
Daisy Smith
Daisy Smith 19 May 2022

The Best Reviews Plugin for WordPress That You Can’t Ignore

You can discover the best reviews plugin for WordPress that eases your embedding process and provides additional features that make this strategy worthwhile for your business.

If you have a WordPress website and are looking for different ways to build credibility for it and your brand, then this blog is just for you. While consumers are more used to online shopping and ecommerce, they rely heavily on online reviews to assist them in purchasing decisions.

Hence, brands with WordPress websites are now actively opting to embed reviews on their respective websites. For that, they have reviews plugins for WordPress that come to their rescue.

These WP plugins provide dedicated feed widgets like Google review widget, Airbnb review widget, Facebook review widget, Yelp review widget, and other major customer review widgets that enable users to display reviews from the WordPress website.

So, if you want to hop onto this trend and want to flaunt your customers' reviews on the website, then here are top-rated WordPress plugins that will help you in this cause. These plugins are amongst the finest plugins on the store and provide some fantastic results. So without any further ado, let's get to know them.

Finest Reviews Plugin for WordPress that are Worth a Try

We all know that plugins help in adding beauty and functionality to your website. You can find the best reviews plugin for WordPress that eases your embedding process and provide additional features that make this strategy worthwhile.

In the list below, we have mentioned the top-rated review plugins and have mentioned their major features, so you can make your decision with ease.

1. Google Customer Reviews Plugin by Tagembed


What are the essential elements that you look for while selecting a plugin? Its different uses, its features, its pricing plans? This plugin has all three elements that you look for. 

The customer reviews plugin by Tagembed is a powerful WordPress plugin that helps you collect your reviews from various platforms. After collecting the reviews, you have the facility to curate and customize the collected reviews and then assist in displaying them on the website.

By following some simple and basic steps, you can effortlessly embed consumers' reviews on your website. Alongside making the embedding process easy and manageable, it also provides some helpful features that add tremendous value to this plugin. Some of the noteworthy features of this plugin are listed below.

Highlighted Features:

Customization: The plugin allows you to personalize your widget as per your need. It enables you to change the font size, font style, widget color, background color, etc.

Moderation: You have the facility to remove the reviews that you think are inappropriate or have mentioned other brands.

Responsive widget: The review widget from the plugin adjusts itself as per different screen sizes; there is no need to change the display setting as per different devices.

Live updates: As soon as the review uploads on the source, the widget will display it without delay.

Custom CSS, custom CTA, analytics, and more.

2. Widget for Google Review by Radius Theme


Widget for Google Reviews is one of the best review plugins for WordPress. As the page suggests, the plugin helps you collect and display Google reviews to your WordPress website with ease, assisting you in building credibility in front of your visitors.

Like the plugin mentioned above, Widget for Google Reviews also has some amazing features that might help you while using this for your WordPress website.

Highlighted Features:

Responsive widget: Saves you from the task of changing the widget display setting as per different screen sizes.

Shortcode compatibility: The plugin is compatible with shortcodes, making the whole embedding process manageable and straightforward.

Customization: You can personalize the widget as per the style and feel of your brand and website.

Different layout: Provides the option of different layouts, helping you showcase your reviews in style.

3. Reviews Plus by ImpleCode


Reviews Plus is another powerful plugin that helps you gather and display customer reviews for products, services, and more on your page. Reviews help you hold customers on the website and keep them engaged with the content. 

The user-friendly interface makes it easy to use and helps users embed reviews without the hassle. So, now you can add functionality to your WordPress website by showcasing your visitors the reviews related to your brand and sharing the customer perspective of your website. 

Highlighted Features:

User Friendly: As mentioned, the plugin is very easy to use. Even if you don't have any coding knowledge or background, you can still use the plugin easily.

Responsive widget: No matter what device your visitors are using, they will be able to read reviews with ease. The widget automatically adjusts as per devices without hindering website alignments.

Over to You

By displaying the best reviews plugin on your WordPress website, you can win the trust of your visitors and, at the same time, keep them hooked to your WordPress website.

There are ample customer reviews for WordPress websites that help you in this case. But the best reviews plugin mentioned above are the best in the business. So try them now and exhibit the positive reviews in front of your target audience in style.

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