Sat.Feb 17, 2018 - Fri.Feb 23, 2018

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The Dangers Of Selling On Amazon And Horror Stories From Real Amazon Sellers

My Wife Quit Her Job

Right now, selling on Amazon is almost too easy. All you have to do is find a product with good margins/demand, list it on Amazon, and it will eventually sell because Amazon’s audience and reach is so vast. When my wife and I first started selling on Amazon several years ago, we sold over 60 units in a matter of 8 days with just 3 products listed online with no reviews.

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2018 Mobile And New Technology Priorities For Marketers

Forrester eCommerce

Forrester just released a new report on mobile and new technology priorities for marketers, based on our latest global mobile executive survey. We found out that marketers: Fail to deliver on foundational mobile experiences. Consumers’ expectations of a brand’s mobile experience have never been higher. And yet, 58% of marketers agree that their mobile services […].

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Infographic: 14 Ways to Get Backlinks Without Begging


Are you producing lots of great content on a regular basis but still not seeing organic traffic? The issue may be a lack of external sites linking to you, also known as backlinks. While SEO has evolved over the years, backlinks still remain as one of the most important SEO ranking factors. What you shouldn’t do is get involved in shady link schemes.

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Top 10 Sessions at eTail West 2018


If you want to meet some of the best minds in ecommerce, you no doubt already made plans to attend eTail West 2018 in Palm Springs. The sunny Californian location probably helped sway your decision, as well, but that’s not the only reason. Starting on February 26, many of the world’s top ecommerce retailers will converge for three days of in-depth learning and valuable networking.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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How To Increase Your Amazon Sales Rank By 209% With A Simple Photo Tweak

My Wife Quit Her Job

As you probably know, the photo you choose for your Amazon listing can mean the difference between losing a customer vs making a sale. And more importantly, the quality of your photo determines whether you’ll even get a click on your product in the first place! Speaking from experience, I’ve run experiments on my online store where a simple photo swap resulted in a 2X increase in conversions and an equivalent increase in Amazon sales rank.

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Amazon Headline Search Ads Take Two Major Steps Forward

ROI Revolution

Amazon has become an essential platform for brands and retailers to advertise their product lines. In 2017, it’s estimated that Amazon advertising revenue eclipsed $1.65 billion dollars in the US alone , a roughly 50% YOY growth. That number is expected to double to more than $3.2 billion by 2019. One of the core ad formats for Amazon is Headline Search Ads.

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More Trending

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How to Set Up Amazon PPC: A 2018 Guide


As an Amazon buyer, you’re flooded with product choices. You visit the marketplace looking for a spatula, and a quick search gives you thousands of kitchen tool options — short, long, plastic, colorful. In this sea of merchandise, Amazon sellers have to find a way to make their products stand out if they want to win sales. One of the easiest ways to highlight your items is Amazon PPC.

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197: A Better Way To Launch Products On Amazon With Scott Voelker

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m happy to have Scott Voelker of The Amazing Seller back on the show. Last time I had him on was back in episode 89. And since then, we’ve become good friends, hung out at multiple conferences together including Fincon where we were both on a panel together. Anyway because it’s been so long, I invited Scott back to talk about some of his updated Amazon strategies and to see what he’s been up to.

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Drop Shipping 101: The Definitive Guide To Building A Drop Shipping Business in 2018

A Better Lemonade Stand

Drop shipping is a fulfillment business model where you never actually own the inventory you are selling. Instead, you act as a middleman between your customers and your supplier, and you pass any orders onto the drop shipping company so they can pick, pack and fulfill. Your profit is the difference between what you charge your customers on your website and what the drop shipping company charges you.

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Showrooming 2.0: Turning Risk Into Reward

RTP blog

By Ryan Dee, Interactions “Will ‘showrooming’ kill businesses?” That was the headline five years ago as an increasing number of shoppers began visiting brick-and-mortar stores to try out products before ultimately purchasing them online. Back then, the ability to price shop in person but buy online was a real concern for brick-and-mortar stores. But as a growing number of traditional retailers are proving, not only will showrooming not be their death, it may well be the answer to innovation — an

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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You’re Probably Overspending on Branded Search Campaigns in Google (and Don’t Even Know It)

Inflow Insights

If someone searches for your brand in Google, you want to dominate the results they see. Like Jeep: Branded Campaigns vs. General Campaigns. If you’re familiar with branded campaigns, you can skip to the next section, but otherwise let’s level-set some terminology and the why behind branded campaigns. Those paid ads at the top of the search results for Jeep?

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How to Find Dropshipping Products that Sell Like Crazy

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

Check out these 7 easy-to-implement tips on how to find dropshipping products for your ecommerce store. These criteria will help you find dropshipping products that sell well for your particular niche. The post How to Find Dropshipping Products that Sell Like Crazy appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

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The Ticking Time Bomb Of E-commerce Returns

Steve Dennis

Returns have long been the nemesis of many retail brands. When a product is returned or exchanged, not only does the retailer experience incremental supply chain costs, but often the item cannot be resold at the original price owing to damage, wear and tear, or obsolescence/devaluation given the passage of time — particularly an issue with fashion or seasonal merchandise.

