July, 2017

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33 Ecommerce Strategies for Growth from 12 $1M+ Brands [18 Must Have Tools Included]


I talk to 3-5 ecommerce owners or business operators each week. And our conversations vary widely. It always starts with the same question –– one I learned back in my journalism days to solicit long answers that slowly reveal the direction of the entire conversation: How did the business get started and how get it get to where it is today? It’s all about how to set up the story, and to do that, any good interviewer needs to first know how the person they are talking to tells their own story.

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Amazon kicks off a product content space race

Forrester eCommerce

The Whole Foods acquisition by Amazon weeks ago was only the latest milepost in the latter's inexorable march to the top of retail. The company sold $136 billion worth of products in 2016 - more than any other online retailer (and just over a third of what Wal-Mart did). And we find that Amazon is big and gaining on Google for product-related searches (be they early or late in the purchase journey).


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Behavioral Marketing: A Closer Look at What Gets Consumers Clicking


In the past, marketing to consumers based on things like how many pages they visited on a site were rudimentary at best. They could tell you, in broad strokes, what a customer might be interested in — but they weren’t very specific. It was a lot like trying to guess what kind of picture a puzzle might make when you only have a couple of the pieces.

Consumer 260
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Dealing With FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) And How To Find Work Life Balance

My Wife Quit Her Job

I have a love hate relationship with Facebook. On one hand, Facebook allows me to keep in touch with and keep track of what my friends are up to. But on the other hand, I often leave Facebook with a healthy dose of jealousy and feelings of inadequacy. For example… One of my Stanford classmates just sold his company for over 500 million dollars.

Travel 190
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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Why Push is Critical to Effectively Promoting Your Flash Sale


Flash sales are great for driving purchases in specific product categories or introducing new merchandise. But because flash sales are meant to be over within a few hours (or “in a flash!”), marketers need to make sure that they’re promoting the sale in a way that not only creates urgency and excitement, but that’s timely and relevant. Unfortunately, the vast majority of marketers still use email to promote flash sales, even when they only last an hour or so.

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The Importance Of Being Human – A Cautionary Take On AI In Marketing

RTP blog

By Paul Mandeville, QuickPivot In its recent forecast about cognitive technology, International Data Corporation (IDC) says spending will reach $46 billion by 2020, a seven-fold increase over 2016’s levels. Artificial intelligence is pushing into everyday business reality, and customer experience management is a chief driver of the growth. Chatbots, it logically follows, are the way of the future.

Marketing 150

More Trending

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An Interview: Lily Varon And The E-commerce Brasil Org On - you guessed it - eCommerce In Brazil

Forrester eCommerce

An interview I did with E-commerce Brasil published online today in Portuguese. I've been getting requests for it in English so I thought I'd post it here. Happy reading! 1. "The State of Retail eCommerce in Brazil" series gave us an intereting look at eCommerce in Brazil during a difficult economic situation in the country. What are your insights about Brazilian retailers in this study?

eCommerce 275
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11 Customer-Centric Ways to Grow Your Ecommerce Revenue


There are three general ways to grow revenue in any ecommerce business: Increase the total number of customers. Increase the average number of times each customer buys from you. Increase the average order value (AOV) from each customer. As ecommerce marketers, knowing what to prioritize can be the difference between a standard year of growth and a phenomenal one.

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169: How To Get Your First 10000 Email Subscribers With Bryan Harris

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m excited to have Brian Harris on the show. I was introduced to Brian by our mutual friend Grant Baldwin and I actually saw a video of Bryan speak at one of Noah Kagan’s events and I was really impressed. Anyway Bryan runs the site VideoFruit.com where he reverse engineers what the top marketers are doing online and shows you how to integrate those strategies into your business.

