Sat.Dec 09, 2017 - Fri.Dec 15, 2017

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6 Engagement Marketing Metrics & How to Improve Them


“Engagement.” It’s a term often dismissed as “fluffy” that lacks true value towards primary business goals. But we live in a world where customers can engage with us in real time. And with this comes an expectation of delivering the best experience possible. It’s not just about letting your customers feel heard. Engagement metrics, while often seen as “vanity metrics,” are important indicators of how well your marketing is performing.

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The Definitive Guide to Selling on Amazon


As a former journalist, the plethora of clickbait headlines across the web is nauseating. I’ve had to draw the line plenty of times in my writing career, refusing to call something “definitive,” comprehensive” or “all-inclusive” if it wasn’t that. This piece of content required no such moral delineation. This book’s headline, Definitive Guide, is the only possible way to describe what you will find in the subsequent chapters.


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Should Struggling Retailers Gift Execs With Massive Holiday Bonuses?

RTP blog

Last week, Toys ‘R’ Us won U.S. bankruptcy court approval to pay its top 17 executives $14 million in incentive bonuses. Judge Keith Phillips of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Richmond, Va., signed off on the bonuses following lengthy arguments from attorney Lynn Kohen on behalf of the U.S. Trustee’s office, a bankruptcy watchdog, over the timing of the payments given the big-box retailer’s uncertain future.

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Expert Q&A: Creating a New Product Category in Ecommerce


When your ecommerce product is truly innovative, there is no playbook to follow for marketing it. That’s the experience that QALO has had in marketing their brand of silicone rings. The ecommerce brand was started four years ago by Ted Baker and KC Holiday, who were both newly married and disliked their uncomfortable metal wedding rings. They decided to create a safe and comfortable alternative: the silicone wedding ring.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Selling On Amazon Vs Ebay Vs Etsy And Why Relying On A Single Platform Is Suicide

My Wife Quit Her Job

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about why you should start your own store from complete scratch when there are marketplaces out there like Amazon, Etsy and EBay that can offer you instant sales. And it’s true. If you choose to sell a popular item on Ebay for example, chances are that you will be able to generate some quick revenue.

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47 Essential Selling on Amazon Tips to Grow Sales and Win Market Share


Fifty-five percent of all online product searches begin on Amazon. Last year, the retail giant surpassed $107 billion in total sales. That is over $12,000,000 in sales every hour on average. Amazon Prime alone boasts over 54 million members and counting. If Prime were a country, it would have 8,000,000 more people than Spain and be the 27th most populous in the world.

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Keep Your Eye on the Customer Engagement


Are your customers truly engaged, or are they just coasting? Unless you’re keeping a close eye on customer interactions with your B2C brand, it’s impossible to know for sure. If some buyers slowly stop opening your emails and others visit your site less and less over time, would you notice immediately? If you’re not keeping track of customer engagement, you could completely miss this slow process of pulling away from your brand — wrongly assuming that your customers are just as highly enga

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How to Manage Marketing Campaigns like a Financial Currency Trader


KPIs are due EOD. Profit and loss statements need to be generated. Budget status updates have been requested. Juggling multiple marketing campaigns is stressful. But more importantly, it’s also incredibly risky. Soon enough, you’ve depleted your budget to the last few cents, and you have nothing to show for it. Or worse, you didn’t spot the right trends in a successful tactic before spending too much on the underperforming ones.

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Amazon Selling Pitfalls Even the Savviest Sellers Forget [Infographic]


So you’re up and running as an Amazon seller , and you think you’ve figured out the Amazon marketplace. The good news is, if you’ve made it out alive (and profitably) through your first holiday shopping season, you’re doing well. But, there are a number of issues that even large or long-term Amazon sellers don’t figure out.

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Is Your Business Just A Hobby In The Eyes Of The IRS?

My Wife Quit Her Job

After reading my series of articles on how to save money on your taxes, a buddy of mine decided that he was going to start taking extra tax deductions by turning one of his hobbies into a business. Hey Steve! You know how I love to paint right? And just the other day I sold a painting to someone on Ebay… Why don’t I just call this a business and declare business losses off my tax return?

