Sat.Mar 02, 2019 - Fri.Mar 08, 2019

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The Real Costs of Ecommerce Data Breaches, Espionage, and Security Mismanagement


Data security is essential to surviving the 21st century ecommerce landscape.

eCommerce 272
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The Cheapest Possible Way to Launch an Ecommerce Store

Ecommerce Platforms

You've seen (or maybe heard about) the entrepreneurs on Shark Tank. Half of them walk in front of the sharks talking about the hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars they have spent on their startup, only to be in a situation where they need more money from the billionaire investors to keep their dreams alive. It may give you a sinking sensation in your stomach, knowing that you would never be able to gather together that type of money or have the collateral to backup that sort of lo

eCommerce 190

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Digital commerce in the 5G world


5G is the next generation of mobile networks that will drastically increase performance and enable new use-cases across three dimensions: Massive machine-to-machine (M2M) communications will accelerate the adoption of M2M/IoT leading to emergence of many new use-cases including remote control, infrastructure monitoring, health, connected cars and many others.

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Tech Titans Google And Microsoft Are Transforming Cybersecurity

Forrester eCommerce

Last April, we outlined how the “Tech Titans” (Amazon, Google, and Microsoft) were poised to change the cybersecurity landscape by introducing a new model for enterprises to consume cyber security solutions. Security has long been delivered as siloed solutions located on-premise. These solutions were hard to buy, hard to use, and existed in siloes. Security […].

Consumer 382
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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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How To Sell T-Shirts Online And Actually Make a Profit


People love t-shirts. They can make your entire outfit pop, help you make a statement, or be a conversation starter.

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How I Grew My Declining Google Traffic


When you look at the chart above, what do you see? A site that gets a ton of traffic, right? I am a marketer, so I should be somewhat decent at getting traffic… or so you would hope. But here is the thing, just because I am decent at marketing doesn’t mean my Google traffic keeps climbing up and to the right. Just like you, I face challenges. I have ups and downs, I can also get penalized, and I have to continually battle algorithm updates.

SEO 269

More Trending

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What CIOs Can Learn from Fleetwood Mac about Marketing

Forrester eCommerce

Here at Forrester, we love all things music. Each office floor has a different musical theme and all the rooms are named after popular musicians of the time. It’s not uncommon to have a team meeting in Guns N’ Roses or an afternoon phone call in Jackson Browne. So, it seems natural to think of […].

Marketing 359
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Hacking Confessional: What a Pro Can Teach Remote Workers About Data Security


Data security is a hot-button issue right now, and for a good reason.

eCommerce 352
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Udemy vs Teachable: A Comparison of Online Course Selling Heavyweights

Ecommerce Platforms

So you want to sell courses online? Maybe you have a knack for Adobe Illustrator or like the idea of making money by teaching people photography. One of the great things about the Internet today is that you can take a look at your current skill set and potentially monetize it by becoming an instructor online. But how do you go about building a website and selling these online courses?

Payments 200
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Every Marketer Must Become a Cutting Edge Technologist


When you think of your role as a B2C marketer, does “technologist” immediately come to mind as a description? If it doesn’t, it should. You spend a lot of time evaluating, using, and optimizing your marketing tech stack all while staying up on the latest trends in the industry. These days it’s easy to feel a bit too reliant on your marketing technology.

B2C 170
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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Mobile World Congress Offers Food For Thought

Forrester eCommerce

Food Tech figured prominently on the menu at Mobile World Congress 2019. Mobile operators, network equipment providers, device manufacturers and solution providers address challenges from farm, field, fishery or factory to fork, - and beyond. Venture investment has increased significantly. And, if Mobile World Congress is any indication, companies large and small are eager to get a place at the table.

Mobile 356
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Retailers, Reach For The Minimum By 2020

RTP blog

By Ed King, HighStreet Collective Since we started our consultancy, HighStreet, in mid-2017, it’s become painfully clear that legacy retailers have had a difficult time with their “omnichannel” and in-store innovation efforts. While we have inspired many brands and retailers with our passionate message about how shopper expectations have outpaced the rate of retail innovation by a factor of three-to-one, the fact remains that many (including some of our clients and current prospects) are unable,

eCommerce 150
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60 Amazing Online Clothing Stores and Their UX Tricks You Should Steal

Ecommerce Platforms

There are plenty of inspirational clothing stores and these 60 were chosen for their clean design, great UX or creative products. While in a brick and mortar store the assistant can help people entering the store to decide what to buy, in the online world it’s completely different. 90% of visitors want to see great design paired with awesome products, easy-to-read fonts (but matching the overall design!

Clothing 171
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Why You Need A Fulfillment Center And My Top 3PL Picks For 2019

My Wife Quit Her Job

One of the biggest challenges with running an ecommerce business is finding an efficient and inexpensive way to deliver your goods to the end customer. Unlike digital products which can be delivered via download or email, a physical product must be shipped using a carrier like USPS, FedEx or UPS. But just because you sell physical products online does not mean that you have to store your own inventory and ship out your own products.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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What To Expect At RSA Conference 2019: Cloud As Security Improvement And The Possible End Of The Infosec Gilded Age

Forrester eCommerce

I recently did a webinar with a few of my colleagues from the RSA Conference Advisory Board on precisely this topic, which you can find here. We tried to expose as much as we could of the fantastic variety that you’ll find at RSA Conference 2019. Here’s a further elaboration of one of my favorite […].

Webinar 353
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How Can Retailers Take Advantage Of China Trade War Truce?

