Tue.Oct 24, 2017

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56 Experts Uncover the 13 Quickest Ways to Increase Ecommerce Sales


Tony Robbins said it best: “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.”. This especially applies to entrepreneurs that are embarking on a dangerous journey where they want to avoid as many obstacles as possible. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. Starting and growing an ecommerce business isn’t easy.

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Instagram Made Me Buy It!


Instagram and shopping go together like peanut butter and jelly. Because Instagram has such an intense focus on fashion, travel, and lifestyle, it’s a perfect fit for many ecommerce brands looking to reach new audiences and raise awareness of their innovative products. However, there’s a lot of competition these days for Instagram attention. Instagram is a known hub of influencer marketing, with makeup vloggers driving huge profits for brands; travel stars on Instagram sharing their favorite sui


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Let User Behavior Shape Your Customer Engagement Strategy


SaaS growth relies on customer engagement. It can seem like an uphill battle garnering your audience’s attention in a competitive market. However, coupled with behavioral data, a personalized experience is one solution to communicating your product’s value. “Chances are your customers have very diverse backgrounds, interests, and behaviors. A one-size-fits-all approach to customer engagement may alienate your customers and drive them away from your brand,” says Donte Ledbetter , growth producer

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The Power of Pumpkin — How Seasonal Trends Create New CX Opportunity For Brands

RTP blog

By Gordon White, Acticall Sitel Group Sunday is shopping day in my house, a necessary trip to the local Trader Joe’s to stock up on essentials like Brown Rice Marshmallow bars and Ghost Pepper Potato Chips. I genuinely like the shopping experience there, it feels serendipitous and they always tempt me to try new things. As I shouldered my way through the busy store looking for new things to try, one thing became abundantly clear.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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How to Build a Winning Holiday Marketing Campaign for Your Ecommerce Store


It’s that time of year again—the holiday shopping season. As we quickly approach what is for many ecommerce businesses their most profitable months of the year, many marketers are busy developing holiday-themed campaigns, getting budgets approved, and thinking about all the things they could do to drive more sales before year-end. In order to get the most out of the holiday season as an ecommerce business, it’s imperative that you take time to plan ahead.

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2Checkout reports new global digital commerce trends for 2017

Retail Technology Review

2Checkout (formerly Avangate) has released its H1 2017 benchmark report on Digital Commerce Trends in Software & Online Services Sales, showing that subscription-based software solutions, downloadable or as a service, maintain a strong upward trend.

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Complaining consumers target retailers through social media

Retail Technology Review

New research by HSO has revealed that 36% of consumers would use social media to complain about a product or service. This compared favourably to 30% who would use an online complaints form; 18% who opted for visiting the store and just 14% who preferred the more traditional approach of a telephone call.

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The Rewards Program Checklist: Holiday Edition


Is your online store ready for the holiday rush? The months of November and December drive as much as 30% more ecommerce revenue than the rest of the year , with Black Friday and Christmas pulling in 50-100% more than any other day on their own! In order to take advantage of this surge in consumer spending, you need to have a holiday strategy that can withstand a serious boost in traffic.

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New report: Abandoned cart benchmarks


Today marks the official launch of our ecommerce industry benchmark report on abandoned carts. It takes several steps for an ecommerce shopper to go from visiting an online store to buying a product and becoming a customer. The customer needs to find your site, browse your products, pick a product they like, add it to their cart, enter credit card details, and finally make their purchase.

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'3D printing will bring a whole new dimension to retail,' – ParcelHero tells leading retailers

Retail Technology Review

The impact of 3D printing on online shopping and the High Street has been massively underestimated, ParcelHero's David Jinks warns The Richmond Supply Chain Forum's Autumn Conference.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Ecomdash Releases New App Store


We are excited to announce the ecomdash App Store, a central location for retailers to access top marketplaces, suppliers, dropshippers, and other ancillary integrations. Read more. The post Ecomdash Releases New App Store appeared first on ecomdash.

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'Europe risks becoming a walled garden of commerce,' warn payment risk experts

Retail Technology Review

The Chargeback Company has warned of the threat of eCommerce isolationism brought on by new legislation in Europe: the Digital Single Market, the Revised Payment Services Directive, and the General Data Protection Regulation.

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How to Get Ahead with Wiser’s In-Store Retail Software


I recently caught up with Tom Vieira, Director of Product Management on the in-store side here at Wiser. Tom is a tech-centric product leader with deep experience in usability, product design, and agile development practices. . I spoke with Tom about Wiser’s in-store capabilities and what they mean for the greater retail market. Here’s what he had to say: .