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Retail rut? Only 50% of UK retailers have a digital strategy in place despite consumer demand

Retail Technology Review

Almost half (46 percent) of British consumers believe Augmented Reality (AR) will positively impact retail, with Virtual Reality (VR) close behind (22 percent), yet only 50 percent of retailers have a digital strategy to implement these technologies according to Fujitsu's Tech in a Transforming Britain Report.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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How to Use Google Trends to Find Your Ecommerce Niche


Finding your niche in ecommerce is crucial, but that's easier said than done. We explain one of the most convenient ways to do it, with Google Trends. Read more. The post How to Use Google Trends to Find Your Ecommerce Niche appeared first on ecomdash.

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Thanks to constant advancements in B2B technologies, wholesale is fast catching up with retail. This year, automated sensor and tracking innovation will allow wholesalers to more effectively manage operations whilst making informed decisions about shipping, staffing, warehousing, and more.

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Six Connected Strategies for Brands to Succeed


2018 will be another challenging year for brands and retailers unwilling, or unable, to adapt to the new consumer landscape. The bright side is that big changes also create big opportunities. At Talkoot, we identified six strategies that working together will help brands and retailers succeed this year. 1. Embrace Direct-to-Consumer. “D2C” is a do-or-die strategy, and an e-commerce site alone is not enough.

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Are UK shoppers falling out of love with the internet?

Retail Technology Review

Home delivery expert ParcelCompare says todays ONS retail sales figures for January show online growth slowing to 9.1% - down from 19.2% last January.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Gmail Announces More Interactivity and Dynamic Content in Emails


Last week Google announced that it will be adding support for more interactive and dynamic emails to Gmail. The Gmail team will do this by adding support for many of the elements from the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project. The announcement, which came at the AMP Conference 2018 in Amsterdam, is a potentially big step forward in how emails are designed and what experiences are possible.

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Leading Indicators: What Are They & How Can They Improve Your Business?


Shoppers constantly provide the data you need to convert them into loyal, satisfied customers. It’s up to you to apply it and create a unified, effective retail experience. The post Leading Indicators: What Are They & How Can They Improve Your Business? appeared first on Bronto Blog.

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4 Essential Ecommerce Emails Your Business Needs


There are a few essential ecommerce emails every business should send to increase clicks, conversions, and engagement. Try one of these 5 today. Read more. The post 4 Essential Ecommerce Emails Your Business Needs appeared first on ecomdash.

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From Equinox to Dollar Shave Club: 8 Brands with Winning Content for Commerce Strategies


Furthermore is a digital magazine that seems to have it all: eye-catching images, sleek design and a great mix of articles. Topics prominently featured on the homepage run the gamut from which ingredients are best for your hair to alternative pastas to why we get the flu. What makes Furthermore most impressive is that it’s not actually the work of a traditional publisher.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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B2B eCommerce Trends 2018


The B2B eCommerce industry is already gaining a lot of momentum in 2018. A common trend (amongst many) is that B2B eCommerce merchants need to invest more time and money into technology in order to better manage their business and stay competitive.

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New [Whitepaper]: Boost Margins with Price Optimization


Pricing in retail is not one-and-done. It needs to change over time, as inventory ages and demand changes. In order to make that a reality, retailer leaders turn to price optimization. With the help of our partners at Forecast Horizon, we’ve written up a whitepaper titled, 5 Essential Facts to Boost Margins with Price Optimization. . Here is a summary of the tips you’ll find in the whitepaper: .

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At the WhiteBoard: How to think about KPIs on the digital shelf


What's the best way to regularly check in on the health of your company's online presence? Salsify Co-founder Rob Gonzalez discusses the keys to an effective measurement strategy in our most recent video.

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NY Times Engages Olympics Fans with Personalized Pushes; Yoox Attributes 50% of Sales to Mobile App; Retailers Prioritize Omnichannel Experiences


During this Winter Olympics, The New York Times’ app users can engage directly with sports editor Sam Manchester and get personalized updates on their favorite events. In addition to this new personalized app-based messaging system, this week, well look at how Yoox’s newly-personalized app brings in 50% of its sales. The success of these personalized mobile apps has retailers looking at how to bring this personalization into physical stores.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Wholesale Distribution Trend 2018: Automation


Thanks to constant advancements in B2B technologies, wholesale is fast catching up with retail. This year, automated sensor and tracking innovation will allow wholesalers to more effectively manage operations while making informed decisions about shipping, staffing, warehousing, and more.

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New [eBook] Wiser’s Complete Guide to Omnichannel Merchandising


Optimized merchandising online and in-store is key to retail success. While the functions of the two jobs can be different, some retailers are starting to bring them together to provide more consistency in their omnichannel offerings. . Here at Wiser, we’ve put together a complete guide to omnichannel merchandising. This eBook offers key merchandising strategies that brands and retailers need to implement to improve the way they compete. .

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Can Your Platform Deflect A Data Breach? Check For These 5 Security Must-Haves


Even as shoppers’ expectations rise for sophisticated omnichannel shopping experiences, they remain concerned […]. The post Can Your Platform Deflect A Data Breach? Check For These 5 Security Must-Haves appeared first on The Omni Channel.

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Mobile Commerce App: Why Is It Crucial For A Great User Experience?


Over the past several years if there has been any e-commerce buzzword hotter than the disruption caused by m-commerce, well, please let us know. Other e-commerce topics may have enjoyed 10 minutes of your time, but mobile commerce has been the one which has repercussions for the past years and it can be more effective with mobile commerce app. Today majority of the people prefer mobile devices over desktops.

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.