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How to Engage Your Loyal Shoppers After Each New Purchase


Marketers know by now that nurturing a shopper into a true loyal customer is about more than getting them to their first purchase. It’s getting a shopper to their second purchase that’s the key to putting them on the path to a long-term relationship, and it’s not until a shopper has made 3 or more purchases that most companies classify a customer as loyal.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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The Value Of Perception In The Online Experience

RTP blog

Jake Weatherly, CEO of SheerID Every day, more and more brands are coming to the realization that their web site and e-Commerce experience is an integral part of how they’ll survive and grow in today’s changing retail landscape. However, what many fail to realize is that a poorly designed web site can also be their downfall. According to the Baymard Institute’s 2016 study , 27% of consumers said that they abandoned their shopping cart due to a complicated checkout process, while Adobe found that

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How to Build a B2B SEO Strategy That Will Put You Ahead of the Competition


Your Quick Takeaway. With some smart research, some common sense and a little patience, there are huge gains to be made in Google rankings and monthly revenue. Joel Gross, CEO of Coalition Technologies , an ecommerce design + marketing agency that has worked to increase the organic visibility of multi-million dollar brands including Spinning.com and Pink Lily, walks you through how to build the B2B SEO strategy your company deserves, without the confusion.

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Digital Store Technologies Take the Stage For Both Customer and Associate Experience

Forrester eCommerce

Digital retail theater is becoming reality for consumers as retailers rush to find ways of attracting and retaining store customers. What is digital retail theater? It’s the combination of original retail theater – entertainment, novelty, and engagement – with digital technologies and services to create the next level of in-store experience.

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Don’t Interrupt Me! How to Engage Your Customers Without Annoying Them


Are you annoying your customers? Probably so. Inundating your audience with multiple messages at inconvenient times isn’t helpful. Therefore, it’s important to know when and how to engage with consumers. “Marketing is your way of connecting with your customers as well as a way to convey your business’ personality and values – it’s an essential channel…Even companies with the best of intentions can often manage to annoy their target market,” writes Jennifer Warr , former engagement an

Customer 241
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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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5 Amazon Alerts That Will Change The Way You Manage Negative Feedback, Inventory And Sales

My Wife Quit Her Job

On the surface, selling on Amazon is a straightforward process. You ship your goods to Amazon’s warehouse. People buy your products Amazon handles all shipping and fulfillment Amazon pays you money based on what you sold. Sounds simple right? But as with any online business, there’s a lot more going on under the hood that most people won’t tell you about.

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Using Data to Fuel Ecommerce Growth


Here’s a scenario you might be familiar with: a quote you received from a supplier is generating virtual dust in your inbox. You haven’t addressed it because you still need to review your list of current inventory so you can determine what you’re going to offer in the new quarter. You haven’t made time to look into your inventory list because you know you’re dealing with overstock, and you’re not sure how to avoid it again the next time you go to source new products.

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Target Halts Cartwheel Perks Pilot: Are Points Programs Passé?

RTP blog

Target is canceling its Cartwheel Perks rewards program after only a year of testing in five markets. While the Cartwheel digital couponing app itself won’t be scrapped, it will eventually be rolled into the main Target app. After shoppers accrued a certain number of points through the Perks program, they could choose from a number of special rewards, including discounts on their next purchase that ranged in value from $10 to $20 on items such as sunglasses, laundry detergent and athletic

Apparel 150
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How 5 Online Businesses Already Increased Revenue Up to 96.44% – Just By Selling on eBay


For online brands looking to expand into new markets, eBay is often overlooked in favor of Amazon or selling on Facebook. And that’s leaving massive amounts of revenue on the table for those businesses who do look to eBay for expansion. After all, eBay has a total 167 million shoppers, whom of which spent $84 billion in 2016 alone. That’s not measly amount of cash –– not even for multi-million dollar online stores.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Amazon product content: a new space race?

Forrester eCommerce

The Whole Foods acquisition by Amazon weeks ago was only the latest milepost in the latter's inexorable march to the top of retail. The company sold $136 billion worth of products in 2016 - more than any other online retailer (and just over a third of what Wal-Mart did). And we find that Amazon is big and gaining on Google for product-related searches (be they early or late in the purchase journey).

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How to Use the New Lifetime Value Feature in Google Analytics


You’re drowning in data. You’ve got enough KPIs to track and report on already. Why would you possibly need another one? What good would come of adding yet another hour to the end of you’re already long work day in order to dig it up? The truth, in this case, is that you can’t afford not to. Lifetime Value isn’t just another vanity metric. It’s THE metric.

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170: How To Build A Highly Engaged Instagram Following With Sue B Zimmerman

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m excited to have Sue B Zimmerman on the show. Now Sue and I met through a mutual friend and I actually recently watched her speak at Ryan Deiss’ Traffic and Conversion Summit. She is known as the Instagram Expert and travels across the world sharing her Instagram expertise. Today we are going to explore ways on how to increase your Instagram following and how to use Instagram to sell your products online.

