Sat.Jan 04, 2020 - Fri.Jan 10, 2020

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How eCommerce Brands Win Big by Going Green


Sustainability has become a major concern in eCommerce. Every day, more and more brands are taking steps to reduce their impact on the environment. There’s more than one good reason why so many brands are going green. As you’ll see, becoming more sustainable doesn’t just make environmental sense. It benefits virtually every aspect of your business, from your employees to your customers to your bottom line.

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A Guide to Email Acquisition for Ecommerce


Businesses want to build up their email lists to remain in contact with their customers. This can lead to more customer traffic, which leads to more sales. Some businesses may question the point of email campaigns. After all, no one uses email anymore, right? Source: Email remains a strong and effective channel of communication. Read more The post A Guide to Email Acquisition for Ecommerce appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.


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5 ways B2B automation will transform your ecommerce business


What do you think of when someone says the word “automation?” For me, it’s robots in factories building cars faster than humans ever could. For you, perhaps automation brings to mind artificially intelligent algorithms spotting patterns in data and making decisions in fractions of a second. As a B2B supplier, maybe you associate automation with marketing automation.

B2B 155
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eCommerce Customer Experience: The Ultimate Guide


What is eCommerce customer experience? Regardless of the field and channel, customer experience comes down to the way a customer. The post eCommerce Customer Experience: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on ECOMMERCE GROWTH Blog.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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What I See Coming For The Channel In 2020

Forrester eCommerce

Preparing for this years list of future channel trends has been an immersive experience to say the least. In 2019, I was able to talk to 497 companies one-on-one about their channel strategy and programs, including 130 of those face-to-face. I received 78 briefings from the technology companies who are inventing new ways to […].

Channel 523
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eCommerce SEO Tips


Ranking on a search engine results page (SERP) is crucial if you want searchers to find your eCommerce site. Websites with great SEO strategies appear on the first page of search results and acquire more traffic, resulting in more conversions. Without an SEO strategy, people are not directed to your website because it does not show up in organic search results.

SEO 362

More Trending

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Magento End of Life : Your Survival Guide for a Last-Minute Replatform (6 Month Countdown)


Magento first announced they would no longer be supporting updates to their Magento 1 software way back in September 2018.

Magento 252
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Values-Based Selling Will Help Retailers Win Consumers’ Spend

Forrester eCommerce

With Holiday peak just behind us, apply lessons from 2019 for wins in 2020 (… and not just during Holiday!). Shoppers are not just looking for a good deal, they want to appease their sense of social responsibility to feel like they’re doing some GOOD with their purchase – or at least, not making it […].

Consumer 385
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eCommerce Merchandising Strategy: Cross-Selling


A great website design can get your eCommerce store far, but you must proactively guide customers to the products they're searching for to increasingly generate online sales. Online merchandising is one aspect that must not be overlooked in your eCommerce marketing strategy. There are several well-known eCommerce merchandising tactics like cross-selling, up-selling, advanced site search, faceted navigation and customer segmentation.

eCommerce 354
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What’s In Store At NRF2020? RTP Editors Reveal Their ‘Must-See’ Experiences

RTP blog

NRF2020 is less than a week away, and the Retail TouchPoints team is sending its full editorial team to cover the hottest sessions and gather insight on the top new trends and solutions for 2020. Leading retail and tech CEOs including Best Buy’s Corie Barry, Starbucks’. Kevin Johnson, Kohl’s Michelle Gass and Microsoft’s Satya Nadella lead a stellar group of executives speaking at the event, revealing their “2020 Vision” to thousands of attendees.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Can High Achievers Live A Balanced Life? My Take On The 4 Burners Theory

My Wife Quit Her Job

Elon Musk is one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet but he works 100 hours per week. Sheryl Sandberg states that women routinely settle for non-leadership roles because they put their families first. But can you have it both ways? Can a high achiever live a balanced life without making huge sacrifices? A while ago, my buddy James Clear introduced to me to the 4 burners theory.

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Five Consumer Lessons From The 2010s: #2

Forrester eCommerce

This is the second installment in a series of five blog posts highlighting important lessons about consumer behavior and attitude that emerged from the past decade. If a retrospective look on the 2010s conjures feelings of uncertainty, peering through the lens of legacy brand leaders only dramatizes the sense of instability, as the volume and […].

Consumer 221
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Business Blog Ideas For 2020


Regardless of business size, the purpose of a company blog is to engage customers in a conversation. It's much easier to start that conversation by providing topical information that is practical for current and future customers. Effective blogging will aid in your eCommerce marketing strategy and help your business grow. As your number of readers increases, you'll need to provide them with more reasons to come back for your content.

Blog 300
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What To Know Before Selling Online

RTP blog

By Eric Prugh, PactSafe Digital marketplaces have made it overwhelmingly simple to open up an online store and sell products online. Between Etsy, Shopify, eBay, and a host of other online marketplaces, it’s never been easier to make your products available for your customer base. These online marketplaces often manage the online legal regulations for starting an online e-Commerce store, but there are times when sellers/shop owners are the ones responsible for knowing and following the rules and

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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How to Turn Your Site into an Automated Sales Machine


Want to make more sales? Of course you do. Maybe you’re not hitting the kind of figures you want, or maybe you haven’t even made a single sale yet. Either way, you’re not selling as much as you want to be. But why aren’t you? There are tons of possible reasons here, but I’m willing to bet it’s your website. Even if you have an expertly designed site, it could still be the culprit that’s stealing all your sales.

