Wed.Dec 05, 2018

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The Future Of Mobility Is Data, Not Cars

Forrester eCommerce

Having worked in and with the automotive industry for around 25 years, the challenges that OEMs face given their size and structures often inhibit the business agility needed to provide lasting customer value in an age of digital disruption. The focus has always been more skewed toward the product experience and product features and defining […].

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BigCommerce Stencil vs Blueprint: Why Upgrade?


If your eCommerce store is hosted on BigCommerce, you’ve likely heard of Blueprint and Stencil – the two available BigCommerce theme frameworks. Since being introduced in 2015, Stencil cleared the way for a new era of theming that supports a number of benefits for eCommerce businesses. If you haven't upgraded to BigCommerce Stencil and are still using Blueprint, you could be missing out on many benefits of the updated framework.


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The TV Industry is Stumbling Toward Customer Centricity

Forrester eCommerce

I’ve just returned from a few days in the sun, having once again participated in Beet.TV’s annual BeetRetreat. (Wonderfully, we returned to Puerto Rico this year*.) The theme was “It’s Consumer First in TV Land,” which I really hoped the conference would pay off. Why? Well, we know that consumer attitudes about advertising are not […].

Customer 365
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What BFCM 2018 Taught Us About Ecommerce Customer Behavior


Still trying to recover from the adrenaline rush that was BFCM (Black Friday/Cyber Monday)? Luckily, we have just the thing to fill that void—a brand new ecommerce report detailing everything that went down on the biggest shopping weekend of the year. You’ve probably seen some of the bigger BFCM headlines touting how shopper turnout reached record levels this year, or how many shoppers turned to mobile to make their purchases.

eCommerce 170
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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Quantifying Vendor Efficacy Using The MITRE ATT&CK Evaluation

Forrester eCommerce

I’ve been extremely excited about the MITRE ATT&CK evaluation since it decided to open it up to vendors earlier this year. The endpoint detection and response (EDR) market represents the direction of endpoint security, yet the state of endpoint efficacy testing has been underwhelming. • Antimalware testing has become a standard part of the endpoint […].

Marketing 353
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REPORT: 2018 Is the Year BFCM Changed for Ecommerce Brands


The post REPORT: 2018 Is the Year BFCM Changed for Ecommerce Brands appeared first on Zaius.

eCommerce 191

More Trending

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Fickle Fashion: Over 80% of consumers are buying clothes they never wear

Retail Technology Review

Fickle fashion is killing off sustainable clothing as eight in 10 (83%) consumers admit to buying items they never wear, according to data from the Fashion Retail Academy.

Clothing 104
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Best Shopify Dropshipping Apps


It’s typical for dropshippers to have lower operational expenses, but higher product costs than the typical ecommerce business model. One of the ways to offset the cost of products is by using apps that make your operations efficient. These tools can save you time and money by freeing up countless hours, allowing you to focus on your online store. Shopify, one of the most popular and successful ecommerce platforms to build an online store, makes it easy for dropshipping business owners to improv

Shopify 88
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What’s Yield Optimization?


Total digital ad spend is projected to hit $57.42 billion in 2018 which is $1 billion more than previously expected. All this ad spend funneling into digital represents a lot of potential revenue for Media Publishers. However, it is also revealing one of their greatest challenges: Yield Optimization. This week, we explain what Yield Optimization is and what it has in common with hotels.

Blog 91
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What is your chair saying about you behind your back?


SOME PEOPLE USE CHAIRS TO SIT ON. OTHERS USE THEM TO REST THEIR FEET, OR KEEP THEIR CLOTHES OFF THE FLOOR. BUT ALL OF US USE CHAIRS TO REMIND OURSELVES WHAT WE BELIEVE IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE. You have a chair in your house. Probably lots of them. You might have an overstuffed easy chair that you sit in while you read the paper. If you like your soft, broken-in easy chair, why don’t you sit in one at the office?

Travel 74
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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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[Report]: Holiday Toy-Buying in a Post-Toys ‘R’ Us World


Toys ‘R’ Us was a traditional toy powerhouse in retail. However, after declaring bankruptcy, the national retailer closed all of its stores in June 2018. The meant the upcoming holiday shopping season had a void to fill. Where would all of Toys ‘R’ Us’ shoppers go to buy toys? Wiser wanted answers and surveyed our network of public shoppers to find out.

Toys 68
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Popular Digital Products You Need To Sell Online


With the rise of ecommerce, there are now more products sold online than ever before, with two of the most popular categories sold being physical and digital products. Physical goods appear to be an easy win for retail chains or consumer electronics companies, however, complexities like shipping & returns, inventory management, packaging, manufacturing costs, and so on need to be accounted for in order to facilitate the sale of these physical products.

