Tue.Jan 09, 2018

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72% of Sites Fail Ecommerce Site Search Expectations: 3 Steps + a Checklist to Ensure Yours Isn’t One of Them


It’s official: mobile ecommerce on-site search experiences are abysmal. You probably didn’t need a study to prove that out. We’ve all been there, after all – typing on a mobile screen into a tiny box that serves us little to no accurate results. In fact, according to a recent Baymard Institute Mobile Ecommerce Usability study, most of us use on-site search when on mobile (and over other mobile search experiences).

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4 Post-Holiday Marketing Tactics for Customer Retention


This is a guest blog post from Justuno , the conversion optimization platform. . Congratulations! If you’re reading this article, you’ve survived the grueling holiday season as an online retailer. Now it’s on to the new year where we can take what we’ve learned and build on it for an even more lucrative year! The new year is a blank canvas and with every blank canvas, it’s difficult to know where to start.


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Low-Price Selling: Is it Worth It?


Selling a lot of products at low prices is a proven profitable strategy. If you have any doubts, just look at America’s favorite discount store Walmart. They’re earning $486 billion in 2017 fiscal year revenue. But Walmart is actually doing something really hard. Earning profits on low price items requires planning. To ensure earnings, a merchant has to selectively choose their inventory: goods with low costs and high demand to ensure high turnover.

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The secret formula: Creating a brand advocate using email


Have you ever fallen in love with a brand and couldn’t help but tell your friends about it whenever the opportunity presented itself? We call that brand advocacy and that’s what every ecommerce store should be working towards. According to Branderati , brand advocates are 2X more likely to tell people about their purchases than non-advocates. Creating a brand that your customers’ rave about takes time and planning — part of that preparation needs to be put into your email marketing.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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The Top 4 Ways to Improve Your Ecommerce Product Descriptions in 2018

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

Are your product descriptions converting or can they use some help? Here are the top 4 ways you can improve your ecommerce product descriptions in 2018. The post The Top 4 Ways to Improve Your Ecommerce Product Descriptions in 2018 appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

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A baker’s dozen of provocative retail predictions for 2018

Steve Dennis

2017 was one of the most transformative years for the retail industry that I can remember. 2018 is likely to be just as wild and woolly, albeit in somewhat different ways. Here’s my attempt to go beyond the obvious and go out on the limb just a bit. Physical retail isn’t dead. Boring retail is. A lot of stores closed in 2017. Often forgotten is that a lot opened as well.

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How to Improve Your Customer Experience with Web Design


In the ever-growing age of ecommerce, no business can really survive without an online presence. As part of a brand’s digital marketing strategy, every element of a website needs to serve a purpose. From visuals to usability, every single element is crucial to the customer experience and in turn has a huge impact on the brand’s ability to retain customers and attract new ones.

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Grow Conversions and AOV With Product Recommendations


If you show your customers you get them and make it easy for them to find what they’re looking for, they’ll be sure to come back to you time and time again. The post Grow Conversions and AOV With Product Recommendations appeared first on Bronto Blog.

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‘Your Amazon Seller Privileges Have Been Removed’ — Don’t Worry, Amazon’s Appeal Process Just Got Easier!


A suspended third-party seller account on Amazon is every retailer or brand’s nightmare when trying to grow their business. A suspension can lead to days — even weeks — of lost sales, which can be detrimental for an Amazon business. Unfortunately, these account suspensions happen to plenty of sellers and getting an account back open ASAP is critical to reduce any potential revenue loss.

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UndergroundFPV design, create and link people to amazing products including racing drones


Underground FPV use TradeGecko to have visibility into sales performance and ROI, create purchase orders easily and communicate with staff globally.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Don’t Miss These Must-See Sessions at NRF 2018!


Don’t Miss These Must-See Sessions at NRF 2018. Retail’s Big Show is just around the corner. In fact, there is less than a week before a multitude of must-see sessions at NRF 2018 starts. From the Main Stage, to Exhibitor’s big ideas, to the Podcasts and Breakaway Sessions, there is something for everyone. And don’t forget the OrderDynamics and Born late night cocktail party on Monday night.

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How to Budget for Your eCommerce Project – Free Budget Planning Guide!

Demac Media

Limitations due to lack of budget tend to be a struggle companies face when they look at building an ecommerce website or migrating to a new ecommerce platform. We’re no stranger to this problem. In fact, we’ve faced this challenge with many retailers, whether it’s our first time talking to them or 3 years into our partnership. Building a thorough budget for your ecommerce project is extremely important as it can impact your website’s functionality, content, design and integrations which are all

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5 Reasons Multivariate Testing Sucks and What to Do Instead

Dynamic Yield

How the complex nature of multivariate tests render them impractical and what other solutions you can run for more optimal results. The post 5 Reasons Multivariate Testing Sucks and What to Do Instead appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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The complex nature of running multivariate tests

Dynamic Yield

How multivariate tests render impractical insights and what other solutions you can run for more optimal results. The post The complex nature of running multivariate tests appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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5 Reasons Multivariate Testing Sucks and What to Do Instead

Dynamic Yield

How the complex nature of multivariate tests render them impractical and what other solutions you can run for more optimal results. The post 5 Reasons Multivariate Testing Sucks and What to Do Instead appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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