Tue.Aug 14, 2018

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Five Ways To Plan For B2B Journey Mapping Success

Forrester eCommerce

Journey mapping can be an energizing and eye-opening exercise in customer empathy. As advisors to B2B CX and Marketing Leaders in the Forrester Leadership Boards (FLB), we come along on many journey mapping “journeys”. The most common question we receive from executives is, “How do I ensure the journey mapping process is actionable and aligned […].

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The Psychology Behind Customer Loyalty


Passionate fan bases are common among sports teams, rock bands, even baby hippos. But it’s less common to come across enthusiastic fans of ecommerce brands—fans who would blindly follow certain companies and their products anywhere. . Yes, there are the Target aficionados, REI groupies, and Apple diehards that buck the trend. But few brands are lucky to attain the ranks of true customer loyalty.


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I Wish I Never Built a Personal Brand


Some of you who are reading this know who I am. And many of you don’t. So, for those of you who don’t… My name is Neil Patel, and I am the co-founder of an ad agency called Neil Patel Digital. I’ve also co-founded a few marketing technology companies. I blog about marketing at NeilPatel.com, and in the last 31 days, I was able to reach 1,701,486 people through my blog.

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Seeking Good Industrial Use Cases For Virtual Or Augmented Reality

Forrester eCommerce

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have become the cool must-haves for industrial technology vendor keynotes. I have lost count of the times we’ve watched someone on stage as they swoosh and swoop through jet engines, nuclear reactors, sunken wrecks, and the like. We ooh and we ah, and then we wonder if these […].

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Google Shopping Explained In One Simple Step By Step Guide

My Wife Quit Her Job

I’ve been running profitable Google Shopping ads for almost 10 years now. In fact, I got started with Shopping even before Google started charging for the service. And you know what? Google Shopping ads have consistently outperformed all other advertising mediums that I’ve ever used for my online store. As of right now, I’m getting a 6-7X return on ad spend on my top Google Shopping campaigns.

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A Survival Guide For Third-Party Amazon Sellers

Ecommerce Platforms

Business as usual is coming to an end for many third-party Amazon sellers. Competition on Amazon U.S. is reaching new heights and it’s only going to get worse from here. Chinese sellers are flooding the marketplace thanks to preferential treatment from Amazon and the USPS. Because their costs are lower, Chinese sellers are underpricing and outselling U.S. competitors in their own backyard.

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The Complete Guide to Reducing Cart Abandonment

A Better Lemonade Stand

Stop shopping cart abandonment from eating into your profits with this guide to reducing cart abandonment. Earn more sales & revenue using these tactics. The post The Complete Guide to Reducing Cart Abandonment appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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D2C and its destiny with blockchain


The 2017 retail apocalypse noise was fueled by stores closing and diminishing sales at large departments stores -- the predictions were dire. Now in 2018 the noise is suddenly less strained as several big names have turned things around showing encouraging growth. ahem. Macy’s. “Sales were up 4.2% in the first three months of the year, reversing a mostly downward trend the retailer has experienced over the last four years.” - [link].

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B2B Online

Retail Technology Review

B2B Online, Europe's only conference for leaders in eCommerce, digital and marketing from prominent manufacturers and distributors, is coming back to Amsterdam this November.

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Inbox Pros & Webbula Report “Email Deliverability”


Inbox Pros and Webbula have teamed up to create a white paper, “Increased Deliverability Starts With Good Email Hygiene” to give email marketers tips for best email practices. Marketers. The post Inbox Pros & Webbula Report “Email Deliverability” appeared first on Webbula.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Is Vertically Integrated Ecommerce The Future of Online Retail?


How does a new ecommerce business compete against Amazon? Amazon overshadows the ecommerce space, has a world-wide fulfillment system, and is ruthless when it comes to squeezing out the competition in markets it decides to dominate. Amazon is the paradigmatic horizontal ecommerce retailer, selling just about everything that can be sold to consumers.

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How to Win the Amazon Buy Box in 2018

CPC Strategy

Amazon generates over $150 billion in sales every year. Of those conversions, over 90% occur using Amazon’s buy box. If you sell. > Read More. The post How to Win the Amazon Buy Box in 2018 appeared first on Retail Performance Marketing Blog - CPC Strategy.

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How WordPress is Powering Businesses Around the World


Since their start in 2003, WordPress has become the leading content management system for individuals and businesses alike. In fact, WordPress currently runs 31% of all websites around the world. Odds are some of your favorite sites on the internet are powered by WordPress.

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What can traditional brands do to compete with digitally native vertical brands?


Historically, brands that dominated supply chains dominated market share in their category. Think of Kellogg’s, Unilever, P&G -- these are the brands who owned their categories for the greater part of the 20th century. But digital ushered in direct-to-consumer brands called Digitally Native Vertical Brands (DNVB). DNVBs are making a huge impact on what consumers expect from brands and an even bigger impact on the economy -- contributing to 6.0% of 2016 GDP and saw 20% growth since 2008 accor

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Should You Use A Retail Ship-from-Store Strategy To Fulfill Online Orders?


Should You Use A Retail Ship-from-Store Strategy To Fulfill Online Orders? Should online orders be fulfilled using a retail ship-from-store strategy or rather from fulfillment centers? That’s a very serious question facing retailers driving omni-channel today. There are good reasons for both fulfillment methods. Yet one better leverages a retailers’ full resource base.

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Expand Your Third-Party Business with Overstock.com


Since 1999, Overstock.com has been a ripe e-commerce space for the deal-seeking masses. Known to many college freshmen and young professionals looking to fill their dorms and apartments with serviceable (and cost-effective) furniture, Overstock built its foundation around discount pricing and surplus inventory. What was a fledgling startup in 1999 has grown into a billion-dollar e-commerce experience.

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Why You Need to Optimize Mobile-First Digital Strategy


In today’s market, leading with a mobile-first digital strategy is a must. Mobile-centric commerce represents the present and future of retail and should be the first – and last! –. The post Why You Need to Optimize Mobile-First Digital Strategy appeared first on Bronto Blog.

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2018 Amazon Seller Podcasts You Should Listen To Now

CPC Strategy

A decade ago, you would be hard-pressed to find a decent selection of Amazon seller podcasts. Luckily, today it’s a different story. Thanks. > Read More. The post 2018 Amazon Seller Podcasts You Should Listen To Now appeared first on Retail Performance Marketing Blog - CPC Strategy.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Why so Many of Your Customers Use Adblockers (but You Shouldn’t Sweat it!)


It’s hard to go anywhere online without seeing an ad. Whether it’s a promoted post as you’re scrolling through social media or a search engine banner ad, ads are everywhere.

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How to Get the Buy Box on Amazon | 7 Steps

CPC Strategy

Amazon generates over $150 billion in sales every year. Of those conversions, over 90% occur using Amazon’s buy box. If you sell. > Read More. The post How to Get the Buy Box on Amazon | 7 Steps appeared first on Retail Performance Marketing Blog - CPC Strategy.

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How to Reduce Bank Transfer Fees When Receiving Payments from Amazon


The excitement for sales success on Amazon is sometimes softened with the realization that you have to pay bank transfer fees that eat away at your profits. However, with an understanding of transfer fees and how they work, you can reduce them. The following is an overview of general fees for overseas bank transfers for Amazon sellers, along with insights on how to lower costs and increase profits.

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Cost of goods sold (COGS)

Dynamic Yield

Cost of goods sold or COGS is the accumulated total of all business costs used to create any products or services which have been sold. An important metric on financial statements, when subtracted from gross profit, COGS helps measure a business’ profitability and evaluate efficiency. Depending on the type of business, these costs can include: […].

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Amazon Dropshipping: How to Make It Work in 2018

Etail Solutions

Amazon dropshipping is a popular business model, yet still misunderstood by some. Here’s why it isn’t as easy and profitable as it’s made out to be and what it takes to succeed long-term. Inventory can be purchased before it has sold and stocked for future orders or after it has sold and dropshipped for current… The post Amazon Dropshipping: How to Make It Work in 2018 appeared first on Etail Solutions.

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Gross Profit

Dynamic Yield

Gross profit refers to the total amount that a business earns in net sales after deducting or taking into account all of the variable costs and expenses associated with providing its services and goods such as discounts, allowances, raw materials, factory overhead, etc. Fixed costs or operating expenses like rent, office supplies, health insurance, tax […].

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What Can You Expect from the 2018 iQmetrix Meetup?


Phenomenal, high-energy, powerful, inspiring, can’t-miss, and fun are just a handful of the words used to describe past iQmetrix events and the 2018 Meetup will be no exception! Pairing the same amazing fundamentals found at previous events with new and exciting sessions and content, this year’s agenda is better than ever.

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Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)

Dynamic Yield

What is GMV? Gross merchandise value is a business metric commonly used in eCommerce which measures the total volume of sales over a certain period of time, such as on a quarterly or annual basis. Also referred to as the Gross Merchandise Volume, this calculation is made prior to the deduction of any accrued fees […]. The post Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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From Data to Decisions: Maximizing Retail Potential With AI

Discover how retailers are transforming data into actionable insights for growth. By leveraging data and analytics to their potential, retailers can enhance decision-making, improve customer experiences, and streamline operations to stay ahead of the competition. From Data to Decisions: Maximizing Retail Potential With AI, authored by Orium, commercetools, and Google Cloud, demonstrates how businesses can unify and activate data across the tech stack to achieve retail excellence and create growt