Sat.Nov 11, 2017 - Fri.Nov 17, 2017

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Bob Johnson’s Computer Stuff: Future-proofing on-site search


Why they won. Bob Johnson’s Computer Stuff won the Innovation Award for Customer Experience. For the brand’s ability to “think like a customer” and enable tools that addressed specific pain points in the search experience. Business stats. Founder: Bob Johnson. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Ed Lasher, Marketing Director. Year founded: 1996. Headquartered: Smyrna, DE.

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How Voice Apps will Change E-Commerce Forever


Marketers say that in order to anticipate what the customer wants, you have to know what they’re thinking. With voice apps becoming more and more commonplace — now the customer can actually tell you. Perhaps the biggest evidence that shows a marked shift in how customers search is found within the biggest movers and shakers in both e-commerce and search — Amazon and Google.

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How to Find the Best Wholesale Suppliers for Your Online Store

Ecommerce Platforms

Even before deciding on a type of product to sell on your website, it's not a bad idea to understand how the wholesale supplier system works. But here's what: It's not a well-structured system at all. It's a large collection of random suppliers scattered all across the world. Some of them are great, while others not so much. Not too long ago there were hardly any sites organizing lists of suppliers, making it difficult for retailers to locate the best ones.

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Five Tips For Maximizing Holiday Gift Card Sales

RTP blog

By Dom Morea, First Data With the holiday season fast approaching, retailers big and small are scrambling for last-minute ideas to incentivize shoppers, increase in-store visits and gain a head start on the stiff holiday retail competition. Considering that the average number of physical gift cards purchased per consumer has increased over the last three years from 4.7 to 6.5, according to First Data’s 2017 Prepaid Consumer Insights Study , maximizing exposure to gift card programs is a priority

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Seriously Silly Socks: Personalization + pick, pack, ship simplification.


Why they won. Seriously Silly Socks won the Innovation Awards Grand Prize of $10,000 and a fully paid trip to a Retail Conference of their choice. For building a personalized Build-a-Box tool that simultaneously reduced pick, pack and ship time –– saving time while making money. Business stats. Founder: Andrew Gill. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Andrew Gill.

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5 Signs it’s Time for an Email Marketing Makeover


These days, just about anyone can create and send out email campaigns to their list of prospects. But just because it’s nearly push-button simple to do, doesn’t mean it always gets the results you want. And if your beautifully-designed, precisely-formatted and succinctly-written email went over like a lead balloon, it doesn’t mean the end of the world.

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How To Beat The Competition With Mobile Location Data

RTP blog

Geographic information system (GIS) data already is used extensively by retailers for everything from site selection to reporting and business intelligence. But the addition of mobile behavioral data, in conjunction with cloud-based mapping programs, can uncover critical insights — such as shoppers’ activity before entering a store and their movements after leaving the store.

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Beer Cartel: Content marketing for a 34% gain in sales


Why they won. Beer Cartel won the Innovation Award for Marketing Innovation. For creating a content asset that drove thought leadership, revenue and customer loyalty. Business stats. Co-owner: Richard Kelsey. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Richard Kelsey. Year founded: 2009. Headquartered: Sydney, Australia. Ecommerce vertical: Food & Beverage.

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Customized Product Comparison Table

Rishi Rawat

There is one really important aspect of improved conversions: when you let the user drive their own experience they convert at a higher rate. understands this. When you go to their comparison page instead of showing a table with 3 pre-selected competitors Drip allows users to select the competitors they want to compare Drip against, thus improving the relevancy of the comparison.

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The Inbox is Too Crowded: Find New Ways to Stand Out


If you ever want to spark a heated conversation, simply ask: “How many unread emails do you have in your inbox right now?”. Then, get ready for a fierce competition between friends, family, or coworkers for who gets the most emails per day, and complaints about how tough it is to open, read, and respond to each and every one. The crowded inbox has become an unfortunate fact of modern life for many of us.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Will Voice Shopping Change Black Friday As We Know It?

RTP blog

By Ryan MacInnis, Voysis Black Friday has been one of the biggest days for retailers in the U.S. for the past decade. Shoppers have increased their spending on Black Friday by 138% since 2005, and are still spending hours waiting in lines to claim that great deal only available on that day. But as shopping has evolved with the introduction of voice commerce, people are spending less time waiting in lines and showing up for Black Friday.

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Andie Swim: Fixing a broken industry purchasing funnel for good


Why they won. Andie Swim won the Innovation Award for Product Innovation. For creating a product experience that extends far beyond the product itself. Business stats. Founder: Melanie Travis. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Melanie Travis. Year founded: 2017. Headquartered: New York, NY. Ecommerce vertical: Direct to consumer (Apparel & Jewelry).

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Don’t Overcomplicate Your eCommerce Strategy: It’s Actually Pretty Simple


In our second annual industry study, we found that companies are setting ever more aggressive online sales targets, but they feel less and less certain about how they will achieve them – citing a lack of clear strategy as their number one challenge in growing eCommerce sales. The Profitero 2017 study, How Brands Are Budgeting and Organizing Around eCommerce , surveyed 134 brands across more than 10 industries between July and September 2017, with the aim of understanding how brand manufacturers

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186: How To Maximize Your Amazon Sales With Former Head Of Seller Central Brad Moss

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m happy to have Brad Moss on the show. Brad recently spoke at my conference, The Sellers Summit, this past year, and his presentation was very well received by the attendees. He’s the former head of Seller Central at Amazon and he has intimate knowledge of how Amazon works from the inside. And today, he’s the founder of where he helps Amazon sellers blow up their businesses.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Arcadier Review: The Easy Way to Build a Marketplace for Products, Space or Services

Ecommerce Platforms

On Ecommerce Platforms, we've gone through several ways to make an online marketplace like that of Etsy, ThemeForest, Sharedesk or even something for services like finding contractors or photographers. Some of them work well, but it always seems like something's missing. Sometimes you find that the marketplace template isn't that flexible. Other times the platform doesn't allow for services, bartering, or free plans to try the platform out.

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Freund Container: B2B empowerment through RESTful APIs


Why they won. Freund Container was a finalist for the Innovation Awards. For B2B enablement and empowerment complexity that works seamlessly across customer and employee touchpoints. Business stats. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Chris Hiller, General Manager. Year founded: 1938. Headquartered: Lisle, Illinois. Ecommerce vertical: B2B. Agency used: AmericanEagle.

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The Future of E-commerce Belongs to Optimizers


Today is the best time in history to be an evidence-led retailer. Data is available everywhere, tools are improving daily, and the business climate is data-friendly. You hold in your hand the keys to the kingdom. But, you must not squander the opportunity. It will be taken away unless you use it wisely. In this post, […]. The post The Future of E-commerce Belongs to Optimizers appeared first on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Blog.

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10 Best Shopify Dropshipping Apps to Acquire Inventory for Your Business

A Better Lemonade Stand

Source inventory for your Shopify store from this list of the 10 best Shopify dropshipping apps to acquire high quality inventory for your business! The post 10 Best Shopify Dropshipping Apps to Acquire Inventory for Your Business appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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An In-Depth InstaRise Review + Exclusive Discount

Ecommerce Platforms

Social networks have been huge since the start of the decade. Facebook was the first behemoth that took off. Whatsapp followed, with a huge user base running into the billions. And then came along Instagram. While there is a lot of advice on how to market to users using Facebook's brilliant ad platform, many marketers are still to tap into Instagram's highly active community.

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dutil.: Removing gender barriers from the online shopping experience


Why they won. dutil. was a finalist for the Innovation Awards. For creative use of custom fields at the product level to fill industry and brand needs. Business stats. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Madison Bentley, Ecommerce Manager. Year founded: 2006. Headquartered: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Ecommerce vertical: Direct to consumer (Apparel & Jewelry).

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Test for success – preparing for Cyber Monday

Retail Technology Review

By Sven Hammar, CSO and co-founder, Apica. The major calendar events of Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2017 are approaching, and online retailers need to ensure that they are prepared for a sharp increase in customer traffic.

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Smart segmentation tactics for Beauty and Cosmetics brands


This is a part of an ongoing series on the best practices for ecommerce brands by industry. One-size-fits-all marketing is not helpful. Brands shouldn’t expect the same results from marketing tactics that work for one particular industry, to work for theirs. That’s why we decided to take a closer look at what marketing “success” and strategies looked like for different ecommerce stores by industry.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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An In-Depth InstaRise Review + Exclusive Discount

Ecommerce Platforms

Social networks have been huge since the start of the decade. Facebook was the first behemoth that took off. Whatsapp followed, with a huge user base running into the billions. And then came along Instagram. While there is a lot of advice on how to market to users using Facebook's brilliant ad platform, many marketers are still to tap into Instagram's highly active community.

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Autograph Foliages: Migrating to a 40%+ in revenue


Why they won. Brand Labs won the Innovation Award for Agency Innovation for their work on Autograph Foliages. For fast time to market during a migration and a discounts and promotions engine implementation that drove an immediate 40% increase in revenue. Business stats. President: Tom Acklin. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Jasmine Rostkowski, Digital Strategist.

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Pick Up In Store – We Are NOT There Yet!


Pick Up In Store – We Are NOT There Yet! Forbes recently published an article about the frustrations customers are experiencing when shopping online. Most of the article focuses on the lack of payment options available to shoppers. It cites: 16% cart abandonment due to lack of payment options, 26% of shoppers were frustrated at few payment options (paypal, credit, debit, financing options…), and. 15% of shoppers will simply give up due to the lack of payment alternatives.

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5 Features Your eBay Listing Services Should Offer


Impeccable listing is the first step to scaling heights in eBay even in the face of raging competition. And taking the pace of eBay into account, serious sellers are advised to drop any idea on handling this otherwise critical process manually for very obvious reasons. Automated eBay listing services is therefore mandatory at all costs, which further emphasizes the importance of choosing these services very wisely.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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Next day fulfilment no longer adds value to connected shoppers

Retail Technology Review

Next-day delivery options no longer add value to connected customers' shopping journeys, a new report by Sorted, the delivery experience company, warns.

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Berlitz: Selling online courses to modern ecommerce shoppers


Why they won. iMedia was a finalist for the Innovation Award for Agency Innovation for their work on Berlitz. For API integration across various systems allowing for streamlined UX and back office efficiency when selling online courses. Business stats. Founder: Maximilian Berlitz. Who submitted (and is quoted below): Brian McGovern, Partner. Year founded: 1878.

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Our initial descent

Steve Dennis

When we let a wildly inappropriate comment go because we don’t want to make waves or embarrass the person who made it. When we take a comment too personally and shift into argumentative mode because it’s more important to be right than to stay present and connected. When we stay stuck in habits that don’t serve us because we’re afraid to fail or look foolish.

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Goodbye Guesstimates! Business Intelligence is your key to the future


As the year draws to a close, it’s common for all of us to look back and evaluate the year that’s gone by. What went well, what needs improvement, and most importantly what’s next?

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.