Sat.Oct 13, 2018 - Fri.Oct 19, 2018

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Digital Myth No. 4: Your Company Needs A Digital Strategy

Forrester eCommerce

When your CEO asks you for your digital strategy, you could go away and huddle up with your team for a month and produce some voluminous document full of TLAs only to have it sit on the shelf for the next two years. Instead, simply give your CEO a copy of your business strategy. After […].

Document 392
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B2B ecommerce: the four challenges to face for long-term growth


Commerce innovation is not just for retailers and consumer brands, business-to-business organizations must capitalize on the disruptive trends that are emerging. It’s either innovate or die. When B2B buyers leave the office, they become those same B2C buyers; and they all still demand remarkable customer experiences. So, what does this mean for organizations and bringing B2B ecommerce strategies to the next level?

B2B 167

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So, You Want to Stand Out From Competition?  


(Healthy) competition is necessary for a business to grow and expand. And we get it, not everyone enjoys competition. So, what happens when […]. The post So, You Want to Stand Out From Competition? appeared first on Zmags.

eCommerce 100
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Marketing Unboxed: How Glossier Wins Over Fans with Marketing That Shines


The first episode of Marketing Unboxed is here! This is our newest video series where we order a fun product from a top ecommerce brand, and then track every marketing touchpoint along the way to see what works, and what doesn’t. To kick things off, we’re diving deep into one of the most popular beauty brands out there— Glossier. Sure, there might confusion around how to properly pronounce their name , but it’s perfectly clear what their customers love about Glossier.

Marketing 305
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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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If You’re Not Prioritizing Employee Experience Improvement, You’re Doing It Wrong

Forrester eCommerce

There is ample evidence that improving employee experience leads to better business results. Briefly, firms that improve employee experience find that they get better work performance and more discretionary effort from employees.[i] Discretionary effort makes companies more effective and efficient, according to this study published in Harvard Business Review.

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IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS Enter the Ecommerce Vernacular: What You Need to Know, Examples & More


If you’re considering moving your ecommerce business to the Cloud, here are three important acronyms to wrap your head around:…

eCommerce 370

More Trending

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Move Over SEO: How Developers Can Generate You More Traffic


I’m a marketer. I know more about traffic generation than most others, and I surely know more about marketing than developers. But what if I told you that developers can generate you more traffic than an SEO or any other type of marketer? And no, it’s not because the developer implements changes to your site… they are just able to produce more traffic.

SEO 252
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Video: Adobe Premiere Rush CC Brings AI-Powered Video Editing To Marketers

Forrester eCommerce

Adobe’s new Premiere Rush CC brings pro-level video editing capabilities to video creators who aren’t pros. It’s part of Adobe’s continued push downmarket to expand its footprint among creatives. Its simple interface works across computers and mobile devices, which means you can start a project on one device and finish it on another–or send the […].

Marketing 376
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The Secret to the Future Growth of Your Ecommerce Channel: Social Commerce


Most purchase journeys have too many unnecessary steps in the conversion funnel.

Channel 409
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Sourcing The Perfect Suppliers For Private Brand Ranges

RTP blog

By Steven Howell, Solutions for Retail Brands The private brand grocery sector has come a long way since the ultra-plain-packaged — and largely uninspiring — generic products aimed at budget-conscious shoppers that filled grocery store shelves. Research shows that the sector as a whole performed strongly in 2017, recovering from negative dollar growth of around 0.4% at the end of 2016 to +3.2% 12 months later. [1] But looking at the sector at the top level often hides what is really happening wi

Supplies 150
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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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How to Start a Print-on-Demand Business in 5 Steps

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

Get started with Print-on-Demand in 5 steps! Print-on-Demand is the easiest way to start an online business & source products to sell online. The post How to Start a Print-on-Demand Business in 5 Steps appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

eCommerce 165
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Contact Centers Have Moved To Cloud. What’s Next?

Forrester eCommerce

As of 2018, the market for contact center technology has fully shifted to cloud. The remaining outliers of demand are large, highly customized implementations which preserve legacy on premise software, or organizations that wish to maintain the technology inside their firewall. Agility, flexibility, and the ability to rapidly shift capacity are all key elements AD&D […].

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How to Start an Online Business While Working 9-5

A Better Lemonade Stand

Starting an online business is hard while working a regular 9-5 job but we’ve got some productivity tips to make it easier for you! The post How to Start an Online Business While Working 9-5 appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

eCommerce 134
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RTP Editors Identify Top E-Commerce Tech Trends To Watch In 2019

RTP blog

Earlier this month, Retail TouchPoints unveiled its fifth annual E-Commerce Technology Preview , which includes insights from industry experts at 12 solution providers. The guide offers an exclusive look at what retailers need to do in order to achieve e-Commerce success in 2019 and beyond. Key themes include: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning; Voice Commerce; Personalization; Product Information Management (PIM); Experience Marketing; and Mobile-First Strategies.

eCommerce 150
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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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How to sell with BigCommerce in the UK

Ecommerce Platforms

2018 has been a very big year for BigCommerce in the UK. After a successful round of growth funding, which saw the company raise $64 million, BigCommerce decided their next expansion would be into the UK. It is the first time that BigCommerce has expanded into Europe , after opening offices in the US and Australia. Brent Bellm, CEO for BigCommerce commented that “Establishing a presence in Europe has long been an aspiration of ours, and this London office will allow us to deliver more tailored p

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IBM Bets Big On Security Training And Leadership As A Differentiator

Forrester eCommerce

In late 2016, IBM announced the availability of its full-scale cyber range at the Cambridge, MA headquarters of its security division. With two shifts per day and currently booked out six to eight months, it’s been a huge success for the division. The range isn’t just about training security incident response analysts; it’s a full […].