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The Best WordPress Plugins for Selling Tickets to Events

Ecommerce Platforms

WordPress is an exceptional option for ecommerce professionals looking for more control over their online stores. It does require a little bit of extra work (finding your own hosting, transferring domains, setting up WordPress,) but you gain full control over your online shop, you get to easily add and adjust CSS and HTML, and the options for expanding your site are endless with the help of plugins.

Events 149
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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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Is The Future Of Fashion Gender-Free?

RTP blog

By Klaudia Tirico, Features Editor What do Zara, Target, H&M and Toys “R” Us have in common? All four retailers have embraced gender neutrality in one form or another. During the past couple of years, we’ve seen more brands and retailers dabble in genderless or unisex products and apparel, generally to much praise. The times they are a-changing, and it’s extremely important for companies to evolve and cater to a broader audience and a new generation of consumers.

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How to Use Digital Wallets and Mobile Site Optimization Tactics to Stamp Out Cart Abandonment


If your site isn’t responsive and optimized for mobile, chances are around 75% of people will bounce without making a purchase. Want people to create an account before buying? Say goodbye to 35% of mobile customers — and that’s not even the biggest reason they leave. The world of mobile ecommerce can be a confusing minefield for merchants, but it doesn’t have to be.

Mobile 412
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13 Actionable Tactics for Boosting New Product Awareness


You’ve done it. You put all the time and energy into designing and manufacturing a new product for your ecommerce store, and you’re finally ready to add it to your website and start selling it to customers. The question is, where do you start? Getting initial traction on a new product isn’t always easy—it doesn’t always happen naturally or quickly. So what can you do to increase the likelihood of your success?

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Here Are 6 Arguments That Will Get Your Boss to Double Your CRO Budget


It might come as a surprise to you, but not everyone is completely sold on conversion rate optimization. Let’s say you want to double your CRO budget. Shinier tools. More data. Expert analysts. These things will improve your CRO efforts. Aaaaaand…they cost money. So you have to convince your boss to shell out more money on something that she doesn’t know much about.

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.

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171: How To Run Profitable Amazon Marketing Services(AMS) Ads With Brian Johnson

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today I’m thrilled to have Brian Johnson on the show. Brian is the founder of PPC Scope, a PPC measurement and optimization tool for Amazon Sellers. In addition, he runs a course called Sponsored Products Academy which teaches Amazon sellers the ins and outs of Amazon PPC ads. He was also one of the speakers at my conference as well. Brian is an expert on Amazon PPC and today we are going to delve deeply into how to optimize your campaigns.

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Experience-Driven Commerce: 6 Ways to Become an Experience Business


This post is based on a keynote by Brad Rencher , Executive Vice President and General Manager of Adobe at the Summit 2017 conference. Companies that consistently provide positive customer experiences enjoy higher sales and customer loyalty. A Forrester study comparing revenue growth at several companies in their customer experience index found that leaders outperformed laggards by as much as 24%.

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A Brief History Of The Coupon — And Its Future

RTP blog

By Tasso Argyros, ActionIQ When was the last time you received a coupon in your mailbox? If you’re anything like me, probably sometime in the past week. What about the last time a retailer emailed you a coupon code? You’ve probably received a few of those today, maybe even in the last few minutes. Go on, check your email. I’ll wait. Now, when was the last time you used a coupon?

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How to Turn Your Industry Expertise Into More Sales on Reddit and Quora


By and large, ecommerce marketers are well aware that sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest can be used to generate leads. But what about community sites like Reddit and Quora? Despite their ubiquity, ecommerce marketers across the industry don’t realize that Reddit and Quora can be absolute gold mines for finding leads and prospects.

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The Circular Product Journey: Powering a Sustainable, Data-Driven Future With PIM

The linear flow of make > use > dispose is unsustainable. Not only is it at odds with the realities of modern society, but it also fails to meet evolving demands from consumers and regulators. Linear is out. Circular is in. Going circular is not an overnight switch. It requires forward planning and data-driven decision-making. In this ebook, you’ll see how the right technology can help brands and manufacturers secure the product data governance they need to power this circular transition.