Sat.Jun 24, 2017 - Fri.Jun 30, 2017

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Advanced Conversion Tips: Analysis, Action & Attribution for 567% ROI


The dream is a familiar one… . Every ecommerce store owner dreams of growing their online store to rival all the big names out there. I am sure every one of us wants to have thousands of customers daily, millions in revenue, and a feature on the cover of Fortune’s “Fortune 500” issue. All you need to achieve to get there? Consistently increasing revenue.

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How Much It Costs To Start An Online Store And Should I Dropship Or Carry Inventory

My Wife Quit Her Job

If your goal is to start the next Facebook or the next Google, you’ll need a large amount of upfront cash to jumpstart your business. If you want to start the next, you’ll need to invest a significant amount of money to hire engineers and web developers. But if all you want to do is make enough money to quit your job and start a “lifestyle” business, you don’t need much money at all!

Other 269

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The Power of Email + The Psychology of Social Proof = The Social Email


Out with the old, and in with the new. That’s the expression. The old? Email marketing. It’s just so 2010. The new? Social…media, proof, marketing. Just look at the proliferation and popularity of social media platforms – Facebook alone has 1.94 billion monthly active users – and the increasing use of social ads. Facebook again leads the charge, earning $7.857 billion in the first quarter of 2017 from advertising revenue.

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Purchase Attribution: Taking Marketing Attribution Beyond Channels


When marketers think about attribution, they most often do so in terms of channel performance – how the channel is performing relative to itself, and how much revenue it generates. There are a few key problems with this mindset, namely: 1. Measuring the effectiveness of each channel relative to itself means you’re limited to channel-specific metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, etc. and only tell a very small piece of the entire story. 2.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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How to Find a Manufacturer + Save 65% on Product Development


Steve Jobs is – without doubt – one of the greatest founders and entrepreneurs of the past century. Heck, probably ever. His strategic influence and design-first culture helped build Apple into the world’s most valuable company. That, and some of the most stunning, minimally-designed, intuitive and user-friendly products ever made. An entrepreneur is no more successful than the quality of what he sells to the world, be it a physical product, service, or idea.

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The Hybrid Solution To The Customer Service Dilemma

RTP blog

By James Ramey, DeviceBits Assisting customers on a brand’s products and services has provided countless solutions to the number of daily customer inquiries. On the surface, it seems agents have everything they need to provide a valuable customer experience for the customers they are interacting with. Having knowledgeable and reliable agents creates a genuine connection between business and its customers.

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How PlasticPlace Conquered the Replenishment Campaign


If your brand sells products that are “consumable” or need to be replaced on a regular basis, replenishment campaigns are the best way to encourage a repeat purchase while being in tune to your shopper’s needs – if they’ve bought this item from you already, they’ll need a reminder to restock before they run out. Items that are considered consumable include: 1.

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4 Types of User Experience Research for Ecommerce Conversion


Customer research for ecommerce stores is essential. Not only does it inform conversion optimization , it allows you to adjust your overall marketing and customer acquisition strategies. By using traffic analytics to determine which traffic sources ( especially PPC and ad traffic ) lead to most conversions, you can gauge the efficiency of your acquisition strategy.

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Are Consumers Willing To Shop In A Robotic Grocery Experience?

RTP blog

The Amazon acquisition of Whole Foods is top-of-mind in retail and on Wall Street. Every retail and business expert has weighed in on the business implications of the pending merger. But what about consumers? In an opinion piece last week, New York Times contributor Stacy Torres suggested that shoppers don’t want to buy groceries from a robot.

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Persuasive SaaS Onboarding Emails: 10 Conversion Lessons Stolen From Attorneys


A successful attorney’s entire job rests on one question: can he persuade the jury to view the case as he does? If he can, he wins. Steal these 10 conversion lessons from attorneys to make your SaaS onboarding emails more persuasive and, in the process, increase your conversions. 1. Know Your Goals. How do you know when you’re successful if you don’t have a goal?

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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How Razorgator Increased AOV With Segmentation and Dynamic Content


A customer’s average order value – or AOV – is a critical input to their eventual lifetime value. It goes without saying that the more your shopper spends per purchase, the more likely you are to make up the costs of acquiring that customer with an eventually high lifetime value. The key is to make sure you’re surfacing insights about what your customers want at every step of their shopping journey, so that your efforts to drive average order value are still customer-centric.

B2C 150
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How to Improve Ecommerce Conversion Right Now


In order to better understand what it takes for visitors to convert, let us now examine the specific challenges that ecommerce sites need to negotiate and solve in order to sell anything to their visitors. Issues of trust and credibility for ecommerce conversion. Any visitor that reaches an ecommerce website and starts considering its offer needs to overcome the issue of whether they can trust what your website offers.

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Can Big Data and Predictive Analytics Rescue the Retail Industry?

RTP blog

By Georges Smine, Opera Solutions Recent news about closures of brick-and-mortar stores paints a gloomy picture for the retail industry, with retailers seemingly having no hope for recovery in the face of the e-Commerce giants. Some media outlets are even predicting another big short in commercial mortgage-backed debt. In light of all this doom and gloom, should retailers give up and shut down their stores, consolidating their operations to the Web?

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The Importance of Pairing Analytics with Engagement


When was the last time you took a look at your analytics dashboard? I mean a truly in-depth look? Sure, all those high-performing landing pages and conversion numbers are great — but there’s something your analytics isn’t showing you — Engagement. “Well, that’s not true”, you insist. “I can see how many users clicked on this link or bought that product and ultimately converted into paying customers — isn’t that a form of engagement?”.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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How Used Zaius to Double Their Repeat Purchase Rate


Most ecommerce marketers know that on average, 80% of your sales will come from 20% of your customers. This means it’s not only critical to make sure your shoppers have a positive and memorable experience with your brand, but that you need to actively drive repeat purchases as early as possible – so you can see more of your customers coming back for second purchases, and more of your one-time shoppers turning into repeat purchasers.