RTP blog

The Trump Administration announced last month that it would hold off on imposing additional tariffs on approximately $200 billion in Chinese goods, although tariffs imposed in 2018 remain in effect. While retail industry groups such as the National Retail Federation welcomed the news, they also are seeking more permanent solutions, including legislative action.

Retail 150
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How to Start a T-Shirt Business: 7 Things You Need to Know

Ecommerce Platforms

It's hardly surprising that 63% of people in their 20's want to start their own business. The freedom that comes with being your own boss is fantastic- not to mention the earning potential is also pretty enticing. These are just a few of the benefits that would make anyone reconsider the traditional nine to five. So, why don't more people stop dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur and just get on with it?

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Physical Retail Is Not Dead Yet!

Bryan Eisenberg

Amazon almost killed Best Buy. Then Best Buy learned to Be a little more Like Amazon and it is doing great. You too can Be Like Amazon while not being like Amazon. Any business, retail or services, online or brick and mortar can learn from these principles. Build relationships, help people buy instead of focusing on selling them, understand your employees & customers’ motivation.

Retail 138
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Think Privacy’s Just A Cost Center? Think Again.

Forrester eCommerce

Over and over, clients tell us they just don’t get enough funding for the kind of privacy programs they want to create. In fact, many privacy budgets shrank in 2019, after firms were forced to spend more than they expected on GDPR compliance in 2018. But what if we told you that customer-centric privacy programs […].

Customer 348
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Creating A Culture Of Empowerment To Drive Innovation

RTP blog

By Anthony Ferry, PriceSpider When innovation dies and a product line atrophies, it is because we are not engaging innovation. In today’s rapidly changing landscape, forward-thinking companies interested in long-term retention, increased profits and overall growth must encourage employee engagement — this drives employees to truly care about their work, which leads to thoughtfulness and ideas that advance businesses and even spark ideas for new ones.

eCommerce 150
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247: How To Automate Your Amazon Wholesale Business With Trent Dyrsmid

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m thrilled to have Trent Dyrsmid on the show. Trent is a serial entrepreneur, husband, and father who owns 3 companies, an Amazon ecommerce business, an SOP software company called Flowster and which is a popular podcast and entrepreneurship publication. Together, these companies generate millions per year in revenue. I invited him on the show today because we share the common goal of maximizing income without negatively impacting family life.

Books 120
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5 Lead Magnet Ideas to Increase Revenue in Your Ecommerce Store


The majority of people who land on your ecommerce site won’t buy anything. They’ll likely browse your for a few minutes and then leave. So even with lots of traffic, your revenue suffers. Instead of losing site visitors forever, you need a way to get their attention to improve your chances of boosting your revenue. What you need is a lead magnet.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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We Should Chat About WeChat And Why Facebook Wants In

Forrester eCommerce

For years, I’ve maintained that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook Inc., has had his eye on a singular goal: becoming the global version of China’s WeChat. WeChat is China’s most popular messaging app with 1 billion monthly users. China’s population is 1.4 billion people, which means approximately 2 in 3 Chinese are on WeChat. But WeChat […].

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How to stop wasting resources to improve the customer experience


Are you wasting valuable resources trying to improve customer experience? 70% of leading companies say that it is a top priority [1] , but many don’t know where to start. They see customer experience as isolated touchpoints: physical stores, mobile apps, web store, social media. While it is important to improve those individual interactions, companies should not lose sight of the forest for the trees.

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Refersion Review: Is it The Best Affiliate Marketing Software?

Ecommerce Platforms

This Refersion review explores its unique features and different pricing structures. On top of this, it will also cover the users who are likely to benefit the most from using this platform. For online business owners, it’s hard to ignore the power of affiliate marketing. Research shows an increase of 6.8 billion in U.S affiliate spending by 2020. Sounds impressive, right?

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Guest Blog – Reading Your Customers’ Signals at Every Step of the Customer Journey


Rick Kenney Zaius Vice President of Industry Strategy You’ve probably been there before. They’re just not that into you. “What could I […]. The post Guest Blog – Reading Your Customers’ Signals at Every Step of the Customer Journey appeared first on Zmags.

Blog 100
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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Uncovering 2020 Digital Experience Priorities: It’s That (survey) Time of Year!

Forrester eCommerce

This week we launched our annual panel survey on Digital Experience (DX) priorities, challenges and strategies. If you’re a leader, decision-maker, or influencer of your enterprise DX strategy, we’d love to have your input: [link] take the survey?

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Trends Analysis: Why Cryptocurrency May Still Be Important for eCommerce


Cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin especially, are more likely to draw raised eyebrows than excited grins these days. But don’t be fooled by the price volatility of crypto. There’s a bigger discussion about what crypto — and the blockchain technology behind it — can do for the entire eCommerce sector. “Digital currencies like Bitcoin are helping both private users and online merchants to experience a whole new world of monetary exchange with complete ease,” eCommerce consultant Darshit Parmar writes.

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How to create a successful pop-up store?


The conception of the pop-up show was birthed out of the financial crash of 2008 as an alternative to long retail leaseholds – and since their inception they have gone mainstream. In the UK alone, the pop-up industry is currently worth over £2.3 billion a year. Plus with almost 30% of British businesses beginning their entrepreneurial journey as a pop-up, it’s safe to say that this retail phenomenon isn’t going away any time soon.

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Shoplo Review: Is it the Right E-Commerce Platform for You?

Ecommerce Platforms

Are you still wondering which ecommerce platform is the best to launch your online store? With so many options to choose from, it’s easy to feel like a hamster on a wheel. Shoplo stands out from other ecommerce solutions because of its multipurpose nature. It comes with unique tools including multichannel selling, customer support, and great online store features.

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.