, over 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes of Read more The post SMS Campaigns 101: Things To Know Before Starting (With Examples) appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

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8 Tips To Identify Ideal Audience In 2020


Taking shots in the dark and shooting has a chance of hitting bullseye, but only once in a hundred, or maybe thousand times. Do that and you’ll waste all your arrows. Running your business without knowing who your target audience is also like wasting your arrows or money. Frankly, there are countless businesses out there […]. The post 8 Tips To Identify Ideal Audience In 2020 appeared first on MakeWebBetter.

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Values-Based Selling Will Help Retailers Win Consumers’ Spend

Forrester eCommerce

With Holiday peak just behind us, apply lessons from 2019 for wins in 2020 (… and not just during Holiday!). Shoppers are not just looking for a good deal, they want to appease their sense of social responsibility to feel like they’re doing some GOOD with their purchase – or at least, not making it […].

Consumer 395
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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.

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What is an API? A Digestible Definition with API Examples for Ecommerce Owners


You’ve probably heard the terms API, Public API, or Web API before.

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4 Step eCommerce Keyword Research Strategy (Advanced Guide)

Inflow Insights

In this guide, we’ll share our go-to eCommerce keyword research strategy. This keyword research strategy is great for eCommerce in particular because it is based on intent marketing to optimize every type of page on your eCommerce website. In other words, this process will show you how to find the right keywords to add to your website’s: Homepage. Product descriptions.

eCommerce 189
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Product Photography Basics To Increase Conversions


Did you know that 51% of Americans with internet access prefer to shop online? And that number is continuously growing. With the growing majority of people that shop online, it’s crucial for eCommerce websites to showcase their products in the best way possible. It only takes a vague amount of consumer behavior knowledge to understand that shoppers critique product images and base their purchase decisions off of these images.

Reference 351
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15 Tips for Valentine’s Day Email Marketing


Some people love Valentine’s Day. Others—not so much. But we can all agree that this is a great occasion for amazing sales. Merchants promote it and customers have no problem shopping for cheaper products as well. To realize how big of a shopping holiday Valentine’s Day has become (and how you can use it to increase your sales). The Read more The post 15 Tips for Valentine’s Day Email Marketing appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

Marketing 203
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The Circular Product Journey: Powering a Sustainable, Data-Driven Future With PIM

The linear flow of make > use > dispose is unsustainable. Not only is it at odds with the realities of modern society, but it also fails to meet evolving demands from consumers and regulators. Linear is out. Circular is in. Going circular is not an overnight switch. It requires forward planning and data-driven decision-making. In this ebook, you’ll see how the right technology can help brands and manufacturers secure the product data governance they need to power this circular transition.