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48 Thanksgiving Email Subject Line Ideas for eCommerce

eCommerce Training Academy

Let’s get ready for Thanksgiving! We’ve curated a bunch of email subject lines specifically made for eCommerce. They’re perfect for your coming email campaigns right before Black Friday & Cyber Monday promotions. You might also be interested in: Black Friday Subject Lines. Cyber Monday Subject Lines. Green Monday Subject Lines.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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How to Avoid Getting Screwed by Your eCommerce Marketing Agency

Inflow Insights

Approximately 75% of the companies that contact Inflow to hire our eCommerce marketing experts are leaving another agency relationship that was unsatisfactory for one reason or another. Whether you’ve had a bad experience or you’re just getting started with digital marketing, this article will help you avoid common landmines and find an agency that will delight rather than disappoint you.

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The secret rise of digital strategy for luxury brands


In today’s world, there is no denying digital commerce is leading the way and consumers demand more and more digital content from brands before they buy. The luxury sector still has yet to embrace selling online fully. Why have companies whose culture is inherently their brand not jumped at the opportunity to convey it to their consumers?

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What happens when businesses fail to anticipate demand and forecast sales


Projecting sales figures and planning for peaks in customer demand is crucial to maintaining a successful business and keeping customers happy. In fact, poor planning can have far-reaching negative consequences on a business’s operations, growth, and reputation.

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Notes From the Field: New York Edition


At Commerce Marketing Spotlight in New York, three commerce marketers treated us to compelling stories of how they find success – and how you can, too. The post Notes From the Field: New York Edition appeared first on Bronto Blog.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Four Lessons for U.S. Retailers from OrderDynamics’ Omni-1000


Four Lessons for U.S. Retailers from OrderDynamics’ Omni-1000. In the U.S. segment of the recently released OrderDynamic’s Omni-1000 , we found that, somewhat surprisingly, U.S. retailers have yet to reach omni-channel maturity. Of the 330 retailers investigated, 89.4% have eCommerce capabilities. Although this was expected to be higher, it is a solid launching point for omni-channel retail strategies.

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Why Most Businesses Aren’t Happy with Their CRO Results

Dynamic Yield

Only 22 percent of businesses are happy with their conversion rates, and these are the 7 common challenges holding them back from successful CRO campaigns. The post Why Most Businesses Aren’t Happy with Their CRO Results appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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How to Increase the Loyalty of Holiday Customers!

Demac Media

The holidays are a crazy time of year for retailers. With the rush of Christmas shoppers and all the sales going on, it’s also the most profitable times for businesses. What a lot of companies forget to think about though, is that you’ll want to keep the business you got over the holidays going consistently for the rest of the year! Why settle for a few busy months when you can aim to have a consistent flow of customers all year long?

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Advanced Amazon Private Label Techniques with Greg Mercer of Jungle Scout

eCommerce Guider

Amazon Advanced Private Label Techniques with Greg Mercer of Jungle Scout. In our recent interview with Greg Mercer the owner of Jungle Scout, we caught up with Greg to get the lowdown on some Beginner and Advanced Private Label techniques that you can employ to crush it when private labelling your next product on Amazon. David De Souza: Greg what are your main product selection tips for beginners?

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Why Most Businesses Aren’t Happy with Their CRO Results

Dynamic Yield

Only 22 percent of businesses are happy with their conversion rates, and these are the 7 common challenges holding them back from successful CRO campaigns. The post Why Most Businesses Aren’t Happy with Their CRO Results appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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How to Increase the Loyalty of Holiday Customers!

Demac Media

The holidays are a crazy time of year for retailers. With the rush of Christmas shoppers and all the sales going on, it’s also the most profitable times for businesses. What a lot of companies forget to think about though, is that you’ll want to keep the business you got over the holidays going consistently for the rest of the year! Why settle for a few busy months when you can aim to have a consistent flow of customers all year long?

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Smart Shipping: How to Drive Sales and Delight Customers


As the eCommerce world continues to grow, smaller stores and sites need to constantly assess shipping strategies to keep customers happy. While shipping speeds and prices are both important, most of your customers still prefer free over fast. About three-fourths of consumers say free shipping is the most important feature a site should provide to online shoppers, according to a 2017 survey by UPS.

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Holiday Season Insights Series: Smarter selling for bigger profits


This is Part II of the Holiday Season Insights Series, a series of posts with insider tips from leading global eCommerce platforms. Read Part I here. When you run a successful online business, the holiday season is always busy. Busy doesn’t have to mean hectic if you set your eCommerce shop and policies up properly. We asked some of the top eSeller marketplaces for their best tips for creating a smoother and more profitable holiday sales season, here were their insights: Tip #1: Bundle goods.

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From Data to Decisions: Maximizing Retail Potential With AI

Discover how retailers are transforming data into actionable insights for growth. By leveraging data and analytics to their potential, retailers can enhance decision-making, improve customer experiences, and streamline operations to stay ahead of the competition. From Data to Decisions: Maximizing Retail Potential With AI, authored by Orium, commercetools, and Google Cloud, demonstrates how businesses can unify and activate data across the tech stack to achieve retail excellence and create growt