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Preventing Return Fraud During The Holiday Season And Beyond

RTP blog

By Kristin Secreto, InComm Product Control As a retailer, you know all too well the doubled-edge sword of the holiday season. It’s your most lucrative time of year but it’s also the time of year when return fraud occurs, which cuts into your profits. This year, you don’t have to feel the same pain. Through a secured shared database that monitors a product’s channel history by unique identifier, such as a serial number, you can track an individual item’s status throughout the sales cycle, whether

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Keep Your Eye on the Customer Engagement


Are your customers truly engaged, or are they just coasting? Unless you’re keeping a close eye on customer interactions with your B2C brand, it’s impossible to know for sure. If some buyers slowly stop opening your emails and others visit your site less and less over time, would you notice immediately? If you’re not keeping track of customer engagement, you could completely miss this slow process of pulling away from your brand — wrongly assuming that your customers are just as highly enga

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Amazon Revenue Calculator: Selling Fees, Metrics & More [Infographic]


As an Amazon seller, you need to ask yourself one important question: “Is my Amazon business profitable?”. The answer isn’t as obvious as you might think. Many sellers discover they are losing thousands of dollars every year. What are Amazon’s Current Selling Fees? Monthly subscription charges: If you are a professional seller (someone planning to sell more than 40 items per month), you’re fees are $39.99 per month.

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The art of an email countdown timer


When it comes to making a decision, do you ever tend to hesitate? Of course you do! It’s natural to doubt your decisions, especially when it comes to making an online purchase. So how do you get people to take action quickly from your ecommerce store? You need to eliminate any potential distractions that can turn your shoppers into tire-kickers. How?

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Breaking Barriers Along The Path To Purchase

RTP blog

By Matthew Tilley, MaxPoint The future of retail is becoming increasingly hard to predict. It is clear that online, mobile and offline channels are converging, but aside from a few first movers, who, how and when convergence will happen to any particular retailer remains a mystery. As retail competitors and consumer expectations escalate, one question remains essential: “How can I make it as easy as possible for people to buy from me?

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Expert Q&A: Creating a New Product Category in Ecommerce


When your ecommerce product is truly innovative, there is no playbook to follow for marketing it. That’s the experience that QALO has had in marketing their brand of silicone rings. The ecommerce brand was started four years ago by Ted Baker and KC Holiday, who were both newly married and disliked their uncomfortable metal wedding rings. They decided to create a safe and comfortable alternative: the silicone wedding ring.

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How to Make $5,000 an Hour Selling on Amazon


I get it. You don’t understand the complexity that is selling on Amazon, and you don’t have time to learn it. Don’t worry – I have it covered. I’ve sold tens of millions both on Amazon as a third party seller and tens of millions more directly to Amazon. Those millions sold have been made selling a variety of products, among various industries, at a mix of price points and using several different methods.

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How to Sell Jewelry Online: The Detailed Guide

Ecommerce Platforms

Are you looking for a really good reason to sell jewelry online? How about the fact that 29 million people purchase jewelry on a daily basis? Don't you want a piece of that pie? If you're here to learn how to sell jewelry online, you've come to the right place. Well, like all online business it's not all that simple. However, the jewelry business does have some appetizing advantages, and it all starts with the insane markups.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Why I Love Self-Service (And Could Learn To Love Chatbots)

RTP blog

By Adam Blair, Executive Editor It’s ironic that I write about technology because in many ways I am the quintessential late adopter. Friends and family have long mocked me for my belated embrace of the latest gadgets, gizmos and services throughout the years. (Confession: I still listen to music on CDs.) However, years of using ATMs, self-checkouts at supermarkets and self-service ticket machines at airports have won me over, or worn me down.

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How Does Amazon Make Money? [INFOGRAPHIC]


Amazon makes a lot of money. But how? Do they make their money on books, or on merchant sales, or on TV shows? Where does the money come from, and what does the breakdown look like? We dig into Amazon and answer all of these questions for you. Love this infographic? Share it on your site or in a blog post (just copy and paste the text below): Just The Words.

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The Secret Amazon Pricing Strategy to Crush the Competition


Wrong pricing, fake reviews or just bad customer service can kill your Amazon adventure faster than you think. To many, this makes Amazon complicated, but… Your pricing strategy on Amazon must be dead simple, and lead with the customer in mind. Your goal is to generate as many sales as possible, get authentic product reviews and provide the best customer service to your Amazon customers.

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Voice Technology is Changing the Rules of Ecommerce and Customer Experience


By 2020, 30% of searches will be carried out without a keyboard or screen 1. Customers will talk to their devices, skipping the “tedious” process of typing or scrolling through information. Empowered by voice technology, data from past interactions, and pre-set commands, the devices understand a handful of phrases to answer questions, make purchases, and even get dinner going so it’s hot by the time they get home.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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5 building blocks to create a high-performing email CTA


While engaging subject lines, copy, and value-adds are a huge part in creating high-converting emails, one of the core ways that emails convert is through the use of a call to action, commonly referred to as a CTA. It’s a tactic to get your subscriber to take the desired action. But it’s not enough to simply insert a “Buy Now” button into your email and hang up your cleats.

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Smoolis Review: An Ecommerce Platform Built Around Multilingualism

Ecommerce Platforms

One of the things that people don't tell you when building an online store is that it's actually somewhat tricky to set up a site that's made to support multiple languages and currencies. Therefore, you get stuck in a situation where it's difficult to sell to people all over the world. The customers are forced to use currencies or languages that they aren't used to.

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How Not to Sell on Amazon, According to The Former Head of Selling on Amazon


The Amazon marketplace is designed to make it easy for practically anyone to list products on the site, including the brands themselves. Add the features of the FBA program , and now companies that haven’t historically fulfilled direct-to-consumer orders can easily handle that operational complexity. Layer in how Amazon’s Buy Box algorithm prefers lower-priced offers to higher-priced ones and competition across different sellers can quickly become a race to the bottom for margins.

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The Quick Guide to Inventory Management for Ecommerce


To build a sustainable, profitable, scalable ecommerce business in 2018, you need to understand the ins and outs of managing inventory. Poor inventory management can be a complex challenge to overcome for any ecommerce entrepreneur, no matter your expertise, the size of your business, the types of products you sell, or the audience you serve. As you wrap up the holiday shopping season, or as you work through plans for launching a new ecommerce in the coming year, you’re likely thinking a lot abo

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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How to Sell a Business: Why Ecommerce Entrepreneurs Need to Have an Exit Strategy

A Better Lemonade Stand

For most entrepreneurs, the thrill of the beginning is addicting. The idea of taking an idea, something so small and abstract, and then turning it into a full-fledged and functioning business is invigorating. Sometimes this feeling can be so exciting, though, that it causes entrepreneurs to lose sight of the end of the road. It […]. The post How to Sell a Business: Why Ecommerce Entrepreneurs Need to Have an Exit Strategy appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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Retail reality: It’s death in the middle

Steve Dennis

I first pointed to what I called “retail’s great bifurcation” literally two years ago today. Though it wasn’t the first time that I had observed what I saw as the impending collapse of the middle. I began writing and speaking about that during 2011. As we emerged from the financial crisis it seemed clear to me that retail brands were faced with the proverbial fork in the road.

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Is Your Business a Good Fit for Amazon?


Amazon has made its marketplace welcoming for newcomers. New sellers will find a platform where it takes only minutes to sign up , and a few more minutes beyond that to get product listings live on the site. With Amazon’s intent to attract as much selection as possible to the marketplace, it makes sense that Amazon wants to make it functionally easy for anyone to start listing products on its site.

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The 12 Best T-Shirt Drop Shipping Services for Your T-Shirt Business

Bootstrapping Ecommerce

This list will fill you in on the top 12 best t-shirt drop shipping services & what they offer so you can easily figure out which one is the right for you. The post The 12 Best T-Shirt Drop Shipping Services for Your T-Shirt Business appeared first on Bootstrapping Ecommerce.

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.