Books 331
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Morning Routines Every Digital Marketer Should Do


Your alarm didn’t go off, you missed your 8:15 bus, and the Uber you took cost an obscene amount of money. You go […]. The post Morning Routines Every Digital Marketer Should Do appeared first on Zmags.

Marketing 100
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Holiday Readiness Series: Take Your Social Strategy to the Next Level

RTP blog

By Joanna Beerman, Salesforce Although October is all about football season, it’s important to keep your head in the holiday game. There’s no better time than now to get your social strategy ready for the gift-buying rush. After all, we’ve seen an 87% increase in the share of orders placed through social media over the last two years. In our Connected Shopper Report , we also found that about half of millennial shoppers tap social channels to buy products online, with 41% saying they use those p

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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CS-Cart Multi-Vendor and Multi-Vendor Plus: An Honest Review

Ecommerce Platforms

Back in May, we published a review on CS-Cart , and our readers loved it. So, we thought we'd do a similar post reviewing CS-Cart Multi-Vendor and Multi-Vendor Plus. We're going to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly- so you can make an unbiased decision on whether CS-Cart Multi-Vendor is the right choice for you and your business. Let's dive in!

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Cloud-Native And Open Source Enterprise Transformation Stole The Show At SpringOne

Forrester eCommerce

The annual SpringOne event, held in D.C. a few weeks back, was full of exciting, detailed, and compelling stories of enterprise transformation.

Events 353
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How to Prepare Your Online Store for International Shipping


It’s a big decision to step across the borders and overseas to offer international shipping in your store. However, you can turn that fear and anxiety into plenty of revenue if you prep smart. This article will help you prepare and what to look out for when embarking on this big business journey. We’ll be looking at a way to create the start of a plan for international sales and shipping and what to consider as you finalize that approach.

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Retailers That Are Shy About At Collecting Customer Data Won’t Succeed

RTP blog

By Chirag Shivalker, Hi-Tech BPO We live in a world driven by data, and leveraging it appropriately in a retail setup has proved its worth in providing relevant and valuable customer experiences. However, the biggest hurdle, one which makes this shining moment of truth dull, is the “introvert” approach of retailers in collecting their customers’ data.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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Close your laptop. Go outside. Talk to your customers.


[Ok, maybe we don’t need to be so dramatic.] While listening to a podcast on customer research, I captured this phrase which brilliantly sums up our daily bubble:? Anything you’re thinking about customers and markets is nothing more than a guess.Des Traynor, Co-Founder Intercom Indeed! Without research, anything we do is a guess based on our own limited experiences and beliefs.

Customer 106
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Key Takeaways From Huawei Connect 2018

Forrester eCommerce

Huawei held its flagship Connect 2018 conference in Shanghai from October 10 to 12. The event, which featured more than 200 sessions, attracted over 25,000 visitors and more than 1,500 partners from around the world. By the end of 2017, Huawei’s annual revenue had exceeded US$92 billion — half of which comes from global markets […].

Events 313
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Black Friday 2018: Consumers are eager, more digital, and willing to spend – Periscope By McKinsey

Retail Technology Review

Periscope By McKinsey, which offers a suite of Marketing & Sales Analytics Solutions to help companies achieve sustainable revenue growth, has announced the findings of research on consumer sentiment towards Black Friday 2018.

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ABE (Auto Body Equipment): Paving the way for B2B eCommerce


Auto Body Equipment (ABE), a New Zealand-based wholesale business, has a history stretching back more than 20 years. The team have worked hard to bring their traditional business model into the 21 st century with help from TradeGecko.

B2B 97
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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Logo Generator Roundup: The Top 8 Best Logo Generators

A Better Lemonade Stand

Need a beautiful company logo design for your online business? Create a great logo for your brand with an online logo generator! The post Logo Generator Roundup: The Top 8 Best Logo Generators appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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Online Holiday Sales Will Grow 14% In 2018

Forrester eCommerce

This blog post is part of Forrester’s Holiday 2018 retail series. Online holiday shopping in the US is set to grow to $151 billion this year, up 14% from $133 billion in 2017. Total holiday sales will grow at a more conservative 1.7%. All told, we see approximately one-fifth of all US holiday shopping this […].

Blog 313
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Retailers need to outsource digital application to help weather a tough retail climate and improve the bottom line

Retail Technology Review

By Wayne Munday, Non-Executive Director, Rokk Media. The Retail climate is proving increasingly challenging for bricks-and-mortar stores of all sizes, with many major brands and familiar high-street names announcing profit warnings, job cuts and even store closures.

Retail 87
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Do I Need a Business License to Sell Online

eCommerce CEO

There are a ton of things you have to deal with when starting an online business. From products to platform, inventory, operations, finance, marketing, branding, and the host of other things that need to be in place to kick-start a profitable brand. It’s no wonder some people push off legal formalities till the end or never consider it. As an ecommerce business owner, it’s even easier to forget because you don’t have a physical location.

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.