Sat.Mar 16, 2019 - Fri.Mar 22, 2019

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Visual Analysis Series: SEO Growth or Business Decline? eCommerce Edition


Data visualization is a powerful tool in the hands of those who try to answer the right question. For some it might be pretty pictures, others might build charts for the sake of it. For us, it’s something that should move minds in the right direction. We decided to show how we use data visualization […]. The post Visual Analysis Series: SEO Growth or Business Decline?

SEO 123
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Checkout on Instagram is Coming: What It Is, Why It Matters, and When You Can Get It


Today, Instagram publicly announced their closed beta for checkout on Instagram in partnership with select ecommerce platforms including BigCommerce.


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4 Reasons Why You Need to Sell on Walmart Marketplace


As a retailer, you’re in business to attract lots of customers and sell as much as possible. But only selling on your website limits your audience to people actively searching for your products that already know about you. There’s a large chunk of people that don’t ever find your website. One way to extend your reach and increase revenue is to list your products on marketplaces.

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Make No Mistake — Microsoft Is A Security Company Now

Forrester eCommerce

Microsoft has announced support for macOS in its rebranded Microsoft Defender ATP product, taking this product from being an offering that could be considered an add-on for hardening its own operating system to a multiplatform security solution. While this is an early release, it is a clear signal of the investment Microsoft is making to […].

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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6 Ways to Avoid and Improve Email List Fatigue


Email list fatigue is almost inevitable, even if you’re an email marketing magician. Even if you’re sending captivating emails with loads of creative, well-researched content and great graphics, you may reach a point where some customers feel overwhelmed and stop engaging with your messages. Do you know the signs? The first step towards avoiding email list fatigue is to know when it is happening so you can take action.

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How a Digital eCommerce Agency Works


If you haven't worked at or with an eCommerce marketing agency before, understanding what we do and how we do it often leads to a number of questions: How does an agency operate? What benefits can an agency offer? How much does an agency cost? Our agency is committed to helping eCommerce businesses grow. To accomplish that, we believe every client needs to understand how an agency functions.

eCommerce 279

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The Future of Department Stores

Forrester eCommerce

The Department Store’s Bright Future Department Stores Can Enjoy a Bright Future. Department stores must change to survive and thrive fierce competition from brands’ direct to consumer initiatives. Synchronizing supply and demand to sell inventory at full price is one issue. But the Department Store’s Bright Future depends on enticing customers through the […].

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Zaius: The Award-Winning CRM for B2C Marketers


We work hard to help marketers thrive every day at Zaius, but sometimes it’s nice to have that effort recognized. . That’s why we’re so excited to share that Zaius won the award for Best Customer Relationship Management Platform (CRM) at last night’s Marketing Technology Awards 2019. Put on by ClickZ , the award ceremony celebrated a number of top technology brands in marketing, including Salesforce, Seismic, Adobe, and more.

B2C 286
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How Your Business Can Make Money Selling on Instagram


You’ve seen them all do it.

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Five Breakthrough Data-Driven Strategies To Win Retail Customers For Life

RTP blog

By Deesean Wilson, DXC Technology Digital technology has had a profound effect on the retail industry, an effect demonstrated by the importance and utility of data. Cracking open this treasure of new insight on consumers, distribution, margins and trends — both emerging and fading — has created new ways retailers can expand and serve their customer bases.

Customer 150
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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Happy Agents Deliver Better Customer Service. Here’s How To Enable Them.

Forrester eCommerce

Happy customer service agents mean happy customers — and happy shareholders. Engaged agents also have better job performance, are more productive and stay in their jobs longer — one of the costlier factors in managing customer service operations. Customer service leaders have to balance their job demands with technology and training. They also have to […].

Customer 364
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Measuring Ecommerce Ad Attribution for Maximum Impact


When it comes to ad attribution across channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Google, many marketers only look at cost-per-click (CPC). They get excited by the number of clicks on their ads, invest more in the channels that led to the most clicks, and consider their job done. But do you know how many of those clicks actually led to revenue? Up to 98% of visitors to your site will not buy on their first visit , so lots of clicks on an ad does not mean that your marketing campaigns are a success.

eCommerce 259
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How One PTA Meeting Turned Into a Thriving School Supplies Business with a Charitable Arm


“If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.

Supplies 210
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Can Retailers Hold Their Own In The Battle Of DTC Vs. Private Label?

RTP blog

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands such as Dollar Shave Club , Casper. and Glossier have taken retail by storm in recent years — in fact, $3 billion in venture funding has gone to DTC brands since 2012, according to CB Insights. More than $1 billion of that total was invested in 2018, indicating plenty of investor confidence that DTC brands can grow at a rapid pace, despite fervent competition.

Retail 150
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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Digital Myth No. 5 — Every Tech Vendor Is An Expert In Digital Transformation

Forrester eCommerce

While every tech vendor seems to lay claim to being an expert in digital transformation, it stands to reason that not all can be. For sure, there are many vendors with experience helping clients create new customer or employee digital experiences, but this experience doesn’t make them experts in digital business transformation. For 20 years, […].

Customer 348
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How to Make Social Commerce the Key to Unlocking Customer Loyalty


The average US millennial spends more than eleven hours a day consuming media. They’re well versed in moving from one app to another and are ambivalent about which platforms they perform actions on. As a result, there are more and more digital spaces becoming vital sales channels. Nearly 25% of business owners are selling through Read more The post How to Make Social Commerce the Key to Unlocking Customer Loyalty appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

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Transactions to interactions: how Carnival is disrupting the travel industry [video]


The Get Elastic team was recently down in Miami at The Carnival Experience Center and caught up with John Padgett, Chief Experience and Innovation Officer of Carnival Corporation and Sal Visca, Chief Technology Officer of Elastic Path. During the visit, we were able to capture a captivating conversation with Padgett and Visca where they discussed how Carnival is transforming cruise vacationing into seamless interactions to create an experience unlike any other.