Games 63
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Targeting the Last Minute Shopper


Targeting the Last Minute Shopper. Shopping for last minute gifts can be an arduous process. Shoppers can often feel a sense of hopelessness as they hurriedly search for suitable gifts. Plus, seeing more proactive friends and family finished with their holiday shopping can make them feel like a failure. Last minute shoppers in the audience – take heart – you’re not alone.

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3 system options for managing inventory in your eCommerce business


Within the rapidly evolving world of eCommerce, managing inventory is a key pain point that prevents many businesses from achieving the growth they’re capable of. It’s an investment of both time and often cash, to research, choose and implement an inventory system that will work for your business. However, it’s a worthwhile one as it will become the foundation of your growth: what’s an eCommerce business without a strong handle on its inventory levels?

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Which online retailers had the best Black Friday prices?


By all accounts, the Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend lived up to its hype, especially in terms of the online shopping boom. During the extended Black Friday weekend (which we defined as Nov 21 – 26, 2018), eCommerce sales topped the charts and online sales records were broken. According to data from Adobe Analytics : U.S. online retail sales on Thanksgiving Day reached $3.7 billion, which represents +16.5% YoY growth.

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How to Champion Digital Transformation Across Your Organization


Digital will influence 40% of all B2B transactions in the coming year. In addition, the ecommerce market for business-to-business manufacturers is forecasted to grow by 22% over the next three years. Winning, serving, and retaining business in this new digital reality forces manufacturers to embrace a new selling model that is based on self-service, high-quality product data, convenience, and consistency.

B2B 60
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Flipkart Pay Later – New way to shop online

Ecommerce Guru

Financing is a key unsolved need in India. Less than 2% Indians have access to credit cards. If customers don’t have credit cards then customers don’t get access to short term credit?—?a very important use case being the ability to keep making purchases, without the requisite balance in their savings account. In plus, e-commerce businesses see the challenge of inspiring trust and convenience for the entire online shopping experience from order to delivery.

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Employee Spotlight: Matthew Kelly

Dynamic Yield

Employee Spotlight is a series meant to surface stories of the amazing individuals behind our omnichannel personalization platform. This month meet Matt, a Team Lead from Market Development. The post Employee Spotlight: Matthew Kelly appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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How to Address Negative Feedback from Customers


If you sell online, you have an online reputation. The way the marketplace perceives your site and brand contributes to your traffic, sales, repeat business, loyalty and referrals. Thus, managing your online reputation by effectively addressing negative feedback is imperative. Negative feedback can occur through social media comments, product reviews, company reviews and in other digital spaces.

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The Power of Silent Selling


All stores silently sell to their customers. From image to merchandise value, how a store looks and feels greatly affects customer perception. A store that sells prestige exudes an aura of exclusivity through several elements such as rich carpeting, luxurious furnishings and spacious display areas. A value-oriented store on the other hand will use different lighting, a tighter store layout and higher merchandise intensity to communicate their product value to customers.

Other 35
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Pets Place witnesses impact of personalized recommendations with a 15% increase in revenue

Dynamic Yield

The leading pet food retailer in the Netherlands continuously optimized their personalized recommendation widgets and obtained a 15% lift in ARPU. The post Pets Place witnesses impact of personalized recommendations with a 15% increase in revenue appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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Episode 64 – Leveraging Affiliate Marketing for Massive Growth with Nate Lind

eCommerce Evolution

If you’re like me then you’re not overly familiar with affiliate marketing. It is a bit of a mystery for a lot of us marketers and ecomm entrepreneurs. However it does have some huge positives: . Scalable : Once you attract the right affiliates and have the right offer, you can go from 0 to thousands of orders in no time. . Predictable – As you know, I’m a PPC guy.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Chal-Tec boosts revenue by 30% after fully personalizing the customer journey with multi-touch experiences

Dynamic Yield

A leading eCommerce retailer created personalized sub-shops within its online mall using multi-touch campaigns to drive a 30% increase in average revenue. The post Chal-Tec boosts revenue by 30% after fully personalizing the customer journey with multi-touch experiences appeared first on Dynamic Yield.

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Year-End Review: Retail’s Missteps And Missed Opportunities In 2018

RTP blog

Before we put 2018 in the rear-view mirror, the RTP editors wanted to identify both the retail industry’s best and worst of the year. And because we like to leave things on a positive note, we’re starting with the gaffes, goof-ups and unforced errors that caught our eye. We’ll focus on the good news in next week’s Editor Q&A column. What was your pick for the most boneheaded play of the year?

eCommerce 150
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MediaMarkt connects online and offline worlds to master personalization at scale

Dynamic Yield

Europe's largest consumer electronics retailer manages to drive an 8% lift in average revenue by merging all of its customer data to enable personalized experiences. The post MediaMarkt connects online and offline worlds to master personalization at scale appeared first on Dynamic Yield.