Sat.Oct 21, 2017 - Fri.Oct 27, 2017

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The Complete Cross-Border Ecommerce Guide to Growing Sales in APAC, Europe, The Middle East & Latin America


In a world dominated by hashtags, retweets, and virality, it is virtually impossible for merchants to control how and when their products connect with consumers. More than ever, internet use, dominated by social media, is enabling how consumers research, discover, and share products. A recent study conducted by WeAreSocial concluded that global internet penetration exceeded 50% in 2016 and surpassed all benchmarks when considering the annual rate of change –– one that is expected to accelerate o

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Instagram Made Me Buy It!


Instagram and shopping go together like peanut butter and jelly. Because Instagram has such an intense focus on fashion, travel, and lifestyle, it’s a perfect fit for many ecommerce brands looking to reach new audiences and raise awareness of their innovative products. However, there’s a lot of competition these days for Instagram attention. Instagram is a known hub of influencer marketing, with makeup vloggers driving huge profits for brands; travel stars on Instagram sharing their favorite sui


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Let User Behavior Shape Your Customer Engagement Strategy


SaaS growth relies on customer engagement. It can seem like an uphill battle garnering your audience’s attention in a competitive market. However, coupled with behavioral data, a personalized experience is one solution to communicating your product’s value. “Chances are your customers have very diverse backgrounds, interests, and behaviors. A one-size-fits-all approach to customer engagement may alienate your customers and drive them away from your brand,” says Donte Ledbetter , growth producer

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The Grinch Who Stole Retailers’ Online Christmas

RTP blog

By Chemi Katz, Namogoo With holiday shopping season nearly upon us, now is the time to make any last-minute tweaks to your e-Commerce strategy. For most online retailers, this means ensuring the customer journey has been optimized to maximize conversions and minimize cart abandonment. Customers personas perfected? Check. Seamless checkout experience crafted?

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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The Complete List: All 49+ Global Marketplaces


Figuring out where to go may not be as easy as buying a plane ticket on Kayak. However, we have aggregated a complete list of all global marketplaces as of 2017, by region and country. Top Grossing Asia-Pacific Marketplaces by Country. China. At approximately $630 billion of sales in 2015 , China’s online retail market is the world’s largest, nearly 80 percent bigger than the United States’.

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Everything You Need to Know About Bitcoin and Blockchain in Ecommerce

Ecommerce Platforms

There are several trends influencing the ecommerce industry as a whole, but arguably the most visible of these is bitcoin. When it comes to payment processors in ecommerce sites, the talk used to be about credit cards, PayPal, COD (cash on delivery), et al. But now it’s shifting towards bitcoins and digital currencies. Digital currencies are the future of ecommerce.

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How E-Commerce Retailers Are Winning With Agility

RTP blog

By Roman Kirsch, Lesara Fast fashion has been dealt a blow by the rise of trendy online retailers. These upstarts leverage micro-influencers to push their styles and connect with young people who are less and less interested in brand names. But not all e-Commerce retailers are created equally, and not all of them are responsible for the decline of fast fashion.

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The Tools You Need to 10X Your International Revenue


The decision to launch your brand internationally isn’t one to take with a grain of salt. It was be a make or break decision for your brand –– a money pit or the source of 10X revenue. . Cross border commerce, then, be fully assessed and validated before initiating. . The #1 thing you want to know is this: which market should I go into first? Leveraging analytics, data, and market insights will ensure that you are reducing your exposure to failure and risk –– and where you exposure if reduced is

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184: How My Student Ron Makes 7 Figures Selling Childrens Wall Decals Online

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m really happy to have Ron Eiger on the show. Ron is probably one of my oldest students in my Create A Profitable Online Store Course. I launched the class in 2011 to very small group and I believe Ron joined in 2012 after I released it to the public. Now what’s cool is that Ron and I have kept in touch over the years and he’s been doing awesome.

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Treat or Treat? How to Win Search This Halloween


According to NRF ’s annual Halloween survey, more than 179 million Americans are planning to take part in Halloween festivities – up from 171 million last year. Spending is expected to reach a record high of $9.1 billion, with online search the number one starting point for consumers looking for Halloween ideas and inspiration. Among Halloween online shoppers, a Bizrate Insights survey reveals that more than half (58.6%) are looking to start their Halloween searches on Amazon – which

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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What Makes The Beauty Industry So Successful? One Word: Inclusivity

RTP blog

By Klaudia Tirico, Features Editor With so many retailers struggling these days, I can’t help but notice that the beauty industry continues to thrive. The New York Times reported earlier this year that “prestige beauty sales in the United States rose 6% in the 12 months ending in February, tallying $15.9 billion, according to the market research company NPD Group.

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Cross-Border Commerce 101: The History, The Lingo, The $900B Opportunity


In 1994, Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in Seattle, Washington, USA. Since, the landscape of commerce has forever been changed. Bezos gave way to a plethora of technology advancements that have accelerated market disruption causing increases in consumer demand, competition, and emerging technologies. . He and his company changed the way we buy and sell online.

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How to Build a Winning Holiday Marketing Campaign for Your Ecommerce Store


It’s that time of year again—the holiday shopping season. As we quickly approach what is for many ecommerce businesses their most profitable months of the year, many marketers are busy developing holiday-themed campaigns, getting budgets approved, and thinking about all the things they could do to drive more sales before year-end. In order to get the most out of the holiday season as an ecommerce business, it’s imperative that you take time to plan ahead.

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Hype in Digital Commerce: 5 Rising Technologies to Watch


Digital commerce is playing a pivotal role in customer experience strategies. The world’s leading research firm, Gartner, recognized that digital commerce is a key way to acquire customers, develop relationships, drive revenue and reduce costs. 1. Digital commerce initiatives affect both operations and customer experience management. They provide more ways to sell products, interact with customers, and differentiate from the competition.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Alexa, Will Voice Device Risks Outweigh Potential Benefits?

