Thu.Feb 13, 2020

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The Power Of Technology-Driven Innovation

Forrester eCommerce

Peter F. Drucker once said, “If you want to do something new, you have to stop doing something old”, and yet most firms stick with what they know and focus on incremental improvements. And while incremental growth is a critical piece of the puzzle, the more important element of growth is differentiation. If you want […].

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Our Favorite UI Design Trends for 2020 & Beyond


From beautiful photo-centric sites to movement and interactivity, the past few years have shown several ways to be bold, minimal and everything in between. Some may argue that extra visual elements may be distracting from what’s really important. These elements may not die, but rather they'll become more subtle and gently factored in where necessary to enhance a website. 2020 will go for that same bold factor, but in different ways.

Magazine 332

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RSA Conference 2020: An Intelligence Nerd’s Shopping List

Forrester eCommerce

RSA Conference is an incredible opportunity for vendors to showcase their products and services to the security and risk community. Vendors, my shopping list does not include vaporware or snake oil. Everyone attending knows the internet is a scary place and threats are around every digital corner. Skip the scary statistics, and tell me how […].

Customer 318
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12 Lovable Valentine’s Day Marketing Strategies for 2020


Based on statistics from the National Retail Federation on Valentine’s Day celebrations, 2019 was a bad year for love.

Marketing 353
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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Rock ‘N’ Role — The Art Of Managing Employee Roles And Access For Dynamic Business Models

Forrester eCommerce

The highly orchestrated symphony of grouping employees into well-defined roles with specific and granular access to enterprise apps/services is breaking down under the frenetic rock n’ roll era of dynamic business. The instruments of creative destruction – digital transformation (DX), Cloud migrations, DevOps and Agile methodologies – are powering the new sound.

Arts 276
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Consumer Behavior: A Definitive Guide


Consumer Behavior, Something For Everyone. The marketing of products depends on consumer behavior & psychology for the sales results. Any top marketer will never make a mistake of building the marketing strategy. without studying the psychology of his target audience. Consumer psychology is a mix of two main constructs, namely, Consumer attitudes and Consumer behavior. […].

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The Psychology Behind The Perfect SaaS Pricing Page


A SaaS pricing page does more than attach a price tag to your products. If it’s done right, a pricing page can tell a story of your products and give prospects an insight into what they can gain by purchasing them. However, the real success of a pricing page is channeling the right message to your customers psychologically. Is the layout of the page leading them to a sale, and are your value of your products being communicated effectively?

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Customer Retention for eCommerce


We’ve already talked in great detail about customer retention in our previous articles, so today we’re focusing on one niche. The post Customer Retention for eCommerce appeared first on ECOMMERCE GROWTH Blog.

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5 Warning Signs of Inventory Management Trouble


You know the warning signs when you’re getting sick. You feel a sore throat or stuffy nose, you know something’s wrong. But how well can you recognize the warning signs that your ecommerce business is “sick”? If your store’s inventory management system is in danger and needs help, could you save it before it’s too […]. The post 5 Warning Signs of Inventory Management Trouble appeared first on Ecomdash.

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Sailthru’s Thoughts on Navigating CCPA


California’s new data privacy law, the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) came into force on January 1, 2020. Much like GDPR , its counterpart in the EU, this law responds to the ever-growing use of individuals’ personal information by giving California consumers — broadly defined as “a natural person who is a California resident” — a set of data privacy rights that support the ideals of transparency, freedom of choice, access, and fairness.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Septentrio launches an online shop offering high-accuracy GNSS receiver modules

Retail Technology Review

Septentrio’s new web shop offers direct access to mosaicTM multi-frequency GNSS receiver module. Customers can purchase the mosaicTM development kit quickly and easily to evaluate this unique module.

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RSA Conference 2020: What I’m Looking for this Year

Forrester eCommerce

Counting down the days! My RSA Conference schedule is set, and I’ve stocked up on hand sanitizer. Here’s my game plan: · Look for innovation in data security. I keep coming back to “the basics” of understanding data and context about data, which isn’t so basic or easy. I’ll be on the look out for […].

Games 73
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Lowest growth outlook for retail in four years

Retail Technology Review

Retail sector posts weakest small business outlook for 2020. Less than a third of small businesses in the retail sector are predicting growth for the early months of 2020. This is the worst growth outlook for the retail sector since the start of 2016.

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6 Ways Retailers Reap the Rewards of Data Analytics


Retail business is getting increasingly competitive because it allows almost anyone to launch an online store within hours. Millions of digital retailers are already active on the Internet, but only a few top-performers know how to outpace competitors and grab a significant chunk of market share. At the same time, traditional retailers still keep the majority of market share and successfully deal with the challenges of the Internet era.

Retail 59
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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Top 3 Benefits of Reward Programs for Niche Markets

There’s something special about coming across niche stores that cater exactly to your interests. A niche brand resonates with a specific kind of shopper, so finding these shoppers and keeping them coming back is paramount to a successful business. The best way to create longevity and success for a niche business is to build a brand community, and here are the top reasons why.

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Retail Performance Pulse: Stores Show Sales Strength to Begin the Year


The latest edition of the RetailNext Retail Performance Pulse has been published and is available for download, providing an overview of brick-and-mortar store performance for the retail month of January 2020 (January 5 through February 1 on the industry’s 4-5-4 calendar). Download the Retail Performance Pulse for January 2020 store results. Retail stores enjoyed a strong start to the New Year as sales remained relatively flat, declining just 0.4 percent for the month of January, as measured on

Retail 52
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How to Survive and Thrive in Today's Wireless Industry


The wireless industry is known for big, fast changes. From the early generations of phones installed in cars, to the first handheld device, and now the vast options of phones available today, the industry is always changing.

POS 44
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Best Social Media Platforms for Retail Marketing


When you're selling primarily in a brick and mortar shop, the world of online sales and marketing can seem a little foreign. You are, after all, doing business in a defined community in a physical space. What can social media do for you? It is a common mistake for business owners to feel confident that they have their digital bases covered with an attractive website and email list.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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What is Shopify & How Does Shopify Work?

Ecommerce Platforms

Setting up an online business requires a full-length approach to all primary store building attributes. We did a background check from various data sources and Shopify seems to hover around all corners in the ecommerce industry. Let's find out what is Shopify and how does it work. Shopify's growth trend in the market is increasing rapidly. Yet, on the other hand, it's highly likely that you're probably familiar with WordPress, even if you aren’t a blogger, and how it helps create killer blogs.

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Best Social Media Platforms for Retail Marketing


When you're selling primarily in a brick and mortar shop, the world of online sales and marketing can seem a little foreign. You are, after all, doing business in a defined community in a physical space. What can social media do for you? It is a common mistake for business owners to feel confident that they have their digital bases covered with an attractive website and email list.

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Best Free CRM Software 2020 – The Ultimate 8 Top Free CRM Tools

Ecommerce Platforms

Finding the best free CRM software is now a primary priority for many SMBs because while customer relationship management tools are extremely critical, implementing them can be a costly affair. Yes, that’s right. Keeping up with the current competitive ecommerce environment is not cheap at all, especially when you’re running a small business. Your budget might not be able to accommodate numerous premium solutions at once.

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Checklist for a Successful BOPIS Launch


The results are in from the holiday season, and Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store, aka BOPIS, is having a positive impact, making it a top priority for retailers to get right in 2020. Orders using store pickup saw 41% growth on Black Friday and 43% growth on CyberMonday , beating predictions of 39% growth for the season by Adobe Analytics. Given that 82% of consumers told Adobe they planned to pick up extra items in-store when using BOPIS services, the surge means store pickup could be a key contribu

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Site Abandonment and How to Decrease it at Every Stage


Site abandonment has always presented a major challenge for online retailers. Although it would make sense for the abandonment rate to go down over time, research finds the exact opposite is true. In fact, between Q4 of 2018 and Q2 of 2019, overall conversion rates decreased from 3.23% to just 2.58% – a decrease of 20%. That places the worldwide abandonment rate at about 97.5%.