Travel 165
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Brand Value: Measuring The Long-Term ROI Of Different Advertising Channels

RTP blog

By Michael Cross, Brightblue Consulting Consider it’s the late 1980s. Marketing analysts in the U.S. are completing work on a project known as “How Marketing Works,” studying historical data across 40 packaged goods companies. As part of this work, the analysts will propose that the so-called long-term impact of advertising can be considered to be, on average, twice the measured short-term uplift.

Channel 150
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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What’s Going On With Online Grocery

Forrester eCommerce

Last week, IRI hosted its fourth annual Growth Summit in Denver (where some hapless attendees were snowed in by an unfortunate blizzard on the second day). For anyone not familiar with IRI, it is one of the world’s largest analytics firms. Among a slew of other assets, it has proprietary data from checkout registers, which […].

Other 346
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How to Create an Omnichannel Customer Journey


Customers are fickle. They’re demanding- and they want every message they receive to be completely tailored to their wants and needs. We want our marketing messages to always be relevant. We want to make sure the right message gets to the right person at the right stage of their customer journey. This is why omnichannel Read more The post How to Create an Omnichannel Customer Journey appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

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What specifies a web application as a Progressive Web App (PWA)


Progressive Web Apps’ (PWAs) biggest draw is in their ability to adapt and provide the best overall mobile web experience regardless of what screen they’re being viewed on or what browser they’re being run on. PWAs drive performance and load similar to a regular web page, but offer additional native device functionality such as working offline, serving notifications, launching a camera, etc.

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Thinkific vs Teachable: What’s the Best Way to Sell Online Courses

Ecommerce Platforms

Selling your own online course doesn't have to be scary. In fact, you don't even need to be a web designer. That's thanks to the wide variety of online sales platforms and website building tools made just for online courses. Today, we're pitting Thinkific vs Teachable to see which one might be best for your situation. Both Thinkific and Teachable are reputable, high-powered online course building and selling platforms.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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Shape Shift Your Retail Offer With Software Defined Stores

Forrester eCommerce

We’ve all learned about the advantages of software defined infrastructure. We don’t think twice about network or desktop virtualization. But what about using software to define, and remotely manage, store infrastructure and applications? Think about the rise of pop up stores or the rapid proliferation of store banners as retailers shape shift in anticipation of […].

Retail 342
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Mailchimp for Shopify: What to Do for Ecommerce Email Marketing When the App Is No Longer Available


We’ve all heard the news. As of May 12, 2019, or sooner, Mailchimp will no longer have native integration with Shopify. The statement released today by Mailchimp states that they will try to offer integration until Shopify’s new terms are in effect on May 12th, but the cut may happen sooner. If you’re a Shopify Read more The post Mailchimp for Shopify: What to Do for Ecommerce Email Marketing When the App Is No Longer Available appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

Shopify 144
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Security & Android apps: why automated testing matters


Android smart devices have gained tremendous popularity, leading to the pervasiveness of its apps. As of December 2018, there were over 2.6 million Android applications distributed within its official app store, Google Play. Ranging from financial and educational to personalization and entertainment, the app store had over 30 categories of apps. . Source: Android Central.

Mobile 155
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An Exhaustive Privy Review: Everything You Need to Know

Ecommerce Platforms

Here’s something I find extremely shocking. The average global conversion rate across multiple industries is about 2.86%. That basically means that close to 98% of your site’s traffic is largely useless. They don’t ultimately translate to direct revenue. And if you thought the gurus were doing so much better, get this- the top quarter of ecommerce websites are converting about 5.31%.

eCommerce 123
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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Backstage Pass: Three Key Takeaways From The 2019 RSA Conference Without Hitting the Expo Floor

Forrester eCommerce

Every year the RSA Conference provides an opportunity to attend a few keynotes and get together with friends, old and new, to discuss trends we’re seeing in the market. While a big theme on the expo floor this year was Zero Trust, there were three topics that I found unavoidable during the conference which weren’t […].

Marketing 337
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How To Use Keywords For Better Conversions on Amazon


If you’re an ecommerce seller, whether on Amazon or elsewhere, you are no doubt always looking to increase conversions for your listings. Driving traffic to your listings takes a lot of work and investment, so once your visitors are there, you want to make the most of it and make sure as many of your visitors as possible follow through and buy your products.

SEO 129
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Pop-up Shop-up with Mare Weiss


Boston’s nomadic institution, the Design Museum , hosted a great morning meetup with Mare Weiss on retail design and the pop-up store concept. Although most U.S. consumers may be prone to think of pop-ups as those seasonal stores such Halloween City – the notion of them are becoming more mainstream among influential brands. The overall concept is win/win for retailers and landlords.

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Edge SEO for eCommerce: How to Spend Less for Faster SEO Implementation

Inflow Insights

eCommerce companies trying to improve their SEO often run into a host of bottlenecks that get in the way. These bottlenecks can occur for a few reasons: Long development queues, meaning that even quality SEO recommendations could take months to incorporate; Unavailable, cost prohibitive or otherwise uncooperative developers ; Limits to functionality , such as a hosted platform not allowing you to edit your own Robots.txt file, or the inability to host a WordPress blog on the same subdomain as yo

SEO 128
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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.