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Appian Jumps Into RPA Market With Jidoka Purchase

Forrester eCommerce

Appian will acquire native robotic process automation (RPA) capability with the purchase of Jidoka, which will be rebranded “Appian RPA.” It will be an additionally priced feature of the Appian Cloud platform. For 5K a month, enterprises can build as many robots as they need. Relatively small, with 25 employees, Jidoka clients are mostly unattended […].

Marketing 195
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6 Month Countdown to the End of Magento 1: Your Survival Guide for a Last-Minute Replatform


Magento first announced they would no longer be supporting updates to their Magento 1 software way back in September 2018.

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The Fundamentals of Retail Marketing


People know about big-name retail companies such as Walmart or Target. These big names sell various products, but they don’t create those products themselves. This is possible through a retail marketing business model, which follows three steps: The retailer purchases and sells products from businesses. The retailers advertise those products to customers.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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8 Tips To Identify Ideal Audience In 2020


Taking shots in the dark and shooting has a chance of hitting bullseye, but only once in a hundred, or maybe thousand times. Do that and you’ll waste all your arrows. Running your business without knowing who your target audience is also like wasting your arrows or money. Frankly, there are countless businesses out there […]. The post 8 Tips To Identify Ideal Audience In 2020 appeared first on MakeWebBetter.

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Five Consumer Lessons From The 2010s: #1

Forrester eCommerce

There’s no better time to examine the past and future than when crossing the threshold of a new year and decade. During this time of thoughtful retrospection, it’s easy to exaggerate how dramatically the world has changed, thanks to cognitive bias. But certain changes are undeniable — after all, we entered 2010 at a time […].

Consumer 195
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How to Dropship on Shopify – A Step by Step Guide

Ecommerce Platforms

The majority of us who want to step into the sphere of ecommerce don't have the time, money, or space to manufacture, store, and deliver wares to customers — if you can relate, then dropshipping is the best solution for you. This business model works wonders for eliminating all the typical headaches that come with running an online store. So, now we've (hopefully) piqued your interest, let's take a look at our step by step guide on how to dropship on Shopify… What's Dropshipping?

Shopify 171
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The Impact of Email Marketing ROI


Return on investment (ROI) stands out as an important metric for businesses involved in ecommerce. ROI allows ecommerce companies to measure how effective their marketing and promotion efforts are. How well they perform compared to previous years or months. Changes that draw in more revenue. Customers’ reactions to changes in the company. While it may Read more The post The Impact of Email Marketing ROI appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

Marketing 181
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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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How True Value improved online conversions with 360º images


The True Value Company is one of the world’s leading hardline wholesalers with a globally recognized brand providing its customers in over 60 countries an expansive product set with market-customized assortments at highly competitive prices, superior product availability, innovative marketing programs and a la carte value-added services. For retailers with a presence both in physical and online stores like True Value, creating a continuum of the online-offline customer experience is crucial for

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How Leading Government Agencies Are Raising CX With Tech-Driven Innovations

Forrester eCommerce

CIOs: Want to raise up your citizens’ feelings and engagement with your government agency? And deepen your employee loyalty? Sadly, Forrester survey data shows that the quality of most agencies’ customer experience (CX) is mostly weak and uneven overall. Key to achieving this success: prioritizing tech-driven innovations to help you proactively address CX issues and challenges. […].

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286: The Brutal Truth About Success That No One Talks About – My Take On The 4 Burners Theory

My Wife Quit Her Job

I’m doing a solo episode today because I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind for quite some time, the 4 burners theory to success in life. Now the 4 burners theory is something that my buddy James Clear introduced me to at one of my masterminds and it’s a theory that forces you to think deeply about the priorities in your life.

Books 120
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How to Insert a GIF into an Email: The Full Guide


Text is obviously a critical component of any marketing email, but marketers often overlook the importance of visual content. Readers are more likely to engage with your newsletter and make purchases if you include different types of content in your messaging. This article will teach you how to put a GIF in an email and Read more The post How to Insert a GIF into an Email: The Full Guide appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

Article 168
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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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The Ultimate NCR Silver POS Review

Ecommerce Platforms

If you're the owner of a small or medium-sized company, then you'll know how important it is to have the right POS solution. It's imperative to the smooth running of your business. It doesn't matter whether you're looking to purchase your first-ever POS or you're thinking of shaking things up with something new; you would be wise to consider NCR Silver POS.

POS 118
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January 2020 Bezos Bulletin: Amazon Advertising & 2020 Trends

ROI Revolution

Published January 9, 2020. Welcome to the first Bezos Bulletin of 2020! We’ll be diving into a review of marketplaces in 2019, a look ahead at trends that will dominate 2020, and a brief analysis of how Amazon advertising is transforming the digital landscape. Let’s get started! Amazon Advertising in 2019. Some of the cons to Amazon Advertising were revealed in 2019, such as organic results being flooded with sponsored products, Amazon brands, and recommended products.

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8 Tips to identify Ideal Audience in 2020


Taking shots in the dark and shooting has a chance of hitting bullseye, but only once in a hundred, or maybe thousand times. Do that and you’ll waste all your arrows. Running your business without knowing who your target audience is also like wasting your arrows or money. Frankly, there are countless businesses out there […]. The post 8 Tips to identify Ideal Audience in 2020 appeared first on MakeWebBetter.

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A Quick Guide to Push Notification Marketing


Digital marketers often focus on channels like email, social media, and text, but push notifications can play an equally important role in strong digital campaigns. In fact, push notifications are particularly effective for certain kinds of messaging, and they’re easier to set up and manage than ever before. With that in mind, this article will Read more The post A Quick Guide to Push Notification Marketing appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

Marketing 166
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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.