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How to Set Up & Run a CRO Hypothesis & Testing Program


Once all the data is in, it is time to compile the elements that need improvement and consider how to improve them. Each website issue detected through research must be included in a comprehensive list. This list is continuously updated as research uncovers new issues. The next step is devising solutions for those issues. When addressing site issues, there are two types of problems: Those that are actionable immediately without any testing.

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168: How To Make 8 Figures Selling Boxed Software Using Google Shopping With Daniel Parker

My Wife Quit Her Job

Today, I’m thrilled to have Daniel Parker on the show. Daniel is someone who I met at the Ecommerce Fuel Live conference in Savannah, Georgia and he actually taught me a few things that I was not doing with my Google Shopping ads that I promptly fixed as soon as I got home. Daniel runs which is an online store that sells boxed software online.

Books 146
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How to Create the Perfect FAQ Page For Your Online Store

Ecommerce Platforms

Are you looking for a way to improve your customer relationships? An FAQ page might just do the trick. Not only is an FAQ area essential for guiding your customers around your site, but it can serve as a trust-builder, convincing customer to buy more products by giving them additional information. But how do you create the perfect FAQ page? Keep reading to find out.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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How to Build Backlinks: 10 (of 50) Ways to Get Backlinks to Your Store

A Better Lemonade Stand

Backlinks are an essential part of a well put together SEO strategy and learning how to build backlinks can help boost your website’s traffic. The post How to Build Backlinks: 10 (of 50) Ways to Get Backlinks to Your Store appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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Exactly How to Set up an A/B Test for Your Ecommerce Site [+ Tools List Included]


We’ve examined statistics of testing, different types of tests, and how test results can be interpreted. Now it’s time to briefly examine how exactly to set up an A/B test, including the individual steps to follow and tools to use. Step 1: Formulate the test. You need to know what the problem is, how to fix it, and what results you can expect. Depending on the number of solutions and the expected result, you can decide what type of test to use.

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An Interview with Peter Zaballos, Senior VP and CMO at SPS Commerce


At Sellbrite, we want to see ecommerce business owners and entrepreneurs everywhere succeed—that’s why we built our software, and that’s why we publish new content on this blog each week. Our goal is to provide our customers and readers — to provide you — with the tools, resources, and education needed to launch, manage, and scale successful ecommerce businesses.

EDI 116
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New research shows cybersecurity battleground shifting to Linux and web servers

Retail Technology Review

WatchGuard's latest quarterly Internet Security Report reveals that despite an overall drop in malware detection, Linux malware made up more than 36 percent of the top threats identified in Q1 2017.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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Dirty Knees Soap Co: Cleaning up the inventory and order process


This case study features Dirty Knees Soap Co. and how they use TradeGecko. After receiving their first large wholesale order from a national chain, the business needed a solution to automate their order and inventory management process. We sat down with the company owner, Heidi Danos, who told us about their business journey, their experience with TradeGecko and more.

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Advanced Tips to Master Every Type of Ecommerce Landing Page [+ 10X CRO]


A landing page is a web page whose primary function is to serve as a call to action for your promotional campaign, whether online or offline. While any page on which a visitor arrives could technically be considered a landing page, for our purposes, we will only consider landing pages connected to a campaign. The reason? These are the only types of landing pages where visitors’ expectations can be managed and predicted (and optimized against for conversion rate).

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Think Different

Rishi Rawat

1: Brick and mortar retail is really cost intensive. 2: Brick and mortar retail can’t compete again 3: With brick and mortar retail one has to sign long-term storefront leases. 4: Enter Bulletin ( ). 5: Bulletin takes the flexibility of ecommerce and brings it to brick and mortar world. 6: The advantage of a retail store is the idea of unexpected discovery.

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ACI Worldwide brings Alipay to Africa via Peach Payments

Retail Technology Review

ACI Worldwide, the global provider of real-time electronic payment and banking solutions, and Alipay, is launching Alipay in South Africa, via regional payment service provider (PSP) Peach Payments.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack

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How DJI created and took over the drone world


Dà-Jiāng Innovations Science and Technology Co, best known as DJI, took the global drone landscape and airscape by storm in only a handful of years. We explore how DJI achieved success through its tight supply chain management and extensive R&D.

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The Secret to CRO Testing? Culture [How to Do it]


The most crucial thing to understand about CRO is that it’s not a one-off effort to improve website performance. In fact, when the first test program ends, it should lay a foundation for further optimization efforts. CRO and testing should be an inseparable part of the everyday operations of any ecommerce store. To start your testing culture off right, start with success.

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Top Tips for Creating Email Campaigns That Convert


With so much changing in the world of ecommerce, your stand-by strategies won't always cut it. Check out these ideas to give your email campaigns a boost. The post Top Tips for Creating Email Campaigns That Convert appeared first on Bronto Blog.

Blog 89
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Assessing The Damage Of ‘The Amazon Effect’

Steve Dennis

Since I anticipate being labeled a Luddite, a Socialist and a hypocrite by some, let me acknowledge that I firmly believe that Amazon has done a lot of good for consumers by expanding choice, making shopping far more convenient and by delivering extraordinary product value. I recognize that many retailers were long overdue for a swift kick in their strategy.

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.