RTP blog

Voice activation technology is gaining popularity with retailers and consumers. While these technologies have strong growth potential, they issues related to privacy, glitches and who within the household gets to control access. For example, there have been instances where children interact with the devices, and accidentally order items on them. The RTP team discusses whether these problems will be significant hurdles to voice tech adoption, as well as what retailers’ responsibility would be in

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Are you ready for the holidays? Find out with our email marketing holiday checklist


November is almost here, which means you should be gearing up for the holiday season. According to Marketing Land , 2017’s holiday ecommerce sales are projected to grow 10% over last year’s holiday season. So you better be prepared. Not sure if you’re ready? This checklist will help you keep track of everything you need to have in place so you’ll be prepared to maximize your email marketing sales during the upcoming months.

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10 Ecommerce Brands Succeeding with Chatbots

A Better Lemonade Stand

Ecommerce chatbots are becoming more popular and these 10 brands are using the best chatbots to drive up their revenue and customer engagement. The post 10 Ecommerce Brands Succeeding with Chatbots appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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Digital commerce is playing a pivotal role in customer experience strategies.


Digital commerce is playing a pivotal role in customer experience strategies. The world’s leading research firm, Gartner, recognized that digital commerce is a key way to acquire customers, develop relationships, drive revenue and reduce costs. 1. Digital commerce initiatives affect both operations and customer experience management. They provide more ways to sell products, interact with customers, and differentiate from the competition.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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The Power of Pumpkin — How Seasonal Trends Create New CX Opportunity For Brands

RTP blog

By Gordon White, Acticall Sitel Group Sunday is shopping day in my house, a necessary trip to the local Trader Joe’s to stock up on essentials like Brown Rice Marshmallow bars and Ghost Pepper Potato Chips. I genuinely like the shopping experience there, it feels serendipitous and they always tempt me to try new things. As I shouldered my way through the busy store looking for new things to try, one thing became abundantly clear.

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Our 2017 guide to holiday email marketing


You know that Black Friday and Cyber Monday, collectively known as “BFCM,” are just a few short weeks away. So here’s the big question: Are you ready? Last year was huge. Sales for 2016’s Cyber Monday broke the record for the biggest day in the history of U.S. ecommerce, with sales surpassing $3.45 billion online. According to Forbes, between 2005 and 2015, Cyber Monday has grown at a 16.8% CAGR (compound annual growth rate).

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Jilt Spotlight: Recover Lost Revenue with Abandoned Cart Emails

A Better Lemonade Stand

In this Jilt review learn about all of Jilt's capabilities, their advantages & disadvantages & how you can increase revenue with their abandoned cart email recovery system. The post Jilt Spotlight: Recover Lost Revenue with Abandoned Cart Emails appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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Flailing retailers need to learn to ‘sell the hole’

Steve Dennis

I cannot begin to tell you how many times executives at various retailers have said to me that “it’s all about the product.” Earlier in my career, when someone would spout this alleged truism, my somewhat smug thought would be that I could easily come up with many examples where that was demonstrably false. In more recent years, I’ve come to believe that it is precisely retailers’ false clinging to this notion that helps explain why so many find themselves standing

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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2Checkout reports new global digital commerce trends for 2017

Retail Technology Review

2Checkout (formerly Avangate) has released its H1 2017 benchmark report on Digital Commerce Trends in Software & Online Services Sales, showing that subscription-based software solutions, downloadable or as a service, maintain a strong upward trend.

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What’s Behind the Holiday Shopping Season’s Bright Forecasts? Ecommerce and Mobile.


Don’t forget! Download Sailthru’s 2017 Holiday Marketing Guide for last minute tips, tricks and trends to consider for your holiday planning. It’s not even Halloween, but recent forecasts suggest that it’s not too soon for retailers to be showing a bit of holiday cheer. Those who are focusing their efforts on mobile might find a reason to grab an extra mug of eggnog, if this year’s predictions turn out to be accurate.

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Why You Should Create Custom T-Shirt Labels for Your T-Shirt Business

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

Learn how to create custom t-shirt labels for your t-shirt business to communicate product specifics & to enhance the overall quality of your t-shirts. The post Why You Should Create Custom T-Shirt Labels for Your T-Shirt Business appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

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The Rewards Program Checklist: Holiday Edition

Is your online store ready for the holiday rush? The months of November and December drive as much as 30% more ecommerce revenue than the rest of the year , with Black Friday and Christmas pulling in 50-100% more than any other day on their own! In order to take advantage of this surge in consumer spending, you need to have a holiday strategy that can withstand a serious boost in traffic.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Complaining consumers target retailers through social media

Retail Technology Review

New research by HSO has revealed that 36% of consumers would use social media to complain about a product or service. This compared favourably to 30% who would use an online complaints form; 18% who opted for visiting the store and just 14% who preferred the more traditional approach of a telephone call.

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But Things Have Always Been Done This Way

Rishi Rawat

Coming up with new ideas is hard and the brain is lazy. So when we think of new ideas the brain shouts, “But things have always been done this way” I’m sure Nikki Sylianteng had those same thoughts when she got thinking about parking signs, which, by the way, are confusing as heck. But Nikki didn’t let the norm hold herself back.

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9 Reasons to Use Product Videos on Your Ecommerce Site


Video is one of the most underused ecommerce selling tools. Here are the top reasons to jump behind the camera and start using product videos. Read more. The post 9 Reasons to Use Product Videos on Your Ecommerce Site appeared first on ecomdash.

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Superhero Customer Support


Customer support workers are the unsung superheroes of the working world today. So what does a support agent need to become a real-life superhero?

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.