Sat.Dec 01, 2018 - Fri.Dec 07, 2018

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The Retail Reinvention: Goodbye Apocalypse, Hello Opportunity

RTP blog

By Jamus Driscoll, Moltin We’ve all read the “retail apocalypse” headlines about the imminent end of in-store shopping, and it’s easy to accept the demise of brick-and-mortar retail at the hand of e-Commerce as a fait accompli. However, the industry has shown that this couldn’t be further from the case. The shifting retail landscape is instead bringing new opportunities for brands, allowing them to change the way consumers interact with them.

eCommerce 150
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Ecommerce Marketing Ideas That Don’t Offer a Discount


What’s the matter with discounts? Let me count the ways. For starters, they diminish the perceived value of your product, and subsequently your brand. “Is this product actually worth the amount it’s priced at?” isn’t an idea you want to place in shoppers’ minds. Buyers might second guess themselves and start to lose confidence if you slash your prices too often—and nobody wants that.


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Screw Automation

Rishi Rawat

96% of marketing emails are obviously templates (or is it 100%?). I know why companies don’t send personalized messages; it’s too damn expensive. If you think sending personalized emails is too expensive you’re asking the wrong question. The right question is: How can we communicate with our mailing list of X thousand in a profitable way?

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Do cities need a “smart city platform?”

Forrester eCommerce

Do cities need a “smart city platform?” It depends. Clients have been asking Forrester our thoughts on new IoT-enabled smart city platforms launched by vendors focused on transforming city government infrastructure and applications.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Growing Your Brand With YouTube Advertising: The Comprehensive Guide


As the second most popular search engine worldwide, YouTube is one of the most powerful platforms for businesses trying to…

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How To Start A Business With No Money And No Ideas. Here’s Exactly What I’d Do

My Wife Quit Her Job

Contrary to popular belief, it does NOT require a large upfront investment to start a successful online business. What you lack in funds can be made up for with a little ingenuity and this post will show you how to start a business with no money whatsoever. But first things first. You have to be determined. And when it comes to determination, you have to be willing to persist with your business for at least 2 years or more regardless of the outcome.

Other 293

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There’s No “Data Strategy” — Align Insights Priorities To Your Business Strategy

Forrester eCommerce

Greetings from sunny but cold Orlando, where the inaugural Forrester Data Strategy & Insights Forum just wrapped up. During the event, I spent time with a seasoned data professional who joined me as a panelist in my session and who took advantage of the wealth of wisdom dispensed in keynotes and deep dives throughout the event.

Events 386
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Why Being the Loudest Makes You the Weakest


What’s one thing that you are constantly seeing on the web? Especially if you are on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube? Come on, take a guess… No, I am not talking about people taking half-naked selfies of themselves or posting their lunches. I’m talking about people showing off. From taking pictures of their cars or money and even their homes to standing in front of private jets and yachts.

Webinar 275
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11-Time World Surf Champion’s Surfboard Brand Adopts Headless Commerce Into Global Strategy


In the early 2000’s Bert Berger, was living in Western Australia, spending most of his days cruising along the coast…

eCommerce 280
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BigCommerce Stencil vs Blueprint: Why Upgrade?


If your eCommerce store is hosted on BigCommerce, you’ve likely heard of Blueprint and Stencil – the two available BigCommerce theme frameworks. Since being introduced in 2015, Stencil cleared the way for a new era of theming that supports a number of benefits for eCommerce businesses. If you haven't upgraded to BigCommerce Stencil and are still using Blueprint, you could be missing out on many benefits of the updated framework.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Trends In Marketing Measurement You Need To Follow In 2019

Forrester eCommerce

Marketers are held to an ever-higher standard of accountability to ROI and business impact. But many marketers struggle to meet these expectations, hampered by long-established habits and lack of knowledge about new data- and analytics-enabled measurement approaches. In this short video, I take apart these misperceptions, describe trends that leading marketers have pioneered, and point […].

Marketing 373
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What BFCM 2018 Taught Us About Ecommerce Customer Behavior


Still trying to recover from the adrenaline rush that was BFCM (Black Friday/Cyber Monday)? Luckily, we have just the thing to fill that void—a brand new ecommerce report detailing everything that went down on the biggest shopping weekend of the year. You’ve probably seen some of the bigger BFCM headlines touting how shopper turnout reached record levels this year, or how many shoppers turned to mobile to make their purchases.

eCommerce 170
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Here’s What Your Customers Really Want For The Holidays: Better CX For X-Mas

RTP blog

By Ross Paquette, Maropost We all know the holidays are one of the most — if not the most — important times of the year for retailers. You step into any store, and you’ll see customers busy browsing and buying — and it’s the same story online. When it comes to holiday shopping, you can’t take customers for granted. Whether they’ve been with for your brand for years or you’re still trying to win them over, you need to do a lot more than just have the best sale to stand out.

Customer 150
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HubSpot vs Salesforce: Choosing the Right CRM


Customers are the core of your business. In order to operate a successful company, you need a reliable CRM that fits both your business’ needs and your clients’ needs. Customer Relationship Management helps identify and close leads while simultaneously maintaining and assisting your existing customers. CRM technologies lead to better business strategies and a higher level of functionality in terms of sales, marketing, customer service, and more.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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The Future Of Mobility Is Data, Not Cars

Forrester eCommerce

Having worked in and with the automotive industry for around 25 years, the challenges that OEMs face given their size and structures often inhibit the business agility needed to provide lasting customer value in an age of digital disruption. The focus has always been more skewed toward the product experience and product features and defining […].

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REPORT: 2018 Is the Year BFCM Changed for Ecommerce Brands


The post REPORT: 2018 Is the Year BFCM Changed for Ecommerce Brands appeared first on Zaius.

eCommerce 191
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How Negative Feedback Can Improve Customer Retention


If you run an ecommerce business, then you know how important customer retention is. And getting customer feedback is directly linked to customer retention. Nobody gets everything right all the time, but sometimes there are consistent weak spots that can really damage your business reputation. Whether it’s slow shipping, a difficult checkout or constantly being out of stock for popular items, it’s important that customers have a way to let you know where you aren’t measuring up

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236: The Fastest Way To Make 5K/Month From Scratch With Greg Mercer, Mike Jackness And Scott Voelker

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’ve got my buddies Greg Mercer, Scott Voelker and Mike Jackness back on the show. If you listened to last week’s episode, we were all together in San Diego to film the 5 Minute Pitch and while we were together, we recorded a couple of podcasts. Anyway, today we’re going to collectively answer a question that I get asked all the time.

Books 120
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Mapping: The Power Hidden in Plain Sight

Forrester eCommerce

I’ll bet you know that Google is reinventing mapping from the ground up, swinging for the the stars with layers of data, intelligence, and real-time insight. But I bet you didn’t know there’s a US three-letter agency dedicated to maps? Or that we’ve already identified 109 mapmakers and vendors of one kind or another?

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Oct8ne Review – Everything You Need to Know

Ecommerce Platforms

Lately, there has been a lot of buzz about conversational e-commerce. That it’s about to transform the entire face of online customer service. That we soon might be having virtual customer service robots taking over our message boxes. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m open to this whole idea. I find it quite intriguing actually- not the robotic stalkers, but rather the endless possibilities that come with conversational ecommerce.

Live Chat 128
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The future of retail continues with Nike


We reported earlier on Nike and how the brand is unlocking the future of retail with experiential shopping at their latest flagship store in New York City. In 2018, Nike opened four flagship stores across the globe – reshaping their stores around the consumer. Source: Nike, Inc. “All the best retailers are moving toward experiential environments” said Heidi O’Neil, President of Nike Direct in an Archinect article.

Retail 147
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More than Half of All Americans Dream of Starting a Side Hustle to Quit Their Day Jobs

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

The office worker daydreaming about pursuing a side hustle is a cliche for a reason: It’s true. Americans long to do something they love for a living, as found in a recent national poll. The post More than Half of All Americans Dream of Starting a Side Hustle to Quit Their Day Jobs appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

eCommerce 118
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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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Emphasize Emotion In Your Holiday Customer Service

Forrester eCommerce

This blog post is part of Forrester’s Holiday 2018 retail series. As the holidays approach and the post-holiday return rush quickly follows, a few things will occur simultaneously: hundreds of millions of customers will make purchases, total holiday retail sales will push the $720 billion mark, and millions more will send odd, ill-fitting, or unwanted gifts […].

Customer 365
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Everything You Need to Know About the BigCommerce WordPress Plugin

Ecommerce Platforms

If you're wondering what all the hype surrounding BigCommerce's new WordPress Plugin is, then you're in the right place. For those of you who aren't familiar with the premise of ‘headless commerce' then you might be a bit confused as to how this tool works. Luckily for you, we're going to break everything down in this review. Sound good? Great, let's dive straight in!

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How to Use Email Segmentation for Smarter Ecommerce


Email segmentation is the most powerful way to get the biggest ROI out of your marketing efforts. Though it might seem complicated, it’s actually quite easy to use. In this article, we’re going to go over: What email segmentation is Why you should segment your email lists Different ways to make email segmentation work for you Read more The post How to Use Email Segmentation for Smarter Ecommerce appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

eCommerce 116
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Fickle Fashion: Over 80% of consumers are buying clothes they never wear

Retail Technology Review

Fickle fashion is killing off sustainable clothing as eight in 10 (83%) consumers admit to buying items they never wear, according to data from the Fashion Retail Academy.

Clothing 104
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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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The TV Industry is Stumbling Toward Customer Centricity

Forrester eCommerce

I’ve just returned from a few days in the sun, having once again participated in Beet.TV’s annual BeetRetreat. (Wonderfully, we returned to Puerto Rico this year*.) The theme was “It’s Consumer First in TV Land,” which I really hoped the conference would pay off. Why? Well, we know that consumer attitudes about advertising are not […].

Customer 364
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Cyber Monday and the world’s easiest retail prediction

Steve Dennis

There are a lot of things that are hard to know about the future of retail. Predicting that Cyber Monday will set a record is not among them. One doesn’t need a team of analysts, the latest in machine learning algorithms, IBM Watson or a Ph.D in statistics to come to this conclusion. One just needs to acknowledge that e-commerce has been growing on average about 15% year over year for the last several years.

eCommerce 103
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The Best Christmas Email Subject Lines to Supercharge Your Holiday Campaigns


Black Friday has come and gone, and you’ve probably not even had a chance to catch your breath. But it’s time to take what you’ve learned about your Black Friday email subject lines, and apply it to the rest of the holiday season. In this article, I’m going to tackle how to write the perfect Read more The post The Best Christmas Email Subject Lines to Supercharge Your Holiday Campaigns appeared first on Ecommerce Marketing Automation | Omnisend.

Article 104
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Pop-up book shop conquers online competition using AI

Retail Technology Review

RichRelevance been appointed by Qwerkity, part of The Book People Group, to provide personalised product recommendations through its Xen AI platform.

